首页> 外文期刊>Clinical and experimental allergy : >Seasonal asthma caused by airbornePlatanuspollen

Seasonal asthma caused by airbornePlatanuspollen




SummaryThis work describes three patients suffering from bronchial asthma after being naturally exposed to airborne plane‐tree pollen. The three patients gave immediate response in skin tests and dual response in bronchial provocations usingPlatanus hybridaextract. There was specific seric IgE activity against this/these antigen(s) with the CAP system. The three patients also showed significant correlation (P<0·001) between their rhinitis and asthma symptom‐scores registered on their diary cards and plane‐tree pollen counts, collected using the Burkard spore trap. Among 187 patients living in Madrid and who came to our centre with a history of rhinitis and/or seasonal asthma, we found a prevalence of positive skin‐prick tests toPlatanusof 56, only surpassed by gramineous pollen (Dactylis glomerataand/orTrisetum paniceum)92 andOlea europaea63. The aerobiological sampling of the pollen content of the air in Madrid, carried out between 1 January 1979 and 31 December 1993 revealed an airborne presence (per cent of total yearly pollen count, mean of 1979–1993) of 14·9 for thePlatanus, 14·8 for grasses, 9·8 forOleaand 3·6 forPlantago. ThePlatanusis one of the most frequently found pollens in the atmosphere over Madrid. At present, in this geographical area, a high percentage of patients with pollinosis are sensitive to this pollen. At least in some of these patientsPlatanuspollen is capable of inducing rhinitis and br
机译:摘要这项工作描述了三名患者在自然暴露于空气中的梧桐树花粉后患有支气管哮喘。这三名患者在皮肤试验中立即反应,在支气管激发中使用Platanus hybridaextract给予双重反应。CAP 系统对这种/这些抗原具有特异性血清 IgE 活性。这三名患者的鼻炎和哮喘症状评分与使用Burkard孢子捕获器收集的梧桐树花粉计数之间也显示出显着相关性(P<0·001)。在居住在马德里的 187 名有鼻炎和/或季节性哮喘病史的患者中,我们发现 Platanuss 的皮肤点刺试验阳性率为 56%,仅次于禾本科花粉(Dactylis glomerataand/orTrisetum paniceum)92% 和 Olea europaea63%。在1979年1月1日至1993年12月31日期间对马德里空气中的花粉含量进行了空气生物采样,结果显示,空气中的花粉含量(占年度花粉总数的百分比,1979-1993年的平均值)为Platanus的14.9%,草的14.8%,油橄榄的9.8%,车前草的3.6%。ThePlatanusis是马德里大气中最常见的花粉之一。目前,在这个地理区域,很大比例的花粉病患者对这种花粉敏感。至少在其中一些患者中,Platanuspollen 能够诱发鼻炎和 br




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