
Soluble CD4 concentrations predict relapse of post-partum thyroiditis.

机译:可溶性 CD4 浓度可预测产后甲状腺炎的复发。

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Post-partum thyroiditis (PPT) is a common autoimmune thyroid disorder which results in significant morbidity at a critical time of a woman's life. The presence of anti-thyroglobulin (anti-TG) and, more so, anti-thryroperoxidase (anti-TPO) antibodies in the first trimester of pregnancy has been reported to forecast subsequent PPT. Despite their predictive value, these tests lack in specificity. We have sought to find an alternative that is more specific and, ideally, which could be tested immediately proximate to the event. We have taken advantage of the high recurrence rate of PPT in subsequent pregnancies to perform a prospective study of serum soluble CD4 (sCD4) and CD8 (sCD8) levels in 22 pregnant women who had at least one previous episode of PPT. This group was matched with 21 pregnant women of comparable age with no evidence of thyroid disease. Both groups of women were sampled in each of the three trimesters of pregnancy, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months post-partum for sCD4, sCD8, thyroid function parameters and antibodies. Twelve of the 22 women with previous PPT had recurrent disease; they were more likely to be cigarette smokers and to have a family history of autoimmune disorders (p<0.05, for both) than those who did not. Half of these women had high anti-TG or anti-TPO each in the first trimester compared to none among those without recurrent PPT and 2/21 controls. Serum sCD8 levels showed no changes over the observation points among the two PPT patient subsets and were comparable to those of the controls. By contrast, serum sCD4 concentrations showed divergent changes in the group with recurrent PPT in the course of pregnancy and postpartum period compared to those without disease recurrence and controls: sCD4 failed to show the physiological fall in the third trimester of pregnancy 19.0+/-1.7 (+/-SD) U/ml vs 15.6+/-2.3 U/ml in controls, NS. This trend was continued into the first month post-partum when sCD4 levels were clearly higher than in controls (22.1+/-2.6 U/ml compared to 17.9+/-1.9 U/ml in controls, p<0.001) and well before the episode of PPT. An sCD4 serum level outside the 95 reference range at 1 month post-partum (9/12 in recurrent PPT, 1/21 in controls) yields a relative risk of 6.9 (chi2=14.67, p<0.001) compared to 3.3 for first trimester thyroid antibody positivity (p=0.029). In summary, we describe a reliable test for forecasting PPT that can be obtained immediately proximate to the possible event. If our findings are verified in larger studies, the measurement of serum sCD4 concentration drawn in the first month post-partum may prove an ideal test for population screening for impending PPT.
机译:产后甲状腺炎 (PPT) 是一种常见的自身免疫性甲状腺疾病,在女性生命的关键时刻会导致严重的发病率。据报道,妊娠早期存在抗甲状腺球蛋白(抗 TG)和抗苏藻过氧化物酶(抗 TPO)抗体可预测随后的 PPT。尽管具有预测价值,但这些检测缺乏特异性。我们一直在寻找一种更具体的替代方案,理想情况下,可以在事件发生后立即进行测试。我们利用 PPT 在后续妊娠中的高复发率,对 22 名既往至少发生过一次 PPT 发作的孕妇的血清可溶性 CD4 (sCD4) 和 CD8 (sCD8) 水平进行了前瞻性研究。该组与 21 名年龄相当且没有甲状腺疾病证据的孕妇相匹配。两组妇女在妊娠后三个三个月、产后 1 个月、3 个月和 6 个月分别对 sCD4、sCD8、甲状腺功能参数和抗体进行采样。22 名既往 PPT 女性中有 12 例复发性疾病;与没有吸烟者相比,他们更有可能是吸烟者,并且有自身免疫性疾病家族史(P<0.05,两者都如此)。这些女性中有一半在妊娠早期具有较高的抗TG或抗TPO,而没有复发性PPT和2/21对照的女性则没有。血清sCD8水平在两个PPT患者亚群的观察点上没有变化,与对照组相当。相比之下,与没有疾病复发和对照组相比,复发性PPT组的血清sCD4浓度在妊娠晚期和产后显示出不同的变化:sCD4在妊娠晚期未能显示生理下降[19.0+/-1.7(+/-SD)U/ml,对照组为15.6+/-2.3U/ml,NS]。这种趋势一直持续到产后第一个月,当时 sCD4 水平明显高于对照组(22.1+/-2.6 U/ml,对照组为 17.9+/-1.9 U/ml,p<0.001),并且远早于 PPT 发作。产后 1 个月时 sCD4 血清水平超出 95% 参考范围(复发性 PPT 为 9/12,对照组为 1/21),相对危险度为 6.9 (chi2=14.67,p<0.001),而妊娠早期甲状腺抗体阳性为 3.3 (p=0.029)。总之,我们描述了一种可靠的预测PPT测试,该测试可以在可能的事件附近立即获得。如果我们的研究结果在更大规模的研究中得到验证,那么在产后第一个月抽取的血清 sCD4 浓度的测量可能被证明是人群筛查即将到来的 PPT 的理想测试。




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