首页> 外文期刊>plant and cell physiology >Involvement of cellulose synthesis in actions of gibberellin and kinetin on cell expansion. Gibberellin-coumarin and kinetin-coumarin interactions on stem elongation

Involvement of cellulose synthesis in actions of gibberellin and kinetin on cell expansion. Gibberellin-coumarin and kinetin-coumarin interactions on stem elongation




In azuki bean (Azukia angularis=Vignia angularis) epicotyl sections, 5×10−4Mcoumarin inhibited the incorporation of radioactivity from U−14Cglucose into the cellulose fraction by 35in the absence of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and by 40in the presence of 1×10−4MIAA. There was no inhibitory effect on the incorporation of radioactivity into the other fractions. Coumarin at 5×10−4Mreversed the promoting effect of 1×10−5Mgibberellin A3(GA) and the inhibitory effect of 1×10−5Mkinetin on IAA-induced elongation of sections with no significant effects on IAA-induced elongation. Neither GA nor kinetin had any appreciable effects on cellulose synthesis. No inhibition of cellulose syntheis was observed with 1×10−3Mcolchichine, which has been reported to have effects similar to those of coumarin on GA- or kinetin-affected stem elongation. Coumarin at 5×10−4Mwas ineffectual in breaking up wall microtubules, while a disrupting effect on wall microtubules was clearly demonstrated with 3×10−4Mcolchicine.From these results, the possible involvement of cellulose synthesis in cell expansion controlled by GA
机译:在红豆(Azukia angularis=Vignia angularis)上胚轴切片中,5×10−4Mcoumarin抑制了[U-14C]葡萄糖的放射性掺入纤维素部分,在没有吲哚-3-乙酸(IAA)的情况下抑制了35%,在1×10−4MIAA存在下抑制了40%。对放射性掺入其他馏分中没有抑制作用。香豆素在5×10−4M处逆转了1×10−5Mgibberellin A3(GA)的促进作用和1×10−5Mkinetin对IAA诱导的切片伸长的抑制作用,但对IAA诱导的伸长率没有显著影响。GA和驱动蛋白对纤维素合成均无明显影响。未观察到1×10−3秋水仙碱对纤维素合成的抑制作用,据报道,其对GA或驱动蛋白影响的茎伸长具有与香豆素相似的作用。5×10−4M的香豆素在破坏壁微管方面无效,而3×10−4麦水仙碱对壁微管的破坏作用被清楚地证明。




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