
Cyproheptadine treatment in Cushing's disease.


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Cyproheptadine, a nonselective 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor blocking agent, reduces ACTH and beta-endorphin secretion from the ACTH-producing tumors. A 35-year-old female suffering from Cushing's disease due to microadenoma of the pituitary gland has been followed since the age of 15. Subtotal adrenalectomy followed by total adrenalectomy, pituitary irradiation, and transsphenoidal hypophysectomy, combined with second radiotherapy of the pituitary, were unsuccessful in achieving remission of the disease. Remission was achieved with cyproheptadine up to a dosage of 24 mg/day. Every attempt to discontinue cyproheptadine treatment was accompanied by recurrence of the disease. This is the first case of Cushing's disease in which cyproheptadine treatment has been the only efficacious therapy for a period of 11 yr. Cyproheptadine may be an alternative long-term therapy for Cushing's disease when other methods of treatment fail.
机译:赛庚啶是一种非选择性 5-羟色胺受体阻断剂,可减少产生 ACTH 的肿瘤中 ACTH 和 β-内啡肽的分泌。一名 35 岁女性因垂体微腺瘤而患库欣病,自 15 岁起就接受随访。肾上腺次全切除术后进行肾上腺全切除术、垂体放疗和经蝶骨垂体切除术,联合垂体二次放疗,均未成功缓解病情。使用赛庚啶达到24mg /天的剂量即可缓解。每次停止赛庚啶治疗的尝试都伴随着疾病的复发。这是第一例库欣病病例,其中赛庚啶治疗是 11 年来唯一有效的治疗方法。当其他治疗方法失败时,赛庚啶可能是库欣病的另一种长期疗法。




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