首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Endocrinological Investigation: Official Journal of the Italian Society of Endocrinology >Primary hyperparathyroidism is associated with an impaired secretion of growth hormone but not of the other anterior pituitary hormones.

Primary hyperparathyroidism is associated with an impaired secretion of growth hormone but not of the other anterior pituitary hormones.


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We have recently reported that GH secretion is impaired in primary hyperparathyroidism (PHP). No systematic assessment of the whole anterior pituitary function in PHP is available. In this study, anterior pituitary function was evaluated in basal and stimulated conditions in a series of 12 consecutive women with PHP. Serum GH secretion was decreased in 9 of 12 PHP patients (75) confirming our previous results in different series of PHP patients. Instead, at variance, secretion of all the other anterior pituitary hormones was normal. Thus, PHP is associated with an impaired secretion of GH, but not of the other anterior pituitary hormones. The reason why only GH secretion is affected in PHP is unknown.
机译:我们最近报道了原发性甲状旁腺功能亢进症 (PHP) 的 GH 分泌受损。目前尚无对PHP中整个垂体前叶功能的系统评估。在这项研究中,对连续 12 名患有 PHP 的女性进行了一系列研究,评估了基础和刺激条件下的垂体前叶功能。12 例 PHP 患者中有 9 例 (75%) 的血清 GH 分泌减少,证实了我们之前在不同系列的 PHP 患者中的结果。相反,所有其他垂体前叶激素的分泌是正常的。因此,PHP与生长激素分泌受损有关,但与其他垂体前叶激素分泌受损无关。PHP中只有GH分泌受到影响的原因尚不清楚。




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