首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >Synthesis of (Z)-homoallylic alcohols and homoprop-2-ynylic alcoholsviapalladium-catalysed hydrogenolysis of prop-2-ynylic cyclic carbonates

Synthesis of (Z)-homoallylic alcohols and homoprop-2-ynylic alcoholsviapalladium-catalysed hydrogenolysis of prop-2-ynylic cyclic carbonates




J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. 1 1994 Synthesis of (2)-Homoallylic Alcohols and Homoprop-2-ynylic Alcohols via Palladium-catalysed Hydrogenolysis of Prop-2-ynylic Cyclic Carbonates Suk-Ku Kang," Dong-Chul Park, Dong-Gyu Cho, Jea-Uk Chung and Kyung-Yun Jung Department of Chemistry, Sung Kyun Kwan University, Natural Science Campus, Suwon 440-746, Korea The decarboxylation-hydrogenolysis of Bu",P afforded (Z)-moth Aphomia gularis has been synthesized. Optically active (2)-homoallylic and homoprop-2-ynylic alcohols are versatile chiral synthons in organic synthesis. In the literature, stereoselective synthesis of (2)-homoallylic alcohols by addition of crotylstannanes to aromatic aldehydes has been reported.' We report here a convenient one-pot synthetic method for the highly stereoselective preparation of (Z)-homoallylic alcohols 2 and homoprop-2-ynylic alcohols 3 utilizing palladium-catalysed selective hydrogen~lysis,~.~ details of which are shown in Scheme 1 and Table 1.2ii 1 a P = Bn, R = n-C5HI1 b P=MPM,R=Et 3 Scheme 1 Reagents and conditions: i, HC02NH, (4 equiv.), Pd(acac),-Bu",P (cat.), PhH, reflux; ii, HCO,NH, (1 equiv.), Pd(acac),-Bu",P (cat.), PhH, room temp. (MPM = p-methoxy-phenylmethyl) The internal prop-2-ynylic cyclic carbonate la reacted with 4 equiv. of ammonium formate in the presence of Pd(a~ac)~ (acac = acetylacetonate) and Bu",P as catalysts in benzene at reflux for 3 h to afford the (2)-homoallylic alcohol 2a in 76 yield, the structure of which was confirmed by 'H NMR (300 MHz) coupling constants of the olefinic protons (entry 1).It is presumed that Pd-catalysed decarboxylation-hydrogenolysis gives the homoprop-2-ynylic alcohol 3a as an intermediate (checked by TLC), which is subsequently reduced with excellent stereoselectivity ( >99) to the (Z)-homoallylic alcohol 2a by ammonium formate as a hydrogen donor in the presence of Pd- ~atalyst.~As indirect evidence for the intermediary of alcohol 3a, the reaction of the carbonate la with 1 equiv. of Pd(acac), and Bu",P afforded the homoprop-2-ynylic alcohol 3a in 93 yield (entry 2).? It is notable that under the same conditions, with benzene as solvent, stirring at room temperature afforded 3a in 97 yield (entry 3). This conversion was applied to the prop-2-ynylic cyclic carbonate lb and thus the (2)-homoallylic alcohol 2b and the homoprop-Zynylic alcohol 3b were obtained (entries 4 and 5).In contrast to the internal prop-2-ynylic cyclic carbonate, decarboxylation-hydrogenolysis of the terminal prop-Zynylic carbonate l~,~with 2 equiv. of ammonium formate in the presence of a catalytic amount of Pd(acac), and Bu",P tetrahydrofuran (THF) at reflux for 30 min, provided the prop-2-ynylic cyclic carbonates which have an internal acetylenic bond with ammonium formate in the presence of a catalytic amount of Pd(acac), and homoallylic alcohols or homoprop-2-ynylic alcohols depending on the reaction conditions, however, hydrogenolysis of terminal prop-2-ynylic cyclic carbonates gave homoallylic alcohols; using (Z)-homoallylic alcohol 2b as a chiral synthon, the male sex pheromone of the pyralid homoallylic alcohol 2c as the sole product (entry 6).$ Presumably, the allenic alcohol 4 and the homoprop-2-ynylic alcohol 3c are the intermediates.As indirect evidence for this, treatment of lc with 1 equiv. of ammonium formate in the presence of Pd(acac), and Bu",P in THF at reflux provided mixtures of the allenic alcohol 4 and the homoprop-2-ynylic alcohol 3c (Scheme 2; entry 7).$ It is notable that the reaction of 0. lc OH OH 3c Scheme 2 Reagents and conditions: i, HCO,NH, (1 equiv.), Pd- (acac),-Bu",P (cat.), THF, reflux, 30 min lc with 1 equiv. of ammonium formate in the presence of Pd(acac), and Bu",P in benzene at room temperature afforded the allenic alcohol 4 as the major product (entry 8).The results of the palladium-catalysed hydrogenolysis of prop-2-ynylic cyclic carbonates are summarized in Table 1.Using (2)-homoallylic alcohol 2b as a chiral synthon, the male sex pheromone of the pyralid moth Aphomia gularis 76 was synthesized (Scheme 3). The homoallylic alcohol 2b was protected as methoxymethyl (MOM) ether and then the p-methoxyphenylmethyl (MPM) protecting group was removed to furnish the alcohol 5, a;' -24 (c 0.46, CHC1,). The alcohol 5 was oxidized and Wittig olefination gave the a,P-unsaturated ester 6 (Z: E = 1.3 :1). The (2)-a,P-unsaturated ester 6 was subjected to deprotection, followed by lactonization Pd,(dba),CHCI, (5 mol) can be used instead of Pd(acac),.$ In our hands, using pd(PPh,), (5 mol) in THF at reflux did not furnish the product. However, with Pd(PPh,), in MeCN at reflux for 40 min, the product 2c was obtained in 79 yield. §Treatment of lc with Pd,(dba),-CHCl, (5 molx), Bu",P (5 molx), HC02NH4(1 equiv.) in THF at reflux for 30 min gave 4 and 3c in a ratio of 1 :2.4. Under the same conditions, with 2 equiv. of in HCO,NH,, the reaction of lc gave the homoallylic alcohol 2e in 73 yield. 238 J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. I 1994 Table 1 Pdo-Catalysed hydrogenolysis of prop-2-ynylic cyclic carbonates Conditions' Entry Substrate HCO,NH, (mol) Solvent Temp. ("C) Time (h) Product Yield ("A) la Benzene 80 3 2a 76 la THF 65 0.5 3a 93 la Benzene 25 2 3a 97 lb Benzene 80 3 2b' 74 lb Benzene 80 0.2 3b 86 lc THF 65 0.5 2c 82 lc THF 65 0.5 4+3c 93 lc Benzene 25 2 (1 :1) 4+3c 97 (5.92: 1) ~~~ All the reactions were run in the presence of Pd(acac), (5 mol) and Bu",P (5 molx).a;' Values in CHCl,: 2a, -4.4 (c4.6); 3a, -10.7 (c 1 S); 2b, -2.4 (c 2.3); 3b, -8.0 (c 3.0); 2c, -6.6 (c 2.1). The selectivity was checked by GLC analysis of the acetate of 2b using a Hewlett-Packard 5880 GCsystem column: ultra-2 (5 pheugl), 0.2 x 12m oven temp. 180-280 OC, carrier gas. He 0.6 cm3 min-'. The retention time of the acetate of 2b was 7.15 min. Yields are isolated yields. ?MOM?* 2b 5 iii.ivI 7 6 Scheme 3 Reagents and conditions: i, MOMCl, Pr',NEt, 0°C-room temp., 2 h (85); ii, 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyano-1 ,Cbenzoquinone (DDQ), CH,Cl,, H,O (18 : l), 30 min (96); iii, (COCI),, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), Et,N, CH,Cl,, -78 "C; iv, Ph,PCHCO,Me, MeOH, 0 OC, 5 h (30 overall); v, trifluoroacetic acid FFA), CH,CI,-H,O (10: 1) (80) to afford (4R,22,62)-nona-2,6-dien-4-olide,7, Calk5 -160 (c 0.2, CHCl,) {lit.,6 a;' -162 (c 0.650, CHC13)).* Experimental Typical Procedures-Preparation of 2a. Pd(acac), and Bu",P (5 mol) were mixed in a 1 :1 ratio in dry benzene (5 cm3) to form a pale yellow solution. Then prop-2-ynylic cyclic carbonate la (303 mg, 1-00 mmol) in dry benzene (5 cm3) was added followed by ammonium formate (2.52 mg, 4.0 mmol) and the mixture was stirred for 3 h at reflux.The benzene was evaporated and then the residue was separated by SiO, column chromatography (EtOAc-hexanes, 1:3, R, 0.60) to afford alcohol 2a (199 mg, 76), Cali5 t -4.4 (c 4.6, CHCI,); 6,(3OO MHz; CDCI,$) 0.90 (3 H, t, J 7.0), 1.30 (6 H, m), 2.05 (2 H, (2H,s),5.37(1H,dt,Jlland7.3),5.48(1H,dt,Jlland7.3), 7.32 (5 H, s); v,,,(neat)/cm-' 3400 and 1620; m/z 262 (M') and 91 (base peak) (Found: C, 77.5; H, 10.0. C17H2602 requires C, 77.86; H, 9.92). Preparation of 3a. Pd(acac), and Bu",P (5 mol) were mixed in a 1 :1 ratio in dry benzene (5 cm3) to form a pale yellow solution. Then prop-2-ynylic cyclic carbonate la (303 mg, 1.OO -01) in dry benzene (5 cm3) was added followed by ammonium forrnate (63 mg, 1.0 mmol) and the mixture was stirred for 2 h at room temperature.The THF was evaporated and the residue was separated by SiO, column chromatography (EtOAc-hexanes, 1 :4, Rf 0.56) to afford alcohol 3a (252 mg, 9773, Calk5 -10.7 (c 1.5, CHCI,); 6,(300 MHz; CDCl,) 0.90 (3 H, t, J 7.1), 1.32 (4 H, m), 1.47 (2 H, m), 2.15 (2 H, m), 2.43 (2 H, m), 3.50 (1 H, dd, J9.6 and 6.7), 3.61 (1 H, dd, J9.6 and 4.0), 3.93 (1 H, m), 4.58 (2 H, s) and 7.34 (5 H, s); m/z 260 (M'), 189 (19), 91 (base peak) and 79 (11) (Found: C, 78.15; H, 9.3. C, ,H,,O requires C, 78.46; H, 9.23). Acknowledgements Generous financial support by the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (K0SEF)-the Organic Chemistry Research Center (OCRC) is gratefully acknowledged.References 1 (a)C. Hull, S. V. Mortlook and E. J. Thomas, Tetrahedron Lett., 1987, 28,5343; (b)H. Miyake and K. Yamamura, Chem. Lett., 1993,1173. 2 J. Tsuji, T. Sugiura, M. Yuhara and I. Minami, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1986,922. 3 T. Mandai, T. Matsumoto, M. Kawada and J. Tsuji, Tetrahedron Lett., 1993,34,2160. 4 Recently hydrogenation of alkynes using HC0,H-NEt, in the presence of Pd,(dba),-Bu",P m),2.26(2H,m),3.34(1H,m),3.50(1H,m),3.85(1H,m),4.55 * 7: dH(300 MHz, CDCl,) 0.96 (3 H, t, J7), 2.04 (2 H, m),2.50 (2 H, m), 5.09 (1 H,m), 5.36 (1 H,m), 5.60(1 H, m), 6.14(1 H, dd, J6 and2.l)and 7.45 (1 H, dd, J6 and 1.6); v,,,(neat)/cm-' 2950,2926,2850, 1755, 1450, 1250,1240,1160,1100,830,740 and 700. f-alD Values are given in units of lo-' deg cm2 g-'. $ J Values are given in Hz. (ca.)to cis-alkenes was reported. See, K. Tani, N. One, S. Okamoto and F. Sato, J. Chem. SOC.,Chem. Commun.,1993,386. 5 S.-K. Kang, S.-G. Kim and D.-G. Cho, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 1992,3, 1509. 6 Y.Miyashita and K. Mori, Agric. Biol. Chem., 1981,45,2521. Paper 3/0639 1 G Received 26th October 1993 Accepted 30th November 1993
机译:J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. 1 1994 Synthesis of (2)-Homoallylic Alcohols and Homoprop-2-ynylic Alcohols via Palladium-catraled Hydrogenolysis of Prop-2-ynylic Cyclic Carbonates Suk-Ku Kang,“ Dong-Chul Park, Dong-Gyu Cho, Jea-Uk Chung and Kyung-Yun Jung Department of Chemistry, Sung Kyun Kwan University, Natural Science Campus, Suwon 440-746, Korea 合成了Bu”,P提供的(Z)-蛾Aphomia gularis的脱羧氢解。具有光学活性的 (2)-同烯丙基和同丙-2-炔基醇是有机合成中的多功能手性合成子。在文献中,已经报道了通过在芳香醛中加入巴豆基锡烷来合成(2)-同烯丙醇的立体选择性合成。本文报道了一种方便的一锅法合成方法,用于利用钯催化的选择性氢~裂解制备(Z)-均烯丙醇2和高丙-2-炔基醇3,~.~,其详细情况见方案1和表1.2ii 1 a P = Bn,R = n-C5HI1 b P=MPM,R=Et 3 方案1试剂和条件: i, HC02NH, (4 equiv.), [Pd(acac),]-Bu“,P (cat.), PhH, 回流;ii, HCO,NH, (1 equiv.), [Pd(acac),-Bu“,P (cat.), PhH, 室温 (MPM = p-methoxy-phenylmethyl) 内部丙-2-炔基环状碳酸酯 la 与 4 当量反应。甲酸铵在[Pd(a~ac)~](acac=乙酰丙酮)和Bu“,P作为催化剂在苯中回流3 h,得到(2)-均烯丙醇2a,收率为76%,其结构由烯烃质子的'H NMR(300 MHz)偶联常数证实(条目1)。据推测,Pd催化的脱羧氢解得到同丙-2-炔醇3a作为中间体(通过TLC检查),随后在Pd-~atalyst存在下,甲酸铵作为氢供体,以优异的立体选择性(>99%)还原为(Z)-同烯丙基醇2a.~作为醇3a中间体的间接证据,碳酸盐la与1当量[Pd(acac),]和Bu“,P以93%的收率(条目2)提供了同丙-2-炔醇3a。值得注意的是,在相同条件下,以苯为溶剂,在室温下搅拌得到3a,收率为97%(条目3)。将这种转化应用于丙-2-炔基环状碳酸酯lb,从而得到(2)-同烯丙醇2b和同丙-齐基醇3b(条目4和5)。与内部丙-2-炔基环状碳酸酯相比,末端丙基-炔基碳酸酯的脱羧氢解l~,~用2当量。甲酸铵在催化量的[Pd(acac),]和Bu“,P四氢呋喃(THF)存在下回流30分钟,根据反应条件,在催化量的[Pd(acac),]和同烯丙醇或同丙-2-炔基醇存在下,与甲酸铵具有内部乙炔键的prop-2-炔酸环状碳酸酯, 然而,末端丙-2-炔基环状碳酸盐的氢解得到均烯丙醇;使用(Z)-同烯丙醇2b作为手性合成子,吡喃醇同烯丙醇2c的雄性性信息素作为唯一产物(条目6)。作为间接证据,在回流时,在THF中[Pd(acac),]和Bu“,P存在下用1当量的甲酸铵处理lc,提供了烯丙醇4和同丙-2-炔醇3c的混合物(方案2;条目7)。lc OH OH 3c 方案 2 试剂和条件:i、HCO、NH、(1 当量)、[Pd-(acac),]-Bu“,P(货号)、THF、回流、30 min、lc 在 [Pd(acac),] 和 Bu”,P 存在下在苯中 [Pd(acac),] 和 Bu“,P 在室温下以烯丙烯醇 4 为主要产物(条目 8)。表1总结了钯催化丙-2-炔基环状碳酸酯的氢解结果。使用(2)-同烯丙基醇2b作为手性合成子,合成了吡喃蛾Aphomia gularis 76的雄性性信息素(方案3)。将均烯丙醇2b保护为甲氧基甲基(MOM)醚,然后除去对甲氧基苯甲基(MPM)保护基团,得到醇5,[a];' -24(c 0.46,CHC1,)。将醇5氧化,Wittig烯烃得到a,P-不饱和酯6(Z:E=1.3:1)。将(2)-a,P-不饱和酯6进行脱保护,然后进行乳酮化[Pd,(dba),]CHCI,(5 mol%)可以代替[Pd(acac),].$在我们手中,在回流时使用pd(PPh,),](5 mol%)在THF中没有提供产物。然而,在MeCN中回流40 min时,[Pd(PPh,),]产物2c的收率为79%。§用 [Pd,(dba),]-CHCl,(5 molx)、Bu“,P(5 molx)、HC02NH4(1 当量)在 THF 中处理 lc,回流 30 分钟,以 1 ∶2.4 的比例得到 4 和 3c。在相同条件下,在HCO,NH中,用2当量,LC反应得到均烯丙醇2e,收率为73%。238 J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS.I 1994 表 1 丙-2-炔基环状碳酸酯的 PDO 催化氢解 条件 进入底物 HCO,NH,(mol) 溶剂温度 (“C) 时间 (h) 产物收率 (”A) 苯 80 3 2a 76 la THF 65 0.5 3a 93 la 苯 25 2 3a 97 lb 苯 80 3 2b' 74 lb 苯 80 0.2 3b 86 lc THF 65 0.5 2c 82 lc THF 65 0.5 4+3c 93 lc 苯 25 2 (1 :1) 4+3c97 (5.92: 1) ~~~ 所有反应均在[Pd(acac),](5 mol%)和Bu“,P (5 molx)存在下进行。[一];'CHCl中的值:2a,-4.4(c4.6);3a, -10.7 (c 1 S);2b, -2.4 (c 2.3);3b, -8.0 (c 3.0);2c,-6.6(c 2.1)。使用Hewlett-Packard 5880 GCsystem[色谱柱:ultra-2(5%pheugl),0.2 x 12m烘箱温度180-280 OC,载气,通过GLC分析2b的乙酸盐来检查选择性。He 0.6 cm3 min-'.乙酸盐2b的保留时间为7.15 min。收益率是孤立的收益率。?MOM?* 2b 5 iii.ivI 7 6 方案 3 试剂和条件:i、MOMCl、Pr'、NEt、0°C-室温、2 小时 (85%);ii,2,3-二氯-5,6-二氰基-1,苯醌(DDQ),CH,Cl,,H,O(18:l),30分钟(96%);iii,(COCI),,二甲基亚砜(DMSO),Et,N,CH,Cl,, -78“C;iv,Ph,PCHCO,Me,MeOH,0 OC,5 小时(总体 30%);V, 三氟乙酸FFA),CH,CI,-H,O (10:1) (80%) 以提供 (4R,22,62)-壬-2,6-二烯-4-内脂,7, Calk5 -160 (c 0.2, CHCl,) {lit.,6 [a];' -162 (c 0.650, CHC13))。 实验典型程序-制备2a. [Pd(acac),]和Bu“,P(5 mol%)在干燥的苯(5 cm3)中以1:1的比例混合,形成淡黄色溶液。然后加入丙-2-炔基环状碳酸盐la(303mg,1-00mmol)在干燥苯(5cm3)中,然后加入甲酸铵(2.52mg,4.0mmol),并在回流时搅拌混合物3小时。将苯蒸发,然后通过SiO,柱层析(EtOAc-己烷,1:3,R,0.60)分离残留物,得到醇2a(199mg,76%),Cali5 t -4.4(c 4.6, CHCI,);6,(3OO 兆赫;CDCI,$) 0.90 (3 H, t, J 7.0), 1.30 (6 H, m), 2.05 (2 H, (2H,s),5.37(1H,dt,Jlland7.3),5.48(1H,dt,Jlland7.3), 7.32 (5 H, s); v,,,(neat)/cm-' 3400 和 1620; m/z 262 (M') 和 91 (基峰) (发现: C, 77.5;H,10.0。C17H2602 要求 C,77.86;H,9.92%)。将3a.[Pd(acac),]和Bu“,P(5mol%)以1:1的比例与干燥苯(5 cm3)混合,形成淡黄色溶液。然后加入prop-2-炔基环状碳酸酯la(303mg,1.OO -01)在干燥的苯(5cm3)中,然后加入福尼酸铵(63mg,1.0mmol),并将混合物在室温下搅拌2小时。蒸发THF,残留物通过SiO,柱层析(EtOAc-己烷,1:4,Rf 0.56)分离,得到酒精3a(252mg,9773,Calk5-10.7(c 1.5,CHCI,); 6,(300 MHz;CDCl,) 0.90 (3 H, t, J 7.1), 1.32 (4 H, m), 1.47 (2 H, m), 2.15 (2 H, m), 2.43 (2 H, m), 3.50 (1 H, dd, J9.6 和 6.7), 3.61 (1 H, dd, J9.6 和 4.0), 3.93 (1 H, m), 4.58 (2 H, s) 和 7.34 (5 H, s);m/z 260 (M')、189 (19%)、91 (基峰) 和 79 (11) (发现:C, 78.15;H,9.3。C,,H,,O需要C,78.46;H,9.23)。致谢 感谢韩国科学工程基金会 (K0SEF) -有机化学研究中心 (OCRC) 的慷慨资助。参考文献 1 (a)C. Hull, S. V. Mortlook and E. J. Thomas, Tetrahedron Lett., 1987, 28,5343;(b)H. Miyake 和 K. Yamamura, Chem. Lett., 1993,1173.2 J. Tsuji, T. Sugiura, M. Yuhara 和 I. Minami, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1986,922.3 T. Mandai, T. Matsumoto, M. Kawada 和 J. Tsuji, Tetrahedron Lett., 1993,34,2160.4 最近在[Pd,(dba),]-Bu“,P m,2.26(2H,m),3.34(1H,m),3.50(1H,m),3.85(1H,m),4.55 * 7存在下使用HC0,H-NEt加氢炔烃 0.96 (3 H, t, J7), 2.04 (2 H, m),2.50 (2 H, m), 5.09 (1 H,m), 5.36 (1 H,m), 5.60(1 H, m)、6.14(1 H, dd, J6 和 2.l)和 7.45 (1 H, dd, J6 和 1.6);v,,,(neat)/cm-' 2950、2926、2850、1755、1450、1250、1240、1160、1100、830、740 和 700。f-[alD 值以 lo-' deg cm2 g-' 为单位给出。 $ J 值以 Hz 为单位。 (ca.)到顺式烯烃被报道。参见, K. Tani, N. One, S. Okamoto and F. Sato, J. Chem. SOC.,Chem. Commun.,1993,386.5 S.-K.康,S.-G.Kim和D.-G.Cho,四面体:不对称,1992,3,1509。6 Y.Miyashita 和 K. Mori,农业生物化学,1981,45,2521。论文 3/0639 1 G 收稿日期 1993 年 10 月 26 日 录用日期 1993 年 11 月 30 日




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