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INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS 1. Submission of manuscripts. Four copies of the manuscript and a graphical abstract not larger than 9.5 x 4 cm should be addressed to the Managing Editor at the address given on the inside front cover. Receipt of the submission will be acknowledged and the paper will be given a reference number which should be quoted in all further correspondence. The text should be typed in double spacing on one side of the paper. The Author to whom correspondence and proofs should be addressed should be clearly indicated on the first page along with the full postal address and FAX number. 2. Refereeing and conditions of acceptance. Papers submitted will be reviewed by at least two referees, whose reports form the basis of the Scientific Editorrsquo;s decision.Papers are accepted on the understanding that the work described is original and has not been published elsewhere and that the Author has obtained any necessary authorization for publication of the material submitted. Authors are solely responsible for the factual accuracy of their contributions. There are no page charges. 3. Copyright. Upon acceptance of a paper, copyright is trans- ferred entirely to the Society. Any reasonable request from an author to reproduce his/her own work, partly or wholly, elsewhere will not be refused. 4. Nomenclature ad style. IUPAC recommendations on nomenclature, symbolism and units are generally implemented and British spellings are used. Illustrated compound structures should be numbered sequentially with bold arabic numerals and pictorially represented chemical transformations should be designated as schemes.The term equation (eqn.) should be reserved for mathematical expressions. Figure captions and tables should be typed on separate sheets and placed at the end of the manuscript. Tables should be numbered sequentially and headed by a brief description of the content. Authors claiming new compounds should provide sufficient spectroscopic and physical data to establish the purity and identity of the compound. An exact molecular mass does not provide proof of homogeneity and should be supported by e.g. TLC or GLC evidence. 5. Title and summary. Each article must have a concise and accurate title and be accompanied by a summary of 50-250 words.The summary should be sufficiently comprehensive to enable the selection of appropriate index terms for use by abstracting services. 6. Illustrations. The structures accompanying a manuscript should be carefully drawn on separate sheets and placed at the back. Illustrations can be submitted on disk provided the ChemDraw package is used. The preference settings are as follows: fixed length 0.7 cm, line width 0.025 cm,bold width 0.092 cm,hash spacing 0.099 cm, bond spacing 20 of length, font Times 12 pt. Page set-up 60. Figures of sufficient quality are reproduced directly and should be drawn with black ink on good quality white paper. Photocopies are not suitable. 7. References. This section should contain only bibliographic references.Other details should be placed as footnotes in appropriate parts of the text. References take the form S. I. Zones, J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 1991,87,3709(journal) and I. Fleming, Frontier Orbitals and Organic Chemical Reactions,Wiley, Chichester, 1978 (book). 8. Acknowledgements. These should be brief and relevant. Dedications are not permitted. 9. Communications. This section is for rapid publication of preliminary results. Format and style as for full papers, except that the length should not exceed two printed pages (ca. seven manuscript pages). Written justification for urgent publication should be supplied with the manuscript on sub- mission. 10. Proofs. Two copies of the proofs are despatched to the author indicated on the manuscript.Alterations should be kept to a minimum. 11. Reprints. Fifty reprints are supplied free of charge. 12. Supplementary material. Material important, but not central, to an article may be deposited at the British Library by the Society following acceptance of the article for publication. A footnote to this effect is then placed in the text. Alternatively papers containing extensive experimental or numerical data can be published in the Synopsis and Full Text format in Journal of Chemical Research. 13. Crystallographic papers. Papers that are primarily crystallo- graphic will not normally be accepted for publication. Papers where the chemistry is supported by a crystallographic determination should contain all the necessary data for the structure to be verified by a referee. All data, except for structure factors, are available from the Cambridge Crystallo- graphic Data Centre. 14. Molecular-modelling papers. Authors describing molecular modelling should provide sufficient data to enable an objective evaluation by an independent assessor. Detailed guidelines may be found in J. Med. Chem., 1988,31,2230. Complete and detailed lsquo;Instructions for Authorsrsquo; are given in issue 1 of Perkin Transactions I and 2. Printed in England by BPC Wheatons Ltd., Exeter




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