首页> 外文期刊>The FASEB Journal >The receptor deformation model of TCR triggering

The receptor deformation model of TCR triggering

机译:The receptor deformation model of TCR triggering

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Through T cell receptors (TCRs), T cells can detect and respond to very small numbers of foreign peptides among a huge number of self-peptides presented by major histocompatibility complexes (pMHCs) on the surface of antigen-presenting cells (APCs). How T cells achieve such remarkable sensitivity and specificity through pMHC-TCR binding is an intensively pursued issue in immunology today; the key question is how pMHC-TCR binding initiates, or triggers, a signal from TCRs. Multiple competing models have been proposed, none of which fully explains the sensitivity and specificity of TCR triggering. What has been omitted from existing theories is that the pMHC-TCR interaction at the T cell/APC interface must be under constant mechanical stress, due to the dynamic nature of cell-cell interaction. Taking this condition into consideration, we propose the receptor deformation model of TCR triggering. In this model, TCR signaling is initiated by conformational changes of the TCR/CD3 complex, induced by a pulling force originating from the cytoskeleton and transmitted through pMHC-TCR binding interactions with enough strength to resist rupture. By introducing mechanical force into a model of T cell signal initiation, the receptor deformation model provides potential mechanistic solutions to the sensitivity and specificity of TCR triggering.




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