首页> 外文期刊>Brain research >Gonadal hormone regulation of glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity in the medial amygdala subnuclei across the estrous cycle and in castrated and treated female rats.

Gonadal hormone regulation of glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity in the medial amygdala subnuclei across the estrous cycle and in castrated and treated female rats.


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The medial amygdala (MeA) is a sexually dimorphic area that modulates neuroendocrine and behavioral activities and where gonadal hormones play an important role in neuron-glial and synaptic plasticity. Immunohistochemistry was used to identify the astrocytic marker glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in the different MeA subnuclei - anterodorsal (MeAD), posterodorsal (MePD) and posteroventral (MePV) - of intact female rats in the different phases of the estrous cycle and in ovariectomized females treated with hormonal substitutive therapy. Data semi-quantified by optical densitometry showed that, in the proestrus phase, the GFAP immunoreactivity (GFAP-ir) was higher when compared to the other phases of the estrous cycle (P < 0.02). GFAP-ir was also higher in the MePD than in the MeAD or in the MePV (P < 0. 02). In ovariectomized females, injections of estradiol alone or estradiol plus progesterone increased GFAP-ir in the MePD and in the MePV (P < 0.001), but not in the MeAD (P > 0.3), when comparedto control data. These findings suggest that astrocytic GFAP in the MeA subnuclei can be affected either by physiological levels or by hormonal manipulation of the ovarian steroids, which may contribute to the plasticity of local and integrated functional activities of these brain areas in female rats.
机译:内侧杏仁核(MeA)是一个性二态性区域,可调节神经内分泌和行为活动,其中性腺激素在神经胶质和突触可塑性中起重要作用。免疫组织化学用于鉴定在动情周期的不同阶段和不同阶段的完整雌性大鼠的不同MeA亚核中的星形细胞标记胶质纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)切除卵巢的女性接受激素替代治疗。通过光密度测定法半定量的数据显示,在发情期,与发情周期的其他阶段相比,GFAP免疫反应性(GFAP-ir)更高(P <0.02)。 MePD中的GFAP-ir也高于MeAD或MePV(P <0. 02)。在卵巢切除的女性中,与对照数据相比,单独注射雌二醇或雌二醇加孕酮可增加MePD和MePV中的GFAP-ir(P <0.001),但不增加MeAD(P> 0.3)。这些发现表明,MeA亚核中的星形细胞GFAP可能受到卵巢类固醇的生理水平或激素操纵的影响,这可能有助于雌性大鼠这些大脑区域的局部和整合功能活动的可塑性。



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