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Non-linear dynamic analysis of offshore jack-up units


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A two-dimensional finite element program for the non-linear dynamic analysis of offshore jack-up units under storm loading is described. The program aims to incorporate consistent and reasonable levels of approximation of all the major system parameters; this is in contrast to many previous approaches, which have tended to model some aspects of the problem in great detail while adopting a very simplified approach to others. Accurate modelling of the jack-up legs is achieved using an Eulerian formulation of beam-column theory. The complex non-linear behaviour of the spudcan footings is represented by a recently developed work-hardening plasticity model, which represents a considerable advance over the simple pinned footing assumption which is most frequently used for jack-up analysis. Several options for calculating wave kinematics are available, including Stokes' fifth order wave theory. The resulting non-linear equations are solved in the time domain using implicit integration algorithms. Results for some representative test cases are presented. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. References: 15
机译:该文介绍了一种用于海上自升式船组在风暴荷载作用下非线性动力学分析的二维有限元程序。该计划旨在纳入所有主要系统参数的一致和合理的近似水平;这与以前的许多方法形成鲜明对比,以前的许多方法倾向于非常详细地对问题的某些方面进行建模,而对其他方面采用非常简化的方法。自升式钻腿的精确建模是使用梁柱理论的欧拉公式实现的。最近开发的加工硬化塑性模型代表了桩骨基础的复杂非线性行为,该模型代表了最常用于自升式分析的简单固定基础假设的相当大的进步。有几种计算波运动学的选项,包括斯托克斯的五阶波理论。使用隐式积分算法在时域中求解得到的非线性方程。给出了一些具有代表性的测试用例的结果。(C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd.保留所有权利。[参考文献: 15]




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