
C5a and Fcgamma receptors: a mutual admiration society.

机译:C5a 和 Fcgamma 受体:相互钦佩的社会。

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Phagocytosis is a key process in protection of the host against pathogens and in provision of antigens for the immune response. Synergism between C3b and IgG and their receptors in promoting adherence to and then ingestion of an antigen has been recognized for decades. Only more recently, however, has cross-talk between another complement activation fragment, the anaphylatoxin C5a, and Fcgamma receptors (FcgammaRs) been defined. In this issue of the JCI, C5a is shown to signal, via its receptor, the upregulation of activating (proinflammatory-type) FcgammaRs. Moreover, engagement of FcgammaRs by the IgG-bearing immune complex instructs the cell to synthesize more C5, from which C5a is derived. Thus, this work establishes a feedback loop whereby FcgammaR expression and function are enhanced, a very desirable event in concert with an infection but potentially deleterious in autoimmunity.
机译:吞噬作用是保护宿主免受病原体侵害和为免疫反应提供抗原的关键过程。几十年来,人们已经认识到 C3b 和 IgG 及其受体在促进抗原粘附和摄入方面的协同作用。然而,直到最近,才定义了另一种补体激活片段、过敏毒素 C5a 和 Fcgamma 受体 (FcgammaRs) 之间的串扰。在本期 JCI 中,C5a 被证明通过其受体发出激活(促炎型)FcgammaR 上调的信号。此外,携带 IgG 的免疫复合物与 FcgammaR 的结合指示细胞合成更多的 C5,C5a 就是从中衍生出来的。因此,这项工作建立了一个反馈回路,从而增强了 FcgammaR 的表达和功能,这是一个非常理想的事件,与感染相一致,但在自身免疫中可能有害。




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