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Rodent phylogeny and a timescale for the evolution of glires: Evidence from an extensive taxon sampling using three nuclear genes


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Rodentia is the largest order of placental mammals, with approximately 2,050 species divided into 28 families. It is also one of the most controversial with respect to its monophyly, relationships between families, and divergence dates. Here, we have analyzed and compared the performance of three nuclear genes (von Willebrand Factor, interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein, and Alpha 2B adrenergic receptor) for a large taxonomic sampling, covering the whole rodent and placental diversity. The phylogenetic results significantly support rodent monophyly, the association of Rodentia with Lagomorpha (the Glires clade), and a Glires + Euarchonta (Primates, Dermoptera, and Scandentia) clade. The resolution of relationships among rodents is also greatly improved. The currently recognized families are divided here into seven well-defined clades (Anomaluromorpha, Castoridae, Ctenohystrica, Geomyoidea, Gliridae, Myodonta, and Sciuroidea) that can be grouped into three major clades: Ctenohystrica, Gliridae + Sciuroidea, and a mouse-related clade (Anomaluromorpha, Castoridae + Geomyoidea, and Myodonta). Molecular datings based on these three genes suggest that the rodent radiation took place at the transition between Paleocene and Eocene. The divergence between rodents and lagomorphs is placed just at the K-T boundary and the first splits among placentals in the Late Cretaceous. Our results thus tend to reconcile molecular and morphological-paleontological insights.
机译:啮齿目是胎盘哺乳动物中最大的目,大约有 2,050 种,分为 28 科。它也是最具争议的单系、家庭之间的关系和分歧日期之一。在这里,我们分析并比较了三个核基因(血管性血友病因子、光感受器间类视黄醇结合蛋白和 Alpha 2B 肾上腺素能受体)在大型分类学采样中的性能,涵盖了整个啮齿动物和胎盘多样性。系统发育结果显著支持啮齿动物单系,啮齿目与Lagomorpha(Glires分支)以及Glires+Euarchonta(灵长类,皮翅目和斯堪登西亚)分支的关联。啮齿动物之间关系的解决也大大提高。目前公认的科在这里分为七个明确的分支(Anomaluromorpha、Castoridae、Ctenohystrica、Geomyoidea、Gliridae、Myodonta 和 Sciuroidea),它们可以分为三个主要分支:Ctenohystrica、Gliridae + Sciuroidea 和一个与小鼠相关的分支(Anomaluromorpha、Castoridae + Geomyoidea 和 Myodonta)。基于这三个基因的分子测年表明,啮齿动物辐射发生在古新世和始新世之间的过渡时期。啮齿动物和lagomorphs之间的分化正好位于K-T边界,并且是晚白垩世胎盘之间的第一次分裂。因此,我们的研究结果倾向于调和分子和形态学-古生物学的见解。




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