首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Clinical Investigation: The Official Journal of the American Society for Clinical Investigation >Arthritis induced by proteoglycan aggrecan G1 domain in BALB/c mice. Evidence for t cell involvement and the immunosuppressive influence of keratan sulfate on recognition of t and b cell epitopes.

Arthritis induced by proteoglycan aggrecan G1 domain in BALB/c mice. Evidence for t cell involvement and the immunosuppressive influence of keratan sulfate on recognition of t and b cell epitopes.

机译:BALB/c 小鼠中蛋白多糖聚集聚糖 G1 结构域诱导的关节炎。T 细胞受累的证据和硫酸角质对 T 细胞和 B 细胞表位识别的免疫抑制影响。

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Our previous work showed that the proteoglycan aggrecan can induce erosive polyarthritis and spondylitis in BALB/c mice, and that the G1 domain of the proteoglycan aggrecan (G1) is the arthritogenic region. In this study, two T cell epitopes residing on G1 within residues 70-84 (peptide G5) and 150-169 (peptide G9) were identified using synthetic peptides and aggrecan-specific T cell lines. Two G1-specific T cell hybridomas exclusively responded to peptide G5. When the G5-specific T cell line was injected intraperitoneally into BALB/c mice, it induced acute inflammatory arthritis in joints, but only in those that had been injected with the epitope recognized by these T cells. Furthermore, we also demonstrate that the keratan sulfate chain(s) (KS) on G1 possess immunosuppressive properties with respect to T and B cell epitope recognition. T cell lines that recognize both G1 and peptide G5 show an increased response to G1 after KS is removed. Antibodies in hyperimmune sera of mice immunized with G1 show increased epitope recognition (quantitative and qualitative) after KS removal before immunization. These studies reveal that a T cell line specific to an epitope on the G1 domain of aggrecan, also recognizing a corresponding mouse G1 epitope, can induce arthritis by adoptive transfer and homing to the intraarticular epitope, thereby implicating T cells in arthritis development caused by immunity to the G1 domain of aggrecan. Moreover, the presence of KS on G1 can inhibit arthritis development by suppressing T and B cell epitope recognition.
机译:我们之前的研究表明,蛋白多糖聚集聚糖可以诱导BALB / c小鼠的糜烂性多关节炎和脊柱炎,并且蛋白多糖聚集聚糖(G1)的G1结构域是关节生成区。在这项研究中,使用合成肽和聚集聚糖特异性 T 细胞系鉴定了位于 G1 上的残基 70-84(肽 G5)和 150-169(肽 G9)内的两个 T 细胞表位。两个 G1 特异性 T 细胞杂交瘤仅对肽 G5 有反应。当将 G5 特异性 T 细胞系腹膜内注射到 BALB/c 小鼠中时,它会诱导关节中的急性炎症性关节炎,但仅限于那些注射了这些 T 细胞识别的表位的关节。此外,我们还证明 G1 上的硫酸角蛋白链 (KS) 在 T 细胞和 B 细胞表位识别方面具有免疫抑制特性。识别 G1 和肽 G5 的 T 细胞系在去除 KS 后表现出对 G1 的反应增加。用 G1 免疫的小鼠的超免疫血清中的抗体显示免疫前去除 KS 后表位识别增加(定量和定性)。这些研究表明,对聚集聚糖 G1 结构域上的表位具有特异性的 T 细胞系,也可以识别相应的小鼠 G1 表位,可以通过过继转移和归巢到关节内表位来诱导关节炎,从而暗示 T 细胞参与由对聚集聚糖 G1 结构域免疫引起的关节炎发展。此外,G1 上 KS 的存在可以通过抑制 T 和 B 细胞表位识别来抑制关节炎的发展。




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