首页> 外文期刊>investigative radiology >Magnetic Resonance Imaging after Arterial Portography with Manganese Dipyridoxal Diphosphate

Magnetic Resonance Imaging after Arterial Portography with Manganese Dipyridoxal Diphosphate




RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES.The authors assess performing hepatic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) after arterial portography with manganese dipyridoxal diphosphate (MnDPDP), a hepatobiliary contrast agent, as an invasive but potentially highly sensitive means of focal lesion detection.METHODS.Eight pigs underwent superior mesenteric artery catheterization and injection of 10 µmol/kg MnDPDP. Magnetic resonance imaging at 1.5 T (SE-140/10) was performed before, then at 15 and 30 minutes after injection. Seven or more days later, the same MRI protocol was performed after intravenous injection of 10 µmol/kg MnDPDP.RESULTS.Fifteen minutes after intra-arterial injection, enhancement of the liver predominated (86 ± 13), followed by the renal cortex (44 ± 14), pancreas (26 ± 9), and spleen (14 ± 9). At 30 minutes, enhancement of renal cortex significantly increased (50 ± 14). There was no significant difference in enhancement of the liver, spleen, pancreas, or renal cortex when we compared intra-arterial and intravenous administration.CONCLUSION.After the injection of 10 µmol/kg MnDPDP into the superior mesenteric artery of pigs there is no significant difference in visceral organ enhancement compared to intravenous administration. The data suggests that the hepatocyte binding sites may be overwhelmed by this dose and/or injection rate of MnDPDP.
机译:基本原理和目标。作者评估了在动脉造影后使用肝胆造影剂二吡哆醛二磷酸锰 (MnDPDP) 进行肝磁共振成像 (MRI) 作为一种侵入性但可能高度敏感的局灶性病变检测手段。方法。8头猪行肠系膜上动脉导管插入术,注射10 μmol/kg MnDPDP。 在注射前、注射后 15 分钟和 30 分钟进行 1.5 T (SE-140/10) 的磁共振成像。7 天或更长时间后,静脉注射 10 μmol/kg MnDPDP.结果.动脉内注射后 15 分钟,肝脏增强占主导地位 (86 ± 13%),其次是肾皮质 (44 ± 14%)、胰腺 (26 ± 9%) 和脾脏 (14 ± 9%)。在30分钟时,肾皮质的增强显着增加(50±14%)。当我们比较动脉内和静脉内给药时,肝脏、脾脏、胰腺或肾皮质的增强没有显着差异。结论。将10μmol/kg MnDPDP注射到猪肠系膜上动脉后,与静脉给药相比,内脏器官增强无显著差异。数据表明,肝细胞结合位点可能被这种剂量和/或注射速率的 MnDPDP 淹没。




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