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Marinellite, a new feldspathoid of the cancrinite-sodalite group


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Marinellite, (Na, K)_(42)Ca_6(Si_(36)Al_(36)O_(144))(SO_4)_8Cl_2·6H_2O, cell parameters a = 12.880(2)A, c = 31.761(6) A, is a new feldspathoid belonging to the cancrinite-sodalite group. The crystal structure of a twinned crystal was preliminary refined in space group P31c, but space group P6-bar2c could also be possible. It is anhedral, transparent, coloruless with vitreous lustre, white streak and Mohs' sanidine, nepheline, hauyne, biotite, and kalsilite. It is anhedral, transparent, colourless with vitreous lustre, white streak and Mohs'hardness of 5.5. The mineral does not fluoresce, is brittle, has conchoidal fracture, and presents poor cleavage on {001}. D_(meas) is 2.405(5) g/cm~3, D_(calc) is 2.40 g/cm~3. Optically, marinellite is uniaxial positive, non-pleochroic, ω = 1.495(1), ε = 1.497(1). The strongest five reflections in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern are d in A(I) (hkl): 3.725 (100)(214), 3.513(80) (215), 4.20(42) (210), 3.089 (40) (217), 2.150(40)(330). The electron microprobe analysis gives K_2O 7.94, Na_2O 14.95, CaO5.14, Al_2O_3 27.80, SiO_2 32.73, SO_3 9.84, C10.87, (H_2O0.93), sum 100.20 wt, less O = Cl0.20, (total 100.00 wt); H_2O ca.culated by difference. The corresponding empirical formula, based on 72 (Si + Al), is (Na_(31.86)K_(11.13)Ca_(6.06))_(Σ=49.05)(Si_(35.98)Al_(36.02))_(Σ=72)O_(144.60)(SO_4)_(8.12)Cl_(1.62)·3.41H_2O. The crystal structure of marinellite may be described as formed by the stacking along c of 12 layers containing six-membered rings of tetrahedra: the stacking sequence is ABCBCBACBCBC…, where A, B, and C represent the positions of the rings within the layers. Its structure consists of two liottite cages superimposed along 0,0,z and of columns of cancrinite and sodalite cages along 1/3, 2/3, z and 2/3, 1/3, z. Sulphate groups, surrounded by sodium, calcium and potassium catins, occupy the liottite cages. Chlorine anions and sulphate groups occupy the sodalite cages, whereas H_2O molecules are located within the cancrinite cages, bonded to Na cations. This structural model was refined in the space group P31c, conventional R = 0.098 FOR 2155 reflections. The structural relationships between marinellite and tounkite are discussed.
机译:Marinellite, [(Na, K)_(42)Ca_6](Si_(36)Al_(36)O_(144))(SO_4)_8Cl_2·6H_2O, cell parameters a = 12.880(2)A, c = 31.761(6) A, 是属于方钠长石组的新型长石。孪晶晶体的晶体结构在空间群P31c中得到了初步完善,但空间群P6-bar2c也是可能的。它是无面体的,透明的,无色的,有玻璃光泽,白色条纹和莫氏的sanidine,霞石,hauyne,黑云母和黑云母。它呈无面体,透明,无色,有玻璃光泽,白色条纹,莫氏硬度为5.5。该矿物不发荧光,易碎,有贝壳状断裂,{001}解理不良。D_(meas)为2.405(5)g/cm~3,D_(calc)为2.40g/cm~3。从光学上讲,水利石是单轴正的,非多向色性的,ω = 1.495(1),ε = 1.497(1)。X射线粉末衍射图中最强的五种反射是[d in A(I) (hkl)]:3.725 (100)(214)、3.513(80) (215)、4.20(42) (210)、3.089 (40) (217)、2.150(40)(330)。电子微探针分析得出K_2O 7.94,Na_2O 14.95,CaO5.14,Al_2O_3 27.80,SiO_2 32.73,SO_3 9.84,C10.87,(H_2O0.93),总和 100.20 wt%,减去 O = Cl0.20,(总计 100.00 wt%);H_2O因差异而产生。基于72(Si+Al)的相应经验公式为(Na_(31.86)K_(11.13)Ca_(6.06))_(Σ=49.05)(Si_(35.98)Al_(36.02))_(Σ=72)O_(144.60)(SO_4)_(8.12)Cl_(1.62)·3.41H_2O。马里奈尔石的晶体结构可以描述为由包含六元四面体环的 12 层沿 c 堆叠形成:堆叠序列为 ABCBCBACBCBC...,其中 A、B 和 C 表示环在层中的位置。其结构由沿 [0,0,z] 叠加的两个 liottite 笼和沿 [1/3, 2/3, z] 和 [2/3, 1/3, z] 的斜长岩和方钠长岩笼柱组成。硫酸盐基团被钠、钙和钾包围,占据了 liottite 笼。氯阴离子和硫酸根基团占据方钠石笼,而H_2O分子位于方钠笼内,与钠阳离子键合。该结构模型在空间群 P31c 中进行了改进,对于 2155 次反射,常规 R = 0.098。讨论了水利石和木耳石之间的结构关系。




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