首页> 外文期刊>European journal of mineralogy >Nafertisite, Na_3Fe_10~(2+)Ti_2(Si_6O_(17))_2O_2(OH)_6F(H_2O)_2, from Mt. Kukisvumchorr, Khibiny alkaline massif, Kola peninsula, Russia: Refinement of the crystal structure and revision of the chemical formula

Nafertisite, Na_3Fe_10~(2+)Ti_2(Si_6O_(17))_2O_2(OH)_6F(H_2O)_2, from Mt. Kukisvumchorr, Khibiny alkaline massif, Kola peninsula, Russia: Refinement of the crystal structure and revision of the chemical formula


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The crystal structure of nafertisite, Na_3Fe_10~(2+)Ti_2(Si_6O_(17))_2O_2(OH)_6F(H_2O)_2, from Mt. Kukisvumchorr, Khibiny alkaline massif, Kola peninsula, Russia, a 5.358(1), b 16.204(3), c 21.976(4) ?, β 94.91(1)°, V 1901.0(7) ?~3, space group A2/m, Z = 2, D_(calc). 3.116 g/cm3, has been refined to an R1 value of 5.60 for 2747 observed F_o >4σF unique reflections collected with a single-crystal diffractometer. The crystal used in the collection of the X-ray intensity data was analyzed by electron microprobe; the Fe~(3+)/(Fe~(2+)Fe~(3+)) ratio was measured by M?ssbauer spectroscopy, and FTIR and Raman spectra were collected. The empirical formula was calculated on the basis of (O + F + OH + H_2O) = 44.39 pfu: (Na_(1.39)K_(0.61))_(∑2)Na_1(Rb_(0.06)Cs_(0.02)□_(0.92))_(∑1)(Fe_9.11~(2+)Mg_(0.46)Mn_(0.22)Al_(0.10)Na_(0.09)Ca_(0.02))_(∑10)(Ti_(1.90)Nb_(0.05)Mg_(0.03)Zr_(0.02))_(∑2)(Si_(11.81)Al_(0.19))_(∑2)O_34O_2(OH)_6 (F_(0.86)O_(0.14))_(∑1)(H2O)_(1.39); Z = 2; the content of H_2O was calculated from the structure-refinement results. The HOH layer is the main structural unit in nafertisite. It consists of a central octahedral (O) sheet and two adjacent heteropolyhedral (H) sheets. The O sheet is composed of Fe2t-dominant M(1-3) octahedra, the M(1-3) sites are fully occupied and the ideal composition of the O sheet is Fe_10~(2+) apfu. The H sheet is composed of the nafertisite T_6O_(17) ribbons and Ti-dominant D octahedra. The chemical composition of the nafertisite ribbon is (Si_(11.81)Al_(0.19))O_34 apfu, ideally (Si_6O_(17))_2 pfu. In the crystal structure of nafertisite, HOH layers alternate with intermediate (I) blocks along c. In the I block, the A, B, C and W sites are occupied by (Na_(1.39)K_(0.61)), Na, (□_(0.92)Rb_(0.06)Cs_(0.02)) and (H_2O)_(1.39)□_(0.61) pfu, respectively. The chemical composition of the I block of the general formula A_2BCW is (Na_(1.39) K_(0.61))Na_1(□_(0.92)Rb_(0.06)Cs_(0.02))(H_2O)_(1.39) pfu, ideally Na_3(H_2O)_2 pfu. Nafertisite is closely related to the astrophyllite-group minerals.
机译:萘铁矿的晶体结构,Na_3Fe_10~(2+)Ti_2(Si_6O_(17))_2O_2(OH)_6F(H_2O)_2,来自俄罗斯科拉半岛Khibiny碱性地块Kukisvumchorr山,a 5.358(1),b 16.204(3),c 21.976(4)?,β 94.91(1)°,V 1901.0(7)?~3,空间群A2/m,Z=2,D_(calc)。3.116 g/cm3,已提炼到5.60 %的R1值,用于使用单晶衍射仪收集的2747个观察到的[F_o >4σF]独特反射。通过电子微探针对用于收集X射线强度数据的晶体进行分析;采用M?ssbauer光谱法测定Fe~(3+)/(Fe~(2+)Fe~(3+))比值,收集FTIR和拉曼光谱。经验公式的计算依据是(O + F + OH + H_2O) = 44.39 pfu:(Na_(1.39)K_(0.61))_(∑2)Na_1(Rb_(0.0.) 06)Cs_(0.02)□_(0.92))_(∑1)(Fe_9.11~(2+)Mg_(0.46)Mn_(0.22)Al_(0.10)Na_(0.09)Ca_(0.02))_(∑10)(Ti_(1.90)Nb_(0.05)Mg_(0.03)Zr_(0.02))_(∑2)[(Si_(11.81)Al_(0.19))_(∑2)O_34]O_2(OH)_6(F_(0.86)O_(0.14))_(∑1)(H2O)_(1.39);Z = 2;根据结构细化结果计算出H_2O含量。HOH层是钠铁矿的主要结构单元。它由一个中央八面体 (O) 片和两个相邻的异多面体 (H) 片组成。O片由Fe2t占主导地位的M(1-3)八面体组成,M(1-3)位点被充分占据,O片的理想组成为Fe_10~(2+)apfu。H 片由钠铁矿 T_6O_(17) 带和 Ti 为主的 D 八面体组成。钠铁矿带的化学成分为(Si_(11.81)Al_(0.19))O_34 apfu,理想情况下为(Si_6O_(17))_2 pfu。在钠铁矿的晶体结构中,HOH层沿c与中间(I)块交替出现。在I区块中,A、B、C和W位点分别被(Na_(1.39)K_(0.61))、Na、(□_(0.92)Rb_(0.06)Cs_(0.02))和[(H_2O)_(1.39)□_(0.61)] pfu占据。通式A_2BCW I区化学组成为[(Na_(1.39) K_(0.61))Na_1(□_(0.92)Rb_(0.06)Cs_(0.02))(H_2O)_(1.39)]PFU,理想为Na_3(H_2O)_2 PFU。钠铁矿与星形千枚石组矿物密切相关。




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