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The challenges of specialty crop weed control, future directions


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The process of labeling new herbicides for specialty crops has always been difficult. Progress in solving specialty crop weed control problems will likely be more challenging in the future. Major crops like corn, cotton, rice, soybean, and wheat are planted on millions of hectares, and most of these crops are treated with herbicides. In contrast, specialty crops (i.e., minor crops, e.g., container ornamentals or lettuce) are planted on 122,000 ha or less; thus, the potential value of herbicide sales is limited in these crops by the low number of hectares planted per crop. High crop value, small hectarage per crop, and generally marginal herbicide selectivity results in a high potential of liability for herbicide registrants and little incentive to label herbicides in these crops. The Interregional Project Number 4 (IR-4) program facilitates the registrations of pesticides on minor crops. Work needed to support pesticide tolerance in a given crop is conducted by IR-4 and cooperators. However, to develop new crop tolerances, the IR-4 process requires new herbicides. The success of glyphosate-resistant soybean has resulted in a less profitable herbicide market for all crops. In response, most primary pesticide manufacturers have reduced the size, or even eliminated herbicide discovery programs. As private industry slows or stops herbicide development, there will be fewer new minor-crop herbicides. Many questions face minor-crop weed scientists. For example, what are other practical solutions to control weeds in minor crops besides herbicides? Should research focus on development of competition models and decision thresholds or on weed removal tools such as robotics? What funding sources are available for minor-crop weed scientists? Are grant programs at the Federal level prepared to increase support for minor-crop weed research? Will university administrators replace retiring specialty crop weed scientists, knowing that their funding sources will produce little overhead? These questions require a response from all parties interested in specialty crop weed control.
机译:为特种作物贴上新除草剂标签的过程一直很困难。未来,解决特种作物杂草控制问题的进展可能更具挑战性。玉米、棉花、水稻、大豆和小麦等主要作物种植面积达数百万公顷,其中大部分作物都经过除草剂处理。相比之下,特种作物(即次要作物,如容器观赏植物或生菜)的种植面积为122,000公顷或更少;因此,除草剂销售的潜在价值在这些作物中受到限制,因为每种作物种植的公顷数很少。作物价值高,每株作物的公顷面积小,而且通常偏差的除草剂选择性导致除草剂注册者的潜在责任很高,并且几乎没有动力在这些作物中标记除草剂。区域间项目 4 (IR-4) 计划促进了对次要作物的农药登记。支持特定作物的农药耐受性所需的工作由 IR-4 和合作者进行。然而,为了开发新的作物耐受性,IR-4工艺需要新的除草剂。抗草甘膦大豆的成功导致所有作物的除草剂市场利润降低。作为回应,大多数初级农药制造商已经缩小了规模,甚至取消了除草剂发现计划。随着私营企业减缓或停止除草剂的开发,新的次要作物除草剂将减少。小作物杂草科学家面临着许多问题。例如,除了除草剂之外,还有哪些其他可行的解决方案来控制小农作物中的杂草?研究的重点应该是竞争模型和决策阈值的开发,还是机器人技术等除草工具?次要作物杂草科学家有哪些资金来源?联邦一级的赠款计划是否准备增加对小作物杂草研究的支持?大学管理人员是否会取代退休的特种作物杂草科学家,因为他们知道他们的资金来源不会产生很少的开销?这些问题需要所有对特种作物杂草控制感兴趣的各方做出回应。




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