首页> 外文期刊>Carbon: An International Journal Sponsored by the American Carbon Society >Preparation of carbonaceous adsorbents for removal of chloroform from drinking water

Preparation of carbonaceous adsorbents for removal of chloroform from drinking water


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Microporous carbons for use as adsorbents in removing chloroform from drinking water were prepared by activating charcoals made from the following natural raw materials: evergreen oak (Q. phillyraeoides), bamboo (P. pubescens), coconut shell (C. nucifera), and Japanese cedar (C. japonica), and from d~hydrochlorinated vinylidene film. Chloroform adsorption was found to be enhanced by increase in the specific surface area of the microporous carbon, but suppressed by enlargement of micropore-size. This suppression is due to a decrease in the interaction, governed by London dispersion force, between the chloroform molecules and the pore walls of the microporous carbon. Carbon with iodine adsorption capacity of around 760 mg g- I demonstrated the greatest chloroform adsorption regardless of the raw material used. In order of chloroform adsorption amount, the materials ranked as follows: vinylidene film>Japanese cedar>coconut shell~evergreen oak> bamboo. The carbon produced by 30 min dehydrochlorination of vinylidene film and that produced by 50 min steam activation of Japanese cedar charcoal demonstrated adsorption capacities several times higher than that of commercial activated carbon.
机译:以常绿栎(Q. phillyraeoides)、竹子(P. pubescens)、椰子壳(C. nucifera)、日本雪松(C. japonica)为原料,以d~盐氯化偏二乙烯薄膜为原料,活化木炭制备了用作吸附剂去除饮用水中氯仿的微孔碳。发现氯仿吸附通过增加微孔碳的比表面积而增强,但通过扩大微孔径而受到抑制。这种抑制是由于氯仿分子与微孔碳的孔壁之间的相互作用减少,受伦敦色散力的控制。无论使用何种原料,碘吸附能力约为 760 mg g-I 的碳都表现出最大的氯仿吸附性。按氯仿吸附量排序,物料排名如下:偏乙烯薄膜>日本雪松>椰子壳~常绿橡木>竹子。偏乙烯薄膜脱氯30 min产生的碳和日本雪松木炭蒸汽活化50 min产生的碳的吸附能力是商业活性炭的数倍。




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