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Online Continuous Scale Estimation of Hand Gestures

机译:Online Continuous Scale Estimation of Hand Gestures

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The style of a gesture provides significant information for communication, and thus understanding the style is of great importance in improving gestural interfaces using hand gestures. We present a novel method to estimate temporal and spatial scale-which are considered principal elements of the style-of hand gestures. Gesture synchronization is proposed for matching progression between spatio-temporally varying gestures, and scales are estimated based on the progression matching. For comparing gestures of various sizes and speeds, gesture representation is defined by adopting turning angle representation. Also, LCSS is used as a similarity measure for reliability and robustness to noise and outliers. Performance of our algorithm is evaluated with synthesized data to show the accuracy and robustness to noise and experiments are carried out using recorded hand gestures to analyze applicability under real-world situations.




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