首页> 外文期刊>journal of logic and computation >Comparing the Expressibility of Languages Formed Using NP-Complete Operators

Comparing the Expressibility of Languages Formed Using NP-Complete Operators

机译:比较使用 NP-Complete 运算符形成的语言的可表达性



In this paper, we consider extending the first-order languageFOby the operator3COL, corresponding to the problem of deciding whether a graph can be properly coloured using at most three colours, just asFOhas, in the past, been extended by the operatorsDTC,STC,TC,ATC, andHP:in particular,HPis the operator corresponding to the problem of deciding whether a digraph has a directed Hamiltonian path between two distinguished vertices. We find that if the language (FO+pos3COL) has the same expressibility as the (seemingly comparable) language (FO+posHP), then NP=co-NP; perhaps a surprising result given that both the problemsHPand3COLare NP-complete via logspace reductions. We show that the problem3COLis complete for the complexity classFO1pos3COL(a sub-class of NP) via projection translations, but it is open as to whetherFO1pos3COLcoincides with NP. We also present general techniques which might be used to show that other languages capture NP and other problems are complete for NP via projection translations.
机译:在本文中,我们考虑通过运算符3COL来扩展一阶语言FO,对应于决定一个图是否可以用最多三种颜色正确着色的问题,就像过去由运算符DTC,STC,TC,ATC,和HP扩展一样:特别是,HP是对应于判断二元图在两个可区分顶点之间是否有有向哈密顿路径的问题。我们发现,如果语言 (FO+pos3COL) 与(看似可比的)语言 (FO+posHP) 具有相同的表达能力,那么 NP=co-NP;也许是一个令人惊讶的结果,因为这两个问题HP和3COL都是通过对数空间约简完成的NP完成的。我们通过投影平移表明,复杂度类FO1pos3COL(NP的子类)的问题3COL是完备的,但对于FO1pos3COL是否与NP重合是开放的。我们还介绍了一些通用技术,这些技术可用于证明其他语言通过投影翻译捕获 NP 和其他问题对于 NP 来说是完整的。




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