
The mighty micro


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Massed ranks of gas central heating boilers, serving as mini CHP plants, are being recruited in the battle against global warming as Roger Dettmer discovers. GAS CENTRAL heating -enjoyed by some 20 million UK homes - is one of the great conveniences of modern life. Like most conveniences, however, it's something we tend to take for granted. Timers and thermostats turn it on and off as required, and an annual maintenance visit, hopefully, keeps it going. All the home owner has to do is pay the bills and enjoy the benefits. We can be obsessive about the make of car we drive, the features of our new HDTV, but it's a rare individual who has the remotest interest in the gas boiler heating their home. All this could be about to change.
机译:罗杰·德特默(Roger Dettmer)发现,作为小型热电联产工厂的燃气集中供暖锅炉正在被招募到与全球变暖的斗争中。大约2000万英国家庭享受的GAS CENTRAL供暖是现代生活的一大便利。然而,像大多数便利一样,我们往往认为这是理所当然的。计时器和恒温器可根据需要打开和关闭它,并希望每年进行一次维护访问,使其保持运行。房主所要做的就是支付账单并享受福利。我们可能会痴迷于我们驾驶的汽车品牌,我们新的高清电视的功能,但很少有人对燃气锅炉有最遥远的兴趣。所有这一切都可能即将改变。




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