首页> 外文期刊>Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. Section B, Soil and Plant Science >Apical bud removal increased seed yield in hemp (Cannabis sativa L.)

Apical bud removal increased seed yield in hemp (Cannabis sativa L.)

机译:去除顶芽可提高大麻的种子产量(Cannabis sativa L.)

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In plants, apical dominance prevents the development of lateral shoots. It can be overwhelmed by apical bud defoliation, allowing numerous lateral buds to develop into more lateral branches carrying more fruits and possibly increasing seed yield. This study tested this hypothesis on five hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) cultivars in a 2-year field experiment. In comparison to the intact ones, the defoliated plants developed several lateral shoots. The hemp seed yield was significantly influenced by the year of production, the apical bud removal, and the cultivar. The average twoyear seed yield of the defoliated plants (715 ± 47 kg/ha) was significantly higher than the yield of the intact plants (568 ± 35 kg/ha). Absolutely the greatest effect of apical bud removal on the seed yield was observed for the cultivar 'Novosadska konoplja', where increase was 225 kg/ha (25); a slightly smaller difference occurred for the cultivar 'Uniko-B' (183 kg; 30), followed by 'Juso-11' (140 kg/ha; 27) and 'Bialobrzeskie' (128 kg/ha; 29). Cultivar 'Beniko' presented the smallest difference with apical bud removal – 58 kg/ha (15) yield increase We maintain that hemp producers can achieve a larger seed yield not only by selecting an appropriate cultivar and row distance but also by removing apical buds.
机译:在植物中,顶端优势阻止了侧芽的发育。它可能会被顶端芽落叶所淹没,使许多侧芽发育成更多的侧枝,携带更多的果实,并可能增加种子产量。这项研究在为期 2 年的田间实验中对五个大麻 (Cannabis sativa L.) 品种验证了这一假设。与完整的植物相比,落叶植物长出了几个侧芽。大麻种子产量受生产年份、顶端芽去除和品种的显着影响。落叶植株的两年平均种子产量(715±47 kg/ha)显著高于完整植株的产量(568±35 kg/ha)。在“Novosadska konoplja”品种中,顶端芽去除对种子产量的影响绝对最大,其产量增加225公斤/公顷(25%);品种“Uniko-B”(183公斤;30%)的差异略小,其次是“Juso-11”(140公斤/公顷;27%)和“Bialobrzeskie”(128公斤/公顷;29)。品种 “Beniko ”在去除顶芽方面差异最小——产量增加 58 公斤/公顷 (15%) 我们坚持认为,大麻生产者不仅可以通过选择合适的品种和行距,还可以通过去除顶芽来获得更大的种子产量。




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