首页> 外文期刊>Physics Letters, B. Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics >Secondary scintillation yield from gaseous micropattern electron multipliers in direct Dark Matter detection

Secondary scintillation yield from gaseous micropattern electron multipliers in direct Dark Matter detection


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Efforts are being made in direct Dark Matter search experiments to detect the primary ionisation inthe liquid by extracting the electrons to the gas phase and use the secondary ionization produced inthe micropattern electron multipliers for signal amplification in noble-liquid dual-phase TPCs. We havestudied the secondary scintillation yield of a single Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) and of a Micro-Hole Strip Plate (MHSP) for xenon at room temperature. Values for secondary scintillation yield between5.0×103 and 1.3×103 photons per primary electron were obtained for the GEM and between 7.2×104and 1.8 × 103 photons per primary electron for the MHSP, as the pressure increased from 1.0 to 2.5 barin the GEM-setup and from 1.0 to 3.3 bar in the MHSP-setup, respectively. These values can be more thanone order of magnitude higher than what has been obtained in the uniform-field scintillation gaps of theXENON and ZEPLIN-III experiments. Although in the present setups the amount of secondary scintillationobtained is sufficient in view of the use of PMTs, if a different type of readout is considered, such aslarge area avalanche photodiodes, it will be important to increase the amount of secondary scintillation.The attained results demonstrate the clear advantage of reading the secondary scintillation instead of thecharge produced in the electron avalanches of micropattern electron multipliers, in low-background andlow-rate experiments, as is the case in direct Dark Matter search.
机译:在直接暗物质搜索实验中,人们正在努力通过将电子提取到气相来检测液体中的初级电离,并利用微图案电子倍增器中产生的二次电离进行贵液双相TPC中的信号放大。我们研究了室温下用于氙气的单个气体电子倍增器(GEM)和微孔和带板(MHSP)的二次闪烁产率。GEM的二次闪烁产率在5.0×103至1.3×103个光子之间,MHSP的二次闪烁产率分别从1.0××0至2.5 bar和MHSP从1.0 bar增加到3.3 bar。这些值可能比在氙气和ZEPLIN-III实验的均匀场闪烁间隙中获得的值高出一个数量级以上。尽管在目前的设置中,鉴于PMT的使用,获得的二次闪烁量是足够的,但如果考虑不同类型的读数,例如大面积雪崩光电二极管,则增加二次闪烁的量将很重要。所获得的结果表明,在低背景和低速率实验中,读取二次闪烁而不是微图案电子倍增器的电子雪崩中产生的电荷具有明显的优势,就像在直接暗物质搜索中一样。




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