首页> 外文期刊>aquaculture research >Microflora of Arctic charr,Salvelinus alpinus(L.): gastrointestinal microflora of free‐living fish and effect of diet and salinity on intestinal microflora

Microflora of Arctic charr,Salvelinus alpinus(L.): gastrointestinal microflora of free‐living fish and effect of diet and salinity on intestinal microflora

机译:北极鲑鱼微生物群落(Salvelinus alpinus)(L.):自由生活鱼类的胃肠道菌群落以及饮食和盐度对肠道菌群的影响



Abstract.The adherent aerobic bacterial flora present in the gastrointestinal tract and faeces of free‐living Arctic charr,Salvelinus alpinus(L.), from Lake Takvatn, Northern Norway, were identified both qualitatively and quantitatively. Approximately 105bacteria g−1were found in both the small and large intestines. The predominant bacterial species were identified asAeromonas, Enterobacteriaceae,MicrococcusandLactobacillus.Other microorganisms isolated includedAcinetobacter, Cytophaga, Flavobacterium, Moraxella, Pseudomonas, Vibrio, Coryneforms andStreptococcus.The intestinal microflora of free‐living fish was dominated byAeromonasandLactobacillus, but the intestinal bacterial flora of wild fish transferred to hatchery was affected by feeding them either a capelin roe diet or a commercial feed in fresh and sea water. Approximately 55 of the bacterial flora in intestinal contents from fish fed the capelin roe diet was Enterobacteriaceae when the fish were held in fresh and sea water. However, when the wild‐caught charr were fed a commercial diet in fresh water,AeromonasandPseudomonasdominated in faeces, whileVibrioandPseudomonaswere predominant in the diet group held in se
机译:摘要:从定性和定量两个方面鉴定了来自挪威北部塔克瓦滕湖的北极鲑(Salvelinus alpinus,L.)的胃肠道和粪便中粘附的需氧菌群。在小肠和大肠中都发现了大约 105 个细菌 g−1。主要细菌种类为气单胞菌属、肠杆菌科、微球菌属和乳酸菌属,其他分离出的微生物包括不动杆菌属、噬菌菌属、黄杆菌属、莫拉菌属、假单胞菌属、弧菌属、棒状菌属和链球菌属。海水。当鱼被保存在淡水和海水中时,喂食毛鳞鱼子饮食的鱼的肠道内容物中约有55%的细菌菌群是肠杆菌科。然而,当在淡水中饲喂野生鲑鱼时,气单胞菌和假单胞菌在粪便中占主导地位,而弧菌和假单胞菌在淡水中占主导地位。




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