
Challenges Ahead: (New) Editor's Note


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On January 1, 2016, I took over as Editor in Chief from my highly regarded colleague Dr Johannes Rohan. Johannes has steered the journal for many years and was successful in obtaining an impact factor for it. Despite its controversial nature, the impact factor is an important metric and one that continues to be reflected in academic evaluations. Since my first published paper (1992, to be precise), the world of peer-reviewed publications has changed dramatically. Not only because of the number of printed journals available, even in a small field such as that of intellectual disability, but also because of the change in publishing traditions. Open access is now an important avenue for aspiring and established academics and is equally valued. Dissemination of the published articles is much wider than the academic press. Regularly, freelance writers and blogging sites will report on research and communicate findings of studies for the lay public to aid public and patient engagement with research. Equally important is the engagement with those commissioning or running services in order to enable them to make the right choices for the population they serve. These aspects are now encompassed by a new term, research impact, which aims to illustrate the wide reach of research outputs which are not simply confined to the academic arena but may have substantial societal and financial benefits.
机译:2016 年 1 月 1 日,我从备受尊敬的同事 Johannes Rohan 博士手中接任主编一职。约翰内斯(Johannes)多年来一直指导该杂志,并成功地获得了影响因子。尽管存在争议,但影响因子是一个重要的指标,并继续反映在学术评估中。自从我发表第一篇论文(准确地说是1992年)以来,同行评议出版物的世界发生了巨大变化。这不仅是因为印刷期刊的数量,即使是在智力障碍这样的小领域,还因为出版传统的改变。开放获取现在是有抱负和成熟的学者的重要途径,同样受到重视。已发表文章的传播范围比学术出版社要广泛得多。定期,自由撰稿人和博客网站将报告研究并向非专业公众交流研究结果,以帮助公众和患者参与研究。同样重要的是与那些委托或运行服务的人接触,以便使他们能够为他们所服务的人群做出正确的选择。这些方面现在被一个新术语所涵盖,即研究影响,旨在说明研究成果的广泛影响,这些成果不仅限于学术领域,而且可能具有巨大的社会和经济效益。




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