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Floating offshore wind generation


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The world's first offshore wind farm, comprising just two turbines and located on a rocky promontory about 1.5 km offshore, was built in 2002 near the small, former coal-mining village of Newbiggin, Northumberland, by E.ON. Soon after that, E.ON built the Scroby Sands wind farm on a sandbank off Lowestoft. Since then, domestically, we have seen several rounds of development, with some projects developing extensions, and the latest – Round 4 (in England and Wales) and Scotwind (Scotland) – promise to contribute significantly to an installed offshore wind capacity of 30+ GW, a political target unrivalled by other countries. As offshore windpower has rolled out both in the UK and internationally the levelised* cost of energy for these developments has come down and for many new developments the sector is nearing subsidy-free status.
机译:世界上第一个海上风电场由E.ON于2002年在诺森伯兰郡纽比金(Newbiggin)的前煤矿小村庄附近建造,仅由两台涡轮机组成,位于离岸约1.5公里的岩石海角上。不久之后,E.ON在洛斯托夫特附近的沙洲上建造了Scroby Sands风电场。从那时起,在国内,我们已经看到了几轮开发,一些项目正在开发扩展,最新的 - 第四轮(在英格兰和威尔士)和苏格兰风电(苏格兰) - 有望为30 + GW的海上风电装机容量做出重大贡献,这是其他国家无法比拟的政治目标。随着海上风电在英国和国际上的推出,这些开发项目的平准化*能源成本已经下降,对于许多新开发项目,该行业已接近无补贴状态。




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