首页> 外文期刊>Transportation research, Part A. Policy and practice >Heavy-duty trucking and the energy efficiency paradox: Evidence from focus groups and interviews

Heavy-duty trucking and the energy efficiency paradox: Evidence from focus groups and interviews


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Theory suggests that profit maximizing firms have an incentive to incorporate cost-effective technologies into their products. However, simple net present value calculations comparing upfront costs of fuel-saving technologies to future savings suggest this is not always the case. This puzzle is commonly referred to as the "energy efficiency paradox." A growing number of empirical studies examine why households may under-invest in energy efficiency. Fewer studies examine similar undervaluation by businesses. We explore investment decisions within the heavy-duty trucking sector for fuel-saving technologies via focus groups and interviews to gain insight into what factors might explain apparent underinvestment in fuel-saving technologies. We find some evidence that market failures related to lack of information about technology performance and network externalities contribute to slow adoption of some technologies. However, information about new technologies for tractors seems to generate limited spillovers. There is also some evidence of split incentives between owners and drivers, though companies have invested in a variety of technologies and approaches in an attempt to address these effects. Other factors important in trucking investment decisions that are not classic market failures include tradeoffs between fuel economy and other valued truck attributes, as well as uncertainty and risk associated with new technologies if decision-makers are loss averse. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
机译:理论表明,利润最大化的公司有动力将具有成本效益的技术纳入其产品中。然而,将节油技术的前期成本与未来节省的成本进行比较的简单净现值计算表明,情况并非总是如此。这个难题通常被称为“能源效率悖论”。越来越多的实证研究探讨了为什么家庭可能在能源效率方面的投资不足。很少有研究对企业类似的低估进行调查。我们通过焦点小组和访谈来探讨重型卡车运输行业对节油技术的投资决策,以深入了解哪些因素可以解释节油技术投资明显不足的原因。我们发现一些证据表明,与缺乏有关技术性能和网络外部性的信息相关的市场失灵导致某些技术的采用缓慢。然而,有关拖拉机新技术的信息似乎产生的溢出效应有限。还有一些证据表明,车主和司机之间的激励措施存在分歧,尽管公司已经投资了各种技术和方法,试图解决这些影响。在卡车运输投资决策中,其他重要的因素不是典型的市场失灵,包括燃油经济性和其他有价值的卡车属性之间的权衡,以及如果决策者厌恶损失,则与新技术相关的不确定性和风险。由以下开发商制作:Elsevier Ltd.




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