
Did the Dravidian speakers originate in Africa?

机译:Did the Dravidian speakers originate in Africa?

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Chaubey et al. "Peopling of South Asia", argue that most Indians are autochthonous and originated shortly after the African migration to India 50-60,000 ybp, given the diversity of M haplogroups in India. Molecular, archaeological, linguistic and osteological studies of Dravidian-speaking people, however, suggest a more-recent origin for people speaking these languages. According to Sergent,(1) the Dravidian populations are not autochthonous to India. Using osteological data, researchers have made itclear that the Dravidian speakers of South India and the Indus valley were primarily related to the ancient Capsian population, which originated in Africa.(2-9) Laho-vary(5) and Sastri(6) maintains that this population was unified over an extensive zone from Africa, to South India. Some researchers maintain that the Capsian civilization originated in East Africa.




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