首页> 外文期刊>investigative radiology >Radiologic Assessment of Portal Vein Blood FlowDescription of Method and Application

Radiologic Assessment of Portal Vein Blood FlowDescription of Method and Application




A tributary of the superior mesenteric vein was catheterized in dogs. The diameters of the opacified portal vein (PV) were determined on biplane cineangiograms. Droplets of lipiodol were injected and cinefluorography performed. The mean linear velocity of portal blood was calculated from the velocity of droplets observed during apnea, using correction factors obtained from previous model experiments. The portal vein flow (PVF) was calculated from the mean linear velocity and the mean cross-sectional area of PV. Portal and systemic blood pressures (PVP, BP), cardiac output (CO), and respirations were recorded. Measurements were taken before lowering the CO and BP and after the restitution of normal values. The cross-sectional area of PV is elliptical in shape and becomes smaller after bleeding, regaining its shape after replacement of blood. PVP varied from 3–12 mmHg and was not affected by the injection of lipiodol droplets. Hemorrhage had no effect on PVP and PVF in its early stage, but further bleeding (30 ml/kg) produced a fall in both. After restitution of BP and CO, PVP and PVF returned to normal values. PVF, on the average, represented 23 of CO (range 1.2 – 3.5 l/min.). While the CO was lowered, PVF as per cent of CO was increased. Extremely low CO produced a decrease in PVF as per cent of CO. An application of the method is suggested in man where the portal vein can be catheterized via a recanalized umbilical vein.
机译:肠系膜上静脉的支流在狗身上导尿。在双平面电影血管造影上确定混浊门静脉 (PV) 的直径。注射脂碘醇液滴并进行电影荧光照相。门静脉血的平均线速度是根据呼吸暂停期间观察到的液滴速度计算的,使用从先前模型实验中获得的校正因子。门静脉流量 (PVF) 是根据 PV 的平均线速度和平均横截面积计算的。记录门静脉血压和全身血压(PVP、BP)、心输出量 (CO) 和呼吸。在降低 CO 和 BP 之前以及恢复正常值后进行测量。PV的横截面积呈椭圆形,出血后变小,置血后恢复原状。PVP 变化范围为 3-12 mmHg,并且不受注射脂碘醇液滴的影响。出血在早期对 PVP 和 PVF 没有影响,但进一步的出血 (30 ml/kg) 导致两者下降。BP和CO恢复后,PVP和PVF恢复正常值。PVF平均占CO的23%(范围为1.2-3.5升/分钟)。虽然一氧化碳降低,但聚氯乙烯占一氧化碳的百分比却有所增加。极低的一氧化碳导致PVF占CO的百分比下降。建议将该方法应用于人类,其中可以通过再通的脐静脉插入门静脉。




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