首页> 外文期刊>Journal of environmental radioactivity >Long-term modelling of fly ash and radionuclide emissions as well as deposition fluxes due to the operation of large oil shale-fired power plants

Long-term modelling of fly ash and radionuclide emissions as well as deposition fluxes due to the operation of large oil shale-fired power plants


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Two of the world's largest oil shale-fired power plants (PPs) in Estonia have been operational over 40 years, emitting various pollutants, such as fly ash, SOx, NOx, heavy metals, volatile organic compounds as well as radionuclides to the environment. The emissions from these PPs have varied significantly during this period, with the maximum during the 1970s and 1980s. The oil shale burned in the PPs contains naturally occurring radionuclides from the U-238 and Th-232 decay series as well as 40K. These radionuclides become enriched in fly ash fractions (up to 10 times), especially in the fine fly ash escaping the purification system.
机译:爱沙尼亚的两座世界上最大的油页岩发电厂 (PP) 已经运行了 40 多年,向环境排放各种污染物,如粉煤灰、硫氧化物、氮氧化物、重金属、挥发性有机化合物以及放射性核素。在此期间,这些PP的排放量变化很大,在1970年代和1980年代最大。在PP中燃烧的油页岩含有来自U-238和Th-232衰变系列以及40K的天然放射性核素。这些放射性核素在粉煤灰组分中富集(高达10倍),特别是在从净化系统中逸出的细粉煤灰中。




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