首页> 外文期刊>European journal of wood and wood products >Structural and acoustic properties of African padouk (Pterocarpus soyauxii) wood for xylophones

Structural and acoustic properties of African padouk (Pterocarpus soyauxii) wood for xylophones


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The possibility of supplementing the subjective traditional assessment of wood quality for percussion instruments with reliable acoustic measurements was studied. Sawn boards of African padouk (Pterocarpus soyauxii Taub.) were selected in a timber yard and classified into five grades by using the dynamic combined specific modulus of elasticity. Then they were sawn into raw xylophone bars, which were afterwards traditionally graded by listening to the sound damping at flexural bending excitation and additionally by acoustic measurements. A high quality grade matching of xylophone bars and sawn boards was confirmed. Highly graded material was mostly quarter sawn with straight or moderately interlocked grain. The sound quality of raw xylophone bars was not influenced by the wood density. It negatively correlated with sound damping (tan delta) and positively with the specific modulus of elasticity and with absolute and relative acoustic conversion efficiency. The audial grading of xylophone bars could be improved or substituted by relative acoustic conversion efficiency.
机译:研究了用可靠的声学测量来补充打击乐器木材质量的主观传统评估的可能性。在木材堆场中选取了非洲帕杜克(Pterocarpus soyauxii Taub.)的锯板,并使用动态组合比弹性模量将其分为五个等级。然后将它们锯成原始的木琴条,然后通过聆听弯曲激励时的声阻尼以及声学测量来传统上对其进行分级。确认了木琴棒和锯板的高质量等级匹配。高级配材料大多是四分之一锯切的,具有直的或适度互锁的颗粒。原始木琴条的音质不受木材密度的影响。它与声阻尼(tan delta)呈负相关,与比弹性模量以及绝对和相对声学转换效率呈正相关。木琴小节的听觉分级可以通过相对声学转换效率来改善或替代。




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