首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >4,6,7-Trimethoxy-5-methylchromen-2-one, a new coumarin fromLeonotis nepetaefolia

4,6,7-Trimethoxy-5-methylchromen-2-one, a new coumarin fromLeonotis nepetaefolia




2594 J.C.S. Perkin I4,6,7-Trimethoxy-5-methylchromen-2-one, a New Coumarin from Leo-notis nepetaefoliaBy Kozhiparambil K. Purushothaman and Sarada Vasanth, Captain Srinivasa Murti ResearchJoseph D. Connolly and Cecilia LabbQ, Department of Chemistry, University of Glasgow,Adyar, Madras, IndiaG12 8QQ4.6,7-Trimethoxy-5-methylchromen-2-one (1) has been isolated from Leonotis nepetaefolia and itsconfirmed by synthesis of the hydrolysis product, 2’-hydroxy-4’,5’-dimethoxy-6’-methylacetophenone2.3.5-trimethoxybenzaldehyde.DURING work on the diterpenoid constituents of Leonotisaepetaefolia we isolated a new coumarin, C1405,m.p. 209” v , ~ (CC1,) 1 727 cm-l. The n.m.r. spectrumrevealed the presence of three methoxy-groups (6 3.75,3.91, and 3.94), an aromatic methyl group (8 2.59), avinylic proton S 5.53 (1 H, s), and an aromatic protonS 6.68 (1 H, s).The similarity of the n.m.r. and U.V.A,, 225, 275infl, 287, 313, 327infl nm (E 20 000, 8 800,12 800, 15 000, and 11 OOO) spectra to those of siderin(4,7-dimethoxy-5-methylchromen-2-one)2 suggested twopossible structures, (1) and (2), for this compound. AMe OMeMe0OMe( 1 1 ( 2 )OMe MeMe0( 3 )( 4 ) R = H( 7 ) R = M eR( 5 ) R = C H O( 6 ) R = M edecision was facilitated by use of Eu(fod),-induced shifts,which have recently been shown3 to provide a readymethod for determining the substitution pattern incoumarins. The results strongly favoured structure (1) :the shifts of the various protons relative to H-3 were:H-8, 0.30; Me, 0.16; OMe,0.17,0.13, and 0.08 p.p.m.The corresponding shifts for the model compound (3)(5,7-dimethoxy-4-rnethylchromen-2-one) were : H-8,0.29 ;H-6, 0.14; 4-Me, 0.21; OMe, 0.10 and 0.07 p.p.m.Thet The isomeric 2’-hydroxy-3’, 4’-dime thoxy-6’-methylace to-1 K. I<. Purushothaman, S. Vasanth, and J. D. Connolly.K. K. Chexal, C. Fouweather, and J. S. E. Hollter, J.C.S.phenone has m.p. 94°.4J.C.S. Perkin I , 1974, 2661.Perkin I , 1975, 554.I nst i tut e,Glasgowstructure(4) fromsize of the relative shift of the aromatic proton indicates 3that it is attached to C-8.The presence of the 4-methoxy-group in structure (1)was confirmed by alkaline hydrolysis followed by acidichydrolysis, which resulted in decarboxylation to give theo-hydroxyacetophenone (4), m.p.76-77’ t v, (CCl,)3400 and 1620 crn-l; 6 2.5 (ArMe), 2.62 (CH,CO), 3.70and 3.84 (2 OMe), 6.32 (1 H, s, aromatic), and 13.08 (1 H,s, phenolic OH). This compound, which has not beendescribed previously, was synthesised in the followingway. 2,3,5-Trimethoxybenzaldehyde (5) (prepared fromo-vanillin ; see Experimental section) was subjected toWolff-Kishner reduction to afford the oily 2,3,5-trimeth-oxytoluene (6) a 2.17 (ArMe), 3.71 (6 H) and 3.80 (3 H)(3 OMe), and 6.27 and 6.33 (both d, J 3 Hz, H-4, and -6).Friedel-Crafts acylation of (6) with aluminium chlorideand acetyl chloride took place regiospecifically a t C-6 toyield 2’,4’, 5’- trimet hoxy-6’-me t h ylacetophenone (7), m .p.84” 8 2.17 (ArMe), 2.45 (CN,CO), 3.71, 3.80, and 3.88(3 OMe), and 6.40 (I H, s, H-3).The benzene-inducedshifts of the methoxy-groups of (7) (0.60, 0.43, and 0.11p,p.m.) support its assigned substitution pattern.Treatment of (7) with an excess of boron trichloride, areagent for the specific demethylation of o-methoxy-acylbenzenes,5 readily afforded the o-hydroxyaceto-phenone (4), identical with the hydrolysis product of thenatural compound (1). This synthesis confirmsstructure (1).EXPERIMENTALFor general details see ref. 1.IsoZatiort.-Dried powdered L. nefietaefolia (whole plant ;3 kg) was extracted with cold benzene. The extract wasconcentrated and left overnight. The precipitate of crudenepetaefolinol 1 was filtered off and the mother liquors werechromatographed over grade IV alumina.The chloroformeluate was rechromatographed and afforded a gum (100 mg)which solidified on trituration with ether. Crystallisationfrom methanol gave 4,6,7-trimethoxy-5-methylchronzen-2-one(l), m.p. 209--210’ (Found: C, 62.2; H, 5.4. C,,H,,O,requires C, 62.4; H, 5.65).A. I. Gray, R. D. Waigh, and P. G. Waterman, J.C.S. Chem.Cornrn., 1974, 632.W. Raker and H. Raistrick, J . Chem. SOC., 1941, 670.F. M. Dean, J. Goodchild, L. E. Houghton, J. A. Martin,R. B. Morton, R. Parton, A. VJ. Price, and N. Somvichien,Tetvahedron Letters, 1966, 415319762’-Hydroxy-4’, 5’-dimethoxy-6‘-methylacetophenone (4) .-The coumarin (1) (90 mg) was refluxed with methanolic 5potassium hydroxide (10 ml) for 2 h.The methanol wasremoved in VUCUO and the residue acidified with 5~-hydro-chloric acid, heated for 5 min, and extracted with ether.Crystallisation from cold hexane yielded the product (4),m.p. 76-77O, Amx- 220, 234, 277, and 318 nm (c 10500,8 500, 5 600, and 3 500) (Found: C, 62.6; H, 6.8. C,,H,,04requires C, 62.85; H, 6.7).2,3,5-TrimethoxybenzaZdehyde (5) .-o-Veratraldehyde ( 12g), prepared by methylation of o-vanillin under standardconditions with sodium hydride and methyl iodide indimethyl sulphoxide, was nitrated with concentrated nitricThe product (11.7 g), an equimolar mixture of the5- and 6-nitro-derivatives, was reduced and diazotised bythe method of Smith and Laf~rge.~ Fortuitiously, thecrude product (2.9 g) consisted mainly of the desired 2,3-dimethoxy-5-hydroxybenzaldehyde. It crystallised frommethanol as long needles (1.92 g), m.p. 141-144’ (lit.,8137”) 6 3.85 and 3.88 (2 OMe), 6.67 and 6.76 (both d, J 3 Hz,H - 4 and -6), and 10.28 (1 H, s, CHO).Methylation, asabove, afforded 3,3,5-trimethoxybenzaldehyde ( 5 ) ( 1.4 g) ,which crystallised from aqueous methanol as long needles,m.p. 67” (lit.,8 71”) 6 3.80, 3.85, and 3.88 (3 OMe), 6.73 and6.83 (both d, J 3 Hz, H-4 and -6), and 10.38 (1 H, s, CHO).2,3,5-TrimethoxytoZuene (6) .-The aldehyde (6) (1 g) indiethylene glycol was heated on an oil-bath a t 150 “C for2 h with an excess of hydrazine hydrate. An excess ofsolid potassium hydroxide was added and the mixtureheated at 180 “C for 3 h. Water was added and the solutionextracted with ether.Preparative t.1.c. of the crude pro-duct (0.57 g) gave 2,3,5-trimethoxytoZuene (6) as an oil (100mg), mle 182,2’,4’, 5’-Trimethoxy-6’-methylucetophenone (7) .-2,3,5-Tri-methoxytoluene (100 mg) was dissolved in an ethereal solu-tion of an excess of aluminium chloride, and an excess ofacetyl chloride was added dr~pwise.~ The mixture wasstirred at room temperature overnight, acidified with 5 ~ -hydrochloric acid, and heated on a steam-bath for 11.Extraction with ether and recrystallisation from hexaneafforded 2’,4‘, 5’-trimethoxy-6’-methyZacetophenone (7) (90 mg) ,m.p. 84”, vmx. (CC1,) 1697 cm-l, I,-. 224, 268, and 295 nm( E 10700, 4000, and 3500) (Found: C, 64.35; H, 7.25.C,,H,,O, requires C, 64.25; H, 7.2).2’-Hydroxy-4’, 5’-dirnethoxy-B’-methyZacetophenone (4) .-The trimethoxyacetophenone (7) (30 mg) in dichloromethanewas stirred a t 0 “C for 5 min with a large excess of borontrichloride. Water was added and the organic layer separ-ated. The crude product mas crystallised from cold hexaneto give 2’-hydroxy-4’,5’-dimethoxy-6’-methylacetophenone(4) (24 mg), m.p. 7-77’, identical with the hydrolysisproduct of (1).228 (E 5 300) and 283 nm (2 250).The Indian authors thank the Central Council for Res-earch in Indian Medicine and Homeopathy, Government ofIndia, New Delhi, for financial support.6/1461 Received, 26th July, 19761W. H. Perkin and R. Robinson, J . Chern. Soc., 1914, 2376.W. H. Perkin, R. Robinson, and F. W. Stoyle, J . Ghem. Soc.,1924, 2355. * L. E. Smith and F. B. Laforge, J . Ghem. SOL, 1931, 3072.0 Copyright 1976 by The Chemical Societ
机译:2594 J.C.S. Perkin I4,6,7-三甲氧基-5-甲基苯并吡喃-2-酮,一种来自荆芥叶荆芥的新香豆素作者:Kozhiparambil K. Purushothaman 和 Sarada Vasanth,Srinivasa Murti 上尉研究Joseph D. Connolly 和 Cecilia LabbQ,格拉斯哥大学化学系,Adyar,Madras,IndiaG12 8QQ4.6,7-三甲氧基-5-甲基苯并吡喃-2-酮 (1) 已从荆芥叶荆芥中分离出来,并通过合成水解产物 2'-羟基-4',5'-二甲氧基-6'-甲基苯乙酮 2.3 得到证实。5-三甲氧基苯甲醛。在研究Leonotisaepetaefolia的二萜类成分时,我们分离出一种新的香豆素,C&1405,m.p. 209“ [ v , ~ (CC1,) 1 727 cm-l]。n.m.r.谱图显示存在3个甲氧基(6 3.75、3.91和3.94)、芳香族甲基(8 2.59)、亲苯基质子[S 5.53 (1 H, s)]和芳香族质子[S 6.68 (1 H, s)]。n.m.r.和U.V.[A,, 225, 275infl, 287, 313, 327infl nm (E 20 000, 8 800,12 800, 15 000, and 11 OOO)]光谱与铁菱素(4,7-二甲氧基-5-甲基苯并吡喃-2-酮)2的相似性表明该化合物有两种可能的结构,(1)和(2)。AMe OMeMe0OMe( 1 1 ( 2 )OMe MeMe0( 3 )( 4 ) R = H( 7 ) R = M eR( 5 ) R = C H O( 6 ) R = M 通过使用 Eu(fod) 诱导的位移促进了决策,最近已证明 3 为确定香豆素的取代模式提供了一种现成的方法。结果表明,(1)各质子相对于H-3的位移为:H-8,0.30;&我,0。16;模型化合物(3)(5,7-二甲氧基-4-rn乙基苯并吡喃-2-酮)的相应位移为:H-8,0.29;H-6,0.14;4-我,0.21;OMe, 0.10 和 0.07 p.p.m.Thet 异构体 2'-羟基-3', 4'-二甲氧基-6'-甲基乙酰-1 K. I<.Purushothaman、S. Vasanth 和 JD Connolly.K.K. Chexal, C. Fouweather, and J. S. E. Hollter, J.C.S.phenone has m.p. 94°.4J.C.S. Perkin I , 1974, 2661.Perkin I , 1975, 554.I nst i tut e,Glasgowstructure(4) from the size of the relative shift of the aromatic proton indicates 3that it is attached to C-8.通过碱性水解和酸性水解证实结构 (1) 中 4-甲氧基的存在,这导致脱羧得到可羟基苯乙酮 (4),m.p.76-77' t [v, (CCl,)3400 和 1620 crn-l; 6 2.5 (ArMe)、2.62 (CH,CO)、3.70 和 3.84 (2 OMe)、6.32 (1 H, s, 芳香族) 和 13.08 (1 H,s, 酚类 OH)]。这种以前没有描述过的化合物是按以下方式合成的。2,3,5-三甲氧基苯甲醛(5)(由o-香兰素制备;见实验部分)进行Wolff-Kishner还原,得到油性2,3,5-三甲基-催产甲苯(6)[a 2.17 (ArMe),3.71 (6 H)和3.80 (3 H)(3 OMe),以及6.27和6.33(d,J 3 Hz,H-4和-6)]。(6)与氯化铝和乙酰氯的Friedel-Crafts酰化反应发生在tC-6中,产生2',4',5'-三聚一甲氧基-6'-甲基th苯乙酮(7),m .p.84“[8 2.17(ArMe),2.45(CN,CO),3.71,3.80和3。88(3 OMe)和6.40(I H,s,H-3)]。(7)(0.60、0.43 和 0.11p,p.m.)的甲氧基苯诱导位移支持其指定的取代模式。用过量的三氯化硼处理(7),是邻甲氧基酰基苯的特异性脱甲基化试剂,5容易得到邻羟基苯乙酮(4),与天然化合物(1)的水解产物相同。该合成证实了结构(1)。实验性一般细节见参考文献 1.IsoZatiort.-Dried powdered L. nefietaefolia (whole plant ;3 kg)用冷苯萃取。将提取物浓缩并放置过夜。滤去crudenepetaefolinol 1的沉淀物,并在IV级氧化铝上对母液进行色谱分析。对氯甲酸酯进行重新色谱,并得到胶(100mg),该胶在用乙醚研磨时凝固。甲醇结晶得到4,6,7-三甲氧基-5-甲基chronzen-2-酮(l),熔点209--210'(发现:C,62.2;H,5.4。C,,H,,O,需要C,62.4;H, 5.65%).A. I. Gray, R. D. Waigh, and P. G. Waterman, J.C.S. Chem.Cornrn., 1974, 632.W. Raker and H. Raistrick, J .化学 SOC., 1941, 670.F. M. Dean, J. Goodchild, L. E. Houghton, J. A. Martin,R. B. Morton, R. Parton, A. VJ.Price和N. Somvichien,Tetvahedron Letters,1966,415319762'-羟基-4',5'-二甲氧基-6'-甲基苯乙酮(4).-香豆素(1)(90mg)与甲醇5%氢氧化钾(10ml)回流2小时。将甲醇在VUCUO中除去,残余物用5~-盐酸酸化,加热5min,用乙醚萃取。冷己烷结晶得到产物(4),熔点76-77O,Amx-220、234、277和318 nm(c 10500、8 500、5 600和3 500)(发现:C,62.6;H,6.8。C,,H,,04要求C,62.85;H, 6.7%).2,3,5-三甲氧基苯甲醛(5).-邻藜芦醛(12g),由邻香兰素在标准条件下用氢化钠和甲基碘印度甲基亚砜甲基化制得,用浓硝基5-和6-硝基衍生物的等摩尔混合物(11.7g)通过Smith和Laf~rge的方法还原并重氮化~幸运的是,粗产物(2.9 g)主要由所需的2,3-二甲氧基-5-羟基苯甲醛组成。它由甲醇结晶为长针(1.92 g),熔点141-144'(lit.,8137“)[6 3.85和3.88(2 OMe),6.67和6.76(d,J 3 Hz,H - 4和-6)和10.28(1 H,s,CHO)]。甲基化,如上所述,得到 3,3,5-三甲氧基苯甲醛 ( 5 ) ( 1.4 g) ,其由甲醇水溶液结晶为长针,熔点 67“ (lit.,8 71”) [6 3.80, 3.85 和 3.88 (3 OMe), 6.73 和 6.83 (d, J 3 Hz, H-4 和 -6) 和 10.38 (1 H, s, CHO)].2,3,5-三甲氧基对 Zuene (6) .-将醛 (6) (1 g) 二甲乙二醇在油浴上加热 a t 150“C 2 小时,加入过量的水合肼.加入过量的固体氢氧化钾,将混合物在180“C下加热3小时。加入水,用乙醚萃取溶液。制备t.1.c.的粗品(0.57g)得到2,3,5-三甲氧基甲基Zuene(6)作为油(100mg),mle 182,2',4',5'-三甲氧基-6'-甲基苯二酚(7).-2,3,5-三甲氧基甲苯(100mg)溶于过量氯化铝的空灵溶解中,并加入过量的ofacetyl氯化dr~pwise.~将混合物在室温下搅拌过夜,用5~-盐酸酸化, 并在蒸汽浴上加热&11.用乙醚萃取并从己烷中重结晶2',4',5'-三甲氧基-6'-甲基二苯氮酮(7)(90毫克),熔点84“,vmx。(CC1,) 1697 cm-l, I,-.224、268 和 295 nm(E 10700、4000 和 3500)(发现:C,64.35;H,7.25.C,,H,,O,需要C,64.25;H, 7.2%).2'-羟基-4',5'-二乙氧基-B'-甲基苯扎睾酮 (4) .-三甲氧基苯乙酮 (7) (30 mg) 在二氯甲烷中用大量过量的三氯化硼搅拌 t 0“C 5 分钟.加水并分离有机层。由冷己烷结晶的粗产物得到2'-羟基-4',5'-二甲氧基-6'-甲基苯乙酮(4)(24 mg),熔点7-77',与(1).228 (E 5 300)和283 nm (2 250)的水解产物相同。印度作者感谢新德里印度政府印度医学和顺势疗法研究中央委员会的财政支持。[6/1461 收稿日期:19761 年 7 月 26 日W. H. Perkin 和 R. Robinson, J .陈。Soc., 1914, 2376.W. H. Perkin, R. Robinson, and F. W.斯托伊尔,J .哎呀。Soc.,1924, 2355.* L. E. Smith 和 F. B. Laforge, J .哎呀。SOL, 1931, 3072.0 版权所有 1976 The Chemical Societ




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