首页> 外文期刊>journal of applied polymer science >Dynamic measurement of interfilament friction on staple yarns

Dynamic measurement of interfilament friction on staple yarns




AbstractA new method is presented which permits the quantitative characterization of interfilament friction of staple yarns using loss tangent tanδ data measured directly from samples nondestructively with the Rheovibron DDV‐II viscoelastometer. The procedure is derived from a phenomenological model of the structure's mechanical behavior in which its energy dissipation capacity consists of both filament internal viscous friction and a filament‐to‐filament coulomb friction mechanism. By treating the coulomb dissipation in terms of an additional effective viscous component, the loss tangent of the model representing the structure can be analytically expressed in terms of the internal filament viscous properties, a fiber‐to‐fiber coulomb parameter, and an undetermined assembly dispersion factor which is representative of strength. By measuring effective loss tangent data for the staple yarn and a constituent filament at two separate frequencies and considering the magnitude of the coulomb mechanism to be independent of the test frequency in the range employed, both the coulomb friction dissipation and the assembly dispersion factor can be quantified. Using this procedure, loss tangent data from tests on a series of staple yarns (nylon, polyester, and acrylic fiber) are used to calculate both assembly dispersion and interfilament coulomb fricti
机译:摘要提出了一种新方法,利用Rheovibron DDV-II粘弹性体仪无损测量样品的损耗角正切tanδ数据,对短纤纱线的长丝间摩擦进行定量表征。该过程源自结构机械行为的现象学模型,其中其能量耗散能力由灯丝内部粘性摩擦和灯丝间库仑库仑摩擦机制组成。通过根据额外的有效粘性成分处理库仑耗散,代表结构的模型的损耗角正切可以用内部细丝粘性、纤维间库仑参数和代表强度的未确定组装色散因子来解析表示。通过测量短纤维纱线和组成长丝在两个不同频率下的有效损耗角正切数据,并考虑库仑机制的大小与所采用范围内的测试频率无关,可以量化库仑摩擦耗散和装配色散因子。使用此程序,使用一系列短纤维纱线(尼龙、涤纶和腈纶纤维)测试的损耗角正切数据来计算装配分散和长丝间库仑脆度




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