首页> 外文期刊>Epidemiology and Infection >Risk factors for Clostridium difficile infection in the community: A case-control study in patients in general practice, Denmark, 2009-2011

Risk factors for Clostridium difficile infection in the community: A case-control study in patients in general practice, Denmark, 2009-2011

机译:社区艰难梭菌感染的危险因素:2009-2011 年丹麦全科患者的病例对照研究

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To identify risk factors for Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) in Danish patients consulting general practice with gastrointestinal symptoms, a prospective matched case-control study was performed; cases (N=259) had positive cultures for toxigenic C. difficile and controls (N=455) negative cultures. Data were analysed by conditional logistic regression. In patients aged 2 years (138 cases), hospitalization odds ratio (OR) 8·4, 95 confidence interval (CI) 3·1-23, consumption of beef (OR 5·5, 95 CI 2·0-15), phenoxymethylpenicillin (OR 15, 95 CI 2·7-82), dicloxacillin (OR 27, 95 CI 3·6-211), and extended spectrum penicillins (OR 9·2, 95 CI 1·9-45) were associated with CDI. In patients aged <2 years none of these were associated with CDI, but in a subgroup analysis contact with animals was associated with CDI (OR 8·1, 95 CI 1·0-64). This study emphasizes narrow-spectrum penicillins, and suggests beef consumption, as risk factors for CDI in adults, and indicates a different epidemiology of CDI in infants.
机译:为了确定有胃肠道症状的丹麦全科医生患者艰难梭菌感染 (CDI) 的危险因素,进行了一项前瞻性匹配病例对照研究;病例 (N=259) 的产毒艰难梭菌培养呈阳性,对照组 (N=455) 培养呈阴性。通过条件logistic回归分析数据。在2岁患者(138例)中,住院[比值比(OR)8.4,95%置信区间(CI)3.1-23],食用牛肉(OR 5.5,95%CI 2.0-15),苯氧甲基青霉素(OR 15,95%CI 2.7-82),双氯西林(OR 27,95%CI 3.6-211)和广谱青霉素(OR 9.2,95%CI 1.9-45)与CDI相关。在 <2 岁的患者中,这些均与 CDI 无关,但在亚组分析中,与动物的接触与 CDI 相关 (OR 8·1,95% CI 1·0-64)。这项研究强调窄谱青霉素,并建议食用牛肉是成人 CDI 的危险因素,并表明婴儿 CDI 的流行病学不同。




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