首页> 外文期刊>Carbon: An International Journal Sponsored by the American Carbon Society >The effect of carbon pore structure on the adsorption of cigarette smoke vapour phase compounds

The effect of carbon pore structure on the adsorption of cigarette smoke vapour phase compounds


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The pore size, distribution and volume of activated carbon are extremely important for maximizing adsorption of vapours formed during cigarette smoking. Increasing micropore volume leads to an increase in the removal efficiency. Because of the relatively high flow rates encountered during the smoking process, mesopores appear to be beneficial as transport pores especially in cases where the micropore volume is relatively low and thus the most accessible micropore sites may be rapidly saturated. Film diffusion limitations seem to be present at the very high space velocities encountered in a filter under the conditions of cigarette smoking. The removal efficiency from smoke is approximately inversely proportional to the vapour pressure of the constituents.




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