首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >Synthesis of 1,4-oxathian-2-one, 5-methyl-1,4-oxathian-2-one, and 1,4-oxathiepan-2-one

Synthesis of 1,4-oxathian-2-one, 5-methyl-1,4-oxathian-2-one, and 1,4-oxathiepan-2-one




2476 J.C.S. Perkin ISynthesis of I84-Oxathian-2-one, 5- Methyl-I ,4-oxathian-Zone, and I ,4-Oxat hiepan -2-oneBy David 1. Davies," Lyn Hughes, and Yashwant D. Venkar, Department of Chemistry, King's College, Strand,Jack E. Baldwin, Department of Chemistry, Massachussets Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MassachussetsLondon WC2R 2LS021 39, U.S.A.Intramolecular dehydration of 2-(2-hydroxyethylthio)acetic acid and of 2-(2-hydroxy-1 -methylethylthio)aceticacid gives 1.4-oxathian-2-one and 5-methyl-l.4-oxathian-2-one, respectively. The precursor hydroxy-acids areformed by hydrolysis of the products of free radical addition of thioglycolic acid to vinyl acetate and propenyl acetaterespectively. Free radical addition of thioglycolic acid to ally1 chloride affords 2-(3-~hloropropylthio)acetic acid,which is cyclised to 1,4-0xathiepan-2-one on treatment with potassium fluoride in glacial acetic acid.A mixture of1.4-oxathiepan-2-one and 5-methyI-l.4-oxathian-2-one is produced on cyclodehydration of the mixture of 1 : 1adducts formed by free radical addition of thioglycolic acid to ally1 alcohol.THE value of free radical reactions in synthetic organicchemistry is most pronounced for free radical additionsR(1) R = H(2) R=MeOwS 0( 3 1to multiple bond^.^*^ As part of a study of free radic,aladdition reactions, the free radical addition of thiols tohave been reported; 4-9 such compounds are of interestboth for their possible physiological activity and forthe effect of the heteroatoms on the conformation ofthe alicyclic s y ~ t e m .~In the improved procedure for the synthesis of (1)now reported, the acetoxy-acid (5) 63 is obtained byfree radical addition of thioglycolic acid to vinyl acetate.Hydrolysis of (5) by boiling at reflux with aqueouspotassium hydroxide under nitrogen gave the hydroxy-acid (4) (95) as a viscous liquid which, within an hourof preparation, began to turn cloudy and to deposit awhite polymeric solid. However, when a dilute solutionCH,-CH0 / 2 + HSaCH,. C02H -+- HO*CHiCHiS*CHiCO2H - ( 1 1olefinic systems has now been utilised at essential stagesin syntheses of 1,4-0xathian-2-one (1) , 5-methyl-l,4-oxathian-2-one (2), and 1,4-0xathiepan-2-one (3). Ofthese only 1,4-0xathian-2-one had been preparedpreviou~ly.~.~ In the procedure 4 9 5 due to Black,5MeCOz.CH = CH, 4- HS-CHj C02Hdistillation of the product of reaction between thio-glycolic acid and ethylene oxide afforded 1,4-0xathian-2-one (1) in 10 yield.The reaction is likely to haveinvolved the in siiu cyclisation of the intermediatehydroxy-acid (4).The preparations of several other derivatives of (1)D. I. Davies and M. J. Parrott, Chem. an Britain, 1975, 11,364.G. Sosnovsky, ' Free Radical Reactions in PreparativeOrganic Chemistry,' Macmillan, New I'ork, 1964, particularlyC . Walling and E. S. Huyser, Org. Reactions, 1963, 13, 91;K. Jankowski, R. Coulombe, and C. Rerse. Rzrll. Arad.chs. 1-3.F. W. Stacey and J. F. Harris, jun., ibid., p. 150.polon. Sci., Ser. Sci. chim., 1971, 19, 661.of (4) in xylene was heated at reflux, in the presence of acatalytic quantity of toluene-$-sulphonic acid, cyclicdehydration of (4) occ.urred to afford 1,4-0xathian-2-oneThis procedure for obtaining (1) appears to be of(1) (79).MeCOz.CHz.CHz~S~CH,-CO,H(5)general validity for the synthesis of substituted 1,4-oxathian-2-ones when substituted vinyl acetates areused in the first step of free radical addition.Forexample the free radical addition of thioglycolic acidto propenyl acetate a 1 : 1 mixture of cis (6) and trans(7) readily took place at 0 "C to afford the acetoxy-acid(8) (35). Hydrolysis of (8) led to the hydroxy-acid1). K. Black, J . Chem. SOC. (C), 1966, 1708.D. Greenwood and H. A. Stevenson, J . Chern. Snc., 1953,1514.7 M.Schubert, J . Amer. Chern. SOC., 1947, 69, 712.L. Horner and K. Sturm, Annalen, 1955, 597, 1.9 H. P. Kaufmann and R . Schickel, Fetfe# Seifen. Anstrirhm..1963, 65, 8511977 2477(9), which on dehydration afforded 5-1nethyl-l,4- EXPERIMENTALoxathian-2-one (2) (82). 2- (2-lliiTethoxycarbony Ze~~yZ~hzo) acetic Acid (5) .-Freshly1,4-Oxathiepa11-2-one (3) I a hitherto unknown seven- distilled vinyl acetate (5 g, 0.058 mol) and thioglycolic acidmembered ring analogue of (1), may also be prepared by (5 g, 0.054 mol) were mixed at room temperature and stirred.MeC02c=c '' 'H + HS.CH2C02H MeC02.CH2.CHMe.S.CHz:CO2HMeC02c=c'H' (7) 'Mea procedure involving free radical addition. Thiogly-colic acid when heated with an excess of allyl chloride 10911under nitrogen at 70-80 "C afforded the chloro-acid(10) 58o/b.A solution of this acid (10) in glacial aceticacid containing potassium fluoride, when boiled atreflux, afforded l14-oxathiepan-2-one (3) (94).The properties of solutions of potassium fluoride inAfter a few minutes a vigorous exothermic reaction ensuedand external cooling was necessary to keep the temperaturebelow 50 "C. After 18 h the excess of vinyl acetate wasevaporated off, and the crude product distilled to affordthe acid (5) (6.5 g) as an oil, b.p. 119-120" a t 0.02 mmHg,nD20 1.493 0 (Found: C, 40.25; H, 5.6; S, 18.25. C,H,,SO,requires C, 40.5; H, 5.6; S, 17.9), 6 (60 MHz; CCl,)2.05 (s, Ac), 2.85 (t, CH,*CH,*S, J 6 Hz), 3.25 (s, CH,.glacial acetic acid have been investigated by Emsley,12and this method for cyclisation is due to Clark andEmsley.l3 The formation of (3) is suggested to proceedby an intramolecular nucleophilic displacement ofchlorine, as shown.The free radical addition of thioglycolic acid to allylalcohol afforded a 19 : 1 mixture (85) of the hydroxy-acids (11) and (9), which we were unable to separateS*CN,C:O), 4.25 (t, O*CH,*C€ a's, J 6 iz), and 11.40 (CO,H) ,Y,.3 600-3 000 (OH), 1 735 (GO), and 1 710 cm-' (GO).2-( 2-HydroxyethyZthio)acetic Acid (4) .--The acetate (5)(8.9 g, 0.05 mol) dissolved in aqueous 40./, potassiumhydroxide (44.8 g, 0.8 mol) was boiled a t reflux undernitrogen for 5 h. The mixture was then cooled, acidifiedwith concentrated hydrochloric acid, and extracted con-tinuously with diethyl ether for 18 h.The extract waswashed with water, dried (MgSO,), and evaporated.(attempts invariably led to some polymerisation and Residual acetic acid was removed by addition of chloro-cyclisation). Dehydration of the mixture gave a 19 : 1 benzene and evaporation first of the acetic acid and then ofmixture (yo) of 1,4-oxathiepan-2-one (3) and 5- chlorobenzene. The residual acid (4) (6.4 g) was a viscousits spectral data: 8 60 MHz; (CD,),SO 2.25 (t, O-CH,.CH,*S, J 6 Hz), 3.25 (s, S*CH,*CO), 3.75 (t, O-CH,*CH,*S,methyl- 1,4-0xathian-2-one (2), which also was not liquid which polymerised rapidly but was recognisable fromseparated.E. Larsson, Ada. Uniu. Lund., Sect. IT, No. 22, 1965l1 C.R.9. Buess, C. N. Yiannios, and W. T. Fitzgerald, J . O y .(Chem. Abs., 1966, 84, 12635).Chew., 1957, 22, 197.l2 J. Emsley, J . Chem. SOC. ( A ) , 1971, 2511.l3 J . H. Clark and J . Emsley, J.C.S. Dalton, 1975, 21292478 J.C.S. Perkin IJ 6 Hz), and 7.0 (OH, C02H), v,,,. 3 600-3 000 (OH) and1710 cm-l (GO).1,4-Oxathian-2-one (1) .-The hydroxy-acid (4) (1 g)dissolved in diethyl ether (20 ml) was added to p-xylene(300 ml) containing toluene-p-sulphonic acid monohydrate 14(5 mg). The mixture was then boiled at reflux in a Dean-Stark water separator; the first part of the distillate (50 ml)was removed and discarded since it contained the diethylether. After 5 h the mixture was cooled, washed withwater (4 x 150 ml), dried (MgSO,), and evaporated.Distillation of the residue afforded 1,4-0xathian-2-one ( 1)(0.69 g), M+ 118, with properties as in the literature,4.5.156 (60 MHz; CDCl,) 3.00 (t, CH,*CH,.S, J 6 Hz), 3.40 (s,S*CH,*CO), and 4.55 (t, CH,.CH,.S, J 6 Hz), v,,,~.1 740cm-l (GO), m/e 118 (50, M+), 89 (30, CH,SCH,C=H),88 (28, CH,SCH,O), 74 (68, SCH,O or CH,CH,-kCH,), 60 (84, CH,kH,), 59 (76), 48 (68), 47 (76),46 (loo, CH,;), 45 (go), 43 (66, CH,C=H), and 42(SO, CH,C=O) .PropenyZ Acetate (6) + (7) .ls-Propionaldehyde (3 g,0.051 7 mol; freshly redistilled under nitrogen), aceticanhydride (12.65 g, 0.124 mol), and potassium acetate(1.01 g, 0.010 3 mol) were heated together for 2 h undernitrogen in a sealed tube a t 150 "C. The tube was thencooled and opened and the mixture washed successivelywith warm water (5 X 70 ml), aqueous 0.5~-sodiumhydrogen carbonate (4 x 50 ml), and warm water (2 x 70ml) to afford a crude product which on distillation afforded a1 : 1 mixture (0.94 g) l7 of cis- (6) and trans- (7) propenylacetate, b.p.104-106" at 750 mmHg (Found: C, 60.0;H, 8.0. Calc. for C5H802: C, 60.0; H, 8.0), 6 (60 MHz;CDC1,) 1.55-1.75 (m, CH,.CH=), 2.17 and 2.22 (singlets forAc of cis- and trans-isomers), 4.65-4.7 (m, CH,*CH=),and 6.9-7.2 (m, CH,.CO*O*CH=), vnmx+ 1760 (GO) and1 680 cm-l (C=C). A fraction collected at 178-180 "C and750 mmHg corresponded to 1, l-diacetoxypropane (lit.,lS184-185" at 760 mmHg) (Found: C, 52.5; H, 7.5. Calc.for C,HI2O4: C, 52.5; H, 7.5), 6 (60 MHz; CDC1,) 0.95 (t,CH,CH,, J 7 Hz), 1.35-2.25 (m, CH,*CH,CH), 2.05 (s,Ac), and 6.70 (t, CH,*CH, J 5 Hz), vnlax.1 745 cm-l (GO).2-(2-MethoxycarbonyZ- l-methyZethyZthio)acetic Acid ( 8 ) .-Freshly distilled propenyl acetate (6) + (7) (2.4 g, 0.03mol) was stirred at 0 "C and thioglycolic acid (2.2 g, 0.03mol) was slowly added. After 15 min the mixture wasallowed to reach room temperature and left overnight withcontinuous stirring. Work-up as in the preparation of (4)gave the acid (8) (1.6 g) as an oil, b.p. 146-148" at 0.1 mmHg(Found: C, 43.8; H, 6.3; S, 16.75. C7H,,S04 requiresC, 43.75; H, 6.25; S, 16.65), 6 (60 MHz; CDCl,) 1.3 (d,CH,CH, J 7 Hz), 2.06 (s, OAc), 2.9-3.8 (m, CH,CH),3.35 (s, S.CH,.CO), 4.15 (d, O-CH,.CH, J 7 Hz), and 11.3(CO,H), vmax.3 600-3 000 (OH), 1 735 (GO), and 1 710cm-l (GO).2-( 2-Hydroxy- 1-methyZethyZthio)acetic Acid (9) .-By theprocedure for the hydrolysis of (5), the ester ( 8 ) (9.6 g)afforded the hydroxy-acid (9) (7.2 g) as a viscous liquid,which rapidly became cloudy and deposited white polymericmaterial, but was recognisable from its spectral data :+l4 W. S. Johnson, V. J. Bauer, J . L. Margrave, M. A. Frisch,L. H. Dreger, and W. N. Hubbard, J . Amer. Chem. Soc., 1961,83, 606.15 K. Jankowski and R. Coulombe, Tetrahedron Letters, 1971,991.8 160 MHz; (CL),),SOJ 1.25 (d, CH,-CH, J 7 Hz), 2.3-3.75(m, CH,*CH), 3.25 (s, S*CH,*CO), 4.25 (d, O*CH,*CH, J7 Hz), and 7.0 (OH, CO,H), v,. 3 600-3 000 (OH) and1 710 cm-l (GO).5-Methyl- 1,4-oxathian-2-one (2) .-By the procedure forthe cyclodehydration of (4), the hydroxy-ester (9) ( 1 g)afforded 5-methyZ-1,4-oxathian-2-one (2) (0.72 g) as a viscousliquid, b.p.75" at 0.1 mmHg, nD25 1.514 0 (Found: C,45.4; H, 6.5. C5H,S0, requires C, 45.45; H, 6.05),6 (60 MHz; CDCl,) 1.30 (d, CH,*CH, J 7 Hz), 3.0-3.6 (m,CH,*CH), 3.32 (s, S*CH,-CO), and 3.9-4.55 (m, O*CH,*CH,), vnlax. 1 740 cm-l (GO), m/e 132 (49, M+), 88 12,CH,CHSCH,O or CH,CH(CH,)kH,, 85 (34), 74(34, CH,CHkH, or SCH,d=O), 73 (31), 60 (loo),55 (58), 46 (1000,/,, CH,), 43 (46, CH,OH), and 42(49, CH,d=O).2-( 3-ChZoro~ro~yZthio)acetic Acid (10) .-A mixture ofthioglycolic acid (1.8 g, 0.029 mol) and allyl chloride (2.5 g,0.032 mol) was heated a t 70-80 "C under nitrogen in asealed tube for 6 h.After cooling, the tube was opened andthe excess of allyl chloride evaporated off. Distillation ofthe crude product afforded the acid (10) (1.9 g) as an oil,b.p. 130" at 0.45 mmHg (Found: C, 35.4; H, 5.9; C1,20.95; S, 18.9. C5H,C10,S requires C, 35.4; H, 5.9;C1, 20.95; S, 18.8), 6 (60 MHz; CDCl,) 1.8-2.3 (m,CH2-CH,*CH2), 2.83 (t, CH,*CH,*CH,*S, J 7 Hz), 3.27(s, S*CH,*CO), 3.65 (t, ClCH,*CH,.CH,, J 7 Hz), and 11.87(s, CO,H), vnlar 1 710 cm-l ( G O ) .1,4-Oxathiepan-2-one (3).-The acid (10) (1.5 g, 0.008 9mol) was added to a hot solution of anhydrous potassiumfluoride (2.1 g, 0.036 mol) in anhydrous glacial acetic acid(18 g, 0.03 mol). The mixture was boiled a t reflux for 30 h,then cooled, diluted with water (50 ml), and immediatelyextracted with diethyl ether (3 x 50 nil).The combinedextracts were concentrated to 75 ml and then quicklywashed with water ( 5 x 75 ml) and dried (Na,SO,). Eva-poration left 1,4-oxathiepan-2-one (3) ( 1.1 g) as a viscousliquid, b.p. 86" at 0.06 mmHg, nDZ5 1.486 0 (Found: C,45.45; H, 6.3. C5H,S0, requires C, 45.45; H, 6.050/,),6 (60 MHz; CDCl,) 1.7-2.3 (m, CH,*CH,*CH,), 2.75 (t,CH,*CH,*S, J 6 Hz), 3.25 (s, S*CH,*CO), and 4.23 (t, O*CH,*CH,, J 6 Hz), v,,,,~ 1725 cm-l (GO), m/e 132 (16, M+),88 (20, CH,SCH,O), 74 (14, CH,kH,CH, or SCH,0), 73 (58, CH,!kH=CH,), 61 (31), 47 (41, GCH,),46 (30. k H , ) , 43 (100 CH,OH), and 42 (18,CH,C=O).19 : 1 Mixture of 2-( 3-Hydroxypro~yZthio)- (1 1) and 2-(2-Hydroxy- l-methylethylthio) -acetic Acid (9) .-Thioglycolicacid (4.6 g, 0.05 mol) was added dropwise, with stirring, toallyl alcohol (3 g, 0.052 mol).After several minutes anexothermic reaction ensued, and the mixture was cooled sothat the temperature was kept below 50 "C. After 18 hthe mixture was dissolved in ether (100 ml) and extractedwith saturated aqueous sodium hydrogen carbonate (5 x 20ml). The extract was acidified with concentrated hydro-chloric acid and continuously extracted with ether over-night. The ethereal extract was dried (MgSO,), filtered,and evaporated to yield a 19 : 1 mixture (6.6 g) of hydroxy-t.l8 P. 2. Bedoukian, Org. Synth., 1949, 29, 14.l7 H. 0. House and V. Kramar, J . Org. Chem., 1963, 28, 3362.R.Wegscheider and E. Spath, Monatsh., 1910, SO. 8461977 2479acids (11) and (9) as a viscous liquid, rapidly becomingcloudy and depositing polymeric white solid but recognisablefrom its spectral data: 6 60 MHz; (CD,),SOJ 1.25 d,CH,.CH in (9), J 7 Hz, 1.5-2.2 m, O*CH,-CH,.CH2*Sof ( l l ) , 2.75 t, CH2*CH,*CH2*S of ( I l ) , J 7 Hz, 3.25 (s,SCH,*CO), 2.65 t, O-CH2.CH,.CH2*S of ( l l ) , J 6 Hz, and6.35 (OH, CO,H) peaks due to OCH,.CH of (9) and CH,CHof (9) in the regions S 3.6 and 3.2 were masked by otherpeaks, vrnkLx. 3 700-2 600 (OH), 2 950 (CH), and 1 720 cm-I1 9 : 1 Mixture of 1,4-Oxathiepan-2-one (3) and 5-Methyl-1,4-oxathinn-2-une (2) .-By the procedure for cyclodehydr-ation of (4), the 19 : 1 mixture of (11) and (9) (1 g) affordeda 19 : 1 mixture of 1,4-oxathiepan-2-one (3) and 5-methyl-1,4-oxathian-2-one (2) as a viscous liquid (0.75 g), 6 (60(C=O) .MHz; ClX1,) 1.2s Ld, CH3CH ol' (2), J ti HzJ, 1.6-2.15m, CH,-CH,.CH2 of (S), 2.65 t, CH,*CH,CH,*S of (3), Jti Hz, 3.15 s, S*CH,-CO of (2) and (3), and 4.15 Lt, 0-CH,.CH,*CH, of (3), J 6 Hz other peaks of (2) were maskedby those of (3).for both components as 132.G.1.c.-mass spectrometry indicated MWe tlianlc the S.R.C. for a CASE award (to I,. H.) atidfinancial support (to Y. L>. V.). We thank Ilrs. 1'. lioffeyand N. J . A. Gutteridge, Lilly Research Centre, Windlesharn,for their help and interest in the work. Financial supportfrom the Lilly Research Centre is also gratefully acknow-ledged.7/940 Received, 1st Jwne, 1977
机译:2476 J.C.S. Perkin I84-氧硫烷-2-酮、5-甲基-I,4-氧硫烷-2-酮和 I ,4-氧杂盐-2-酮的 I,4-氧杂硫烷-2-酮作者:David 1.Davies,“ Lyn Hughes, and Yashwant D. Venkar, Department of Chemistry, King's College, Strand,Jack E. Baldwin, Department of Chemistry, Massachussets Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MassachussetsLondon WC2R 2LS021 39, U.S.A.2-(2-hydroxyethylthio)acetic acid and of 2-(2-hydroxy-1 -methylethylthio)aceticacid 的分子内脱水分别得到 1.4-oxathian-2-one 和 5-methyl-l.4-oxathian-2-one。前体羟基酸是由巯基乙酸自由基加成产物分别与醋酸乙烯酯和乙酸丙烯酯水解而成的。巯基乙二酸与ally1氯化物的自由基加成得到2-(3-~丙丙硫基)乙酸,在冰醋酸中用氟化钾处理后环化为1,4-0氧硫基-2-酮。1.4-氧杂环戊烷-2-酮和5-甲基I-l.4-氧硫杂环硫杂环酮的混合物在1:1加合物的混合物中产生,该混合物由巯基乙酸自由基加入ally1醇形成。自由基反应在合成有机化学中的价值对于自由基添加最为明显R(1) R = H(2) R=MeOwS 0( 3 1to multiple bond^.^*^ 作为自由二代,加成反应研究的一部分,已经报道了硫醇的自由基加成;4-9 这类化合物因其可能的生理活性和杂原子对脂环 s y ~ t e m 构象的影响而具有重要意义.~在(1)的改进合成方法中,乙酰氧基酸 (5) 63% 是通过将巯基乙二酸加入醋酸乙烯酯中获得的.(5)在氮气下用氢氧化钾水溶液回流煮沸,得到羟基酸(4)(95%)为粘稠液体,在制备后一小时内开始变浑浊并沉积白色聚合物固体。然而,当稀溶液CH,-CH0 / 2 + HSaCH,.C02H -+- HO*CHiCHiS*CHiCO2H - ( 1 1烯烃体系现已用于合成 1,4-0氧硫杂环氧烷-2-酮 (1) 、5-甲基-l,4-氧杂硫杂环氧烷-2-酮 (2) 和 1,4-0氧杂环氧烷-2-酮 (3) 的关键阶段。其中只有1,4-0氧硫杂-2-酮已制备previou~ly.~.~在程序4 9 5由于Black,5MeCOz.CH = CH,4-HS-CHj C02H蒸馏硫代乙醇酸与环氧乙烷反应产物得到1,4-0氧硫杂-2-酮(1)的收率为10%。该反应可能涉及中间羟基酸的 siiu 环化 (4)。(1)D. I. Davies 和 M. J. Parrott 的其他几种衍生物的制备,英国化学公司,1975 年,11,364.G。Sosnovsky,“制备有机化学中的自由基反应”,Macmillan,New I'ork,1964年,特别是C .Walling 和 E. S. Huyser,Org. Reactions,1963,13,91;K. Jankowski、R. Coulombe 和 C. Rerse。Rzrll. Arad.chs.1-3.F. W. Stacey and J. F. Harris, jun., 同上, p. 150.Sci., Ser. Sci. chim., 1971, 19, 661.of (4)在二甲苯回流加热,在甲苯-$-磺酸存在下,(4)的环脱水得到1,4-0氧硫杂-2-酮的这一过程似乎是(1)(79%)。MeCOz.CHz.CHz~S~CH,-CO,H(5)在自由基加成的第一步中使用取代的醋酸乙烯酯时,合成取代的1,4-氧硫杂硫基-2-酮的一般有效性.例如,巯基乙酸与乙酸丙烯酯的自由基加成[顺式(6)和反式(7)的1:1混合物]很容易在0“C下发生,以得到乙酰氧基酸(8)(35%)。(8)的水解导致羟基酸1)。K.布莱克,J。Chem. SOC. (C), 1966, 1708.D. Greenwood and H. A. Stevenson, J .陈。Snc., 1953,1514.7 M.Schubert, J .阿梅尔·陈。SOC., 1947, 69, 712.L. Horner and K. Sturm, Annalen, 1955, 597, 1.9 H. P. Kaufmann and R .Schickel, Fetfe# Seifen.Anstrirhm..1963, 65, 8511977 2477(9),脱水得到5-1Nethyl-L,4-EXPERIMENTALoxathian-2-one (2) (82%)。2-(2-llii乙氧基羰基Ze~~yZ~hzo)乙酸(5).-新鲜1,4-氧杂环氧乙烷11-2-酮 (3)I为迄今未知的七蒸馏醋酸乙烯酯(5g,0.058 mol)和巯基乙二酸(1)环的类似物,也可以通过(5 g,0.054 mol)在室温下混合并搅拌制备。MeC02c=c '' 'H + HS.CH2C02H MeC02.CH2.CHMe.S.CHz:CO2HMeC02c=c'H' (7) '涉及自由基添加的 Mea 程序。巯基乙二醇酸在氮气下用过量的烯丙基氯10911加热时,在70-80“C下得到氯酸(10)58o/b.该酸(10)在含有氟化钾的冰醋酸中的溶液,当煮沸时,得到l14-氧杂环氧杂环庚-2-酮(3)(94%)。氟化钾溶液的性质几分钟后,剧烈的放热反应随之而来,并且需要外部冷却以将温度保持在50“C以下。18 小时后,将过量的醋酸乙烯蒸发掉,将粗品蒸馏成油 (5) (6.5 g),b.p. 119-120“ a t 0.02 mmHg,nD20 1.493 0 (Found: C, 40.25;H,5.6;S,18.25。C,H,,SO,需要C,40.5;H,5.6;S, 17.9%), 6 (60 MHz;CCl,)2.05 (s, Ac), 2.85 (t, CH,*CH,*S, J 6 Hz), 3.25 (s, CH,.冰川醋酸已被 Emsley 研究,12 这种环化方法是由于 Clark 和 Emsley.l3 (3) 的形成建议通过分子内亲核置换氯进行,如图所示.巯基乙酸在烯丙醇中的自由基加入提供了19:1的羟基酸混合物(85%)(11)和(9),我们无法分离S*CN,C:O),4.25(t,O*CH,*C€a's,J 6 iz)和11。40 (CO,H) ,Y,.3 600-3 000 (OH), 1 735 (GO), and 1 710 cm-' (GO).2-( 2-HydroxyethyZthio)acetic acid (4) .--将乙酸盐(5)(8.9 g, 0.05 mol)溶于40./、氢氧化钾(44.8 g, 0.8 mol)水溶液中,在氮气下回流煮沸5 h.然后将混合物冷却,用浓盐酸酸化,并用乙醚连续提取18 h,提取液用水洗涤,干燥(MgSO,),蒸发。(尝试总是导致一些聚合,并通过添加氯环化去除残留的乙酸)。将混合物脱水得到19:1的苯,先蒸发乙酸,然后蒸发1,4-氧杂环氧烷-2-酮(3)和5-氯苯的混合物(&yo)。残留酸(4)(6.4克)为粘性光谱数据:8 [60 MHz;(CD,),SO] 2.25 (t, O-CH,.CH,*S, J 6 Hz), 3.25 (s, S*CH,*CO), 3.75 (t, O-CH,*CH,*S,甲基-1,4-0氧硫杂-2-酮 (2),它也不是液体,聚合迅速,但可以从分离中识别。尤尼乌。Lund.,第三节。IT,第 22 期,1965l1 C.R.9。Buess, C. N. Yiannios, 和 WT Fitzgerald, J .噢 .(Chem. Abs., 1966, 84, 12635)。Chew., 1957, 22, 197.l2 J. Emsley, J .Chem. SOC. ( A ) , 1971, 2511.l3 J .H. Clark 和 J.Emsley, J.C.S. Dalton, 1975, 21292478 J.C.S. Perkin IJ 6 Hz) 和 7.0 (OH, C02H), v,,,.3 600-3 000 (OH) 和 1710 cm-l (GO).1,4-氧杂硫杂环己烷-2-酮 (1) .-将溶于乙醚(20ml)中的羟基酸(4)(1g)加入到含有甲苯对磺酸一水合物14(5mg)的对二甲苯(300ml)中。然后将混合物在 Dean-Stark 水分离器中回流煮沸;馏出物的第一部分(50毫升)被除去并丢弃,因为它含有乙醚。5小时后,将混合物冷却,用水(4×150ml),干燥(MgSO),并蒸发。蒸馏得到1,4-0氧硫杂硫-2-酮(1)(0.69 g),M+ 118,其性质与文献相同,4.5.156 (60 MHz;CDCl,) 3.00 (t, CH,*CH,.S, J 6 Hz)、3.40 (s,S*CH,*CO) 和 4.55 (t, CH,.CH,。S, J 6 Hz), v,,,~.1 740cm-l (GO), m/e 118 (50%, M+), 89 (30%, CH,SCH,C=&H),88 (28%, CH,SCH,&O), 74 (68%, SCH,&O or CH,CH,-kCH,), 60 (84%, CH,kH,), 59 (76%), 48 (68%), 47 (76%), 46 (loo%, CH,;), 45 (go%), 43 (66%, CH,C=&H), and 42(SO%, CH,C=O)。将乙酸丙烯Z[(6)+(7)].ls-丙醛(3g,0.051 7 mol;在氮气下新鲜再蒸馏)、乙酰甲酸酐(12.65 g,0.124 mol)和乙酸钾(1.01 g,0.010 3 mol)一起在150“C的密封管中在氮气下加热2小时。然后冷却并打开试管,先后用温水(5 X 70 ml)、0.5~-碳酸氢钠水溶液(4 x 50 ml)和温水(2 x 70ml)洗涤混合物,得到粗产物,蒸馏后得到A1:1混合物(0.94 g)l7的顺式(6)和反式-(7)丙烯基乙酸酯,b.p.104-106“,750 mmHg(发现: C,60.0;H,8.0。计算。C5H802:C,60.0;H, 8.0%), 6 (60 MHz;CDC1,) 1.55-1.75 (m, CH,.CH=)、2.17 和 2.22(顺式和反式异构体 Ac 的单线态)、4.65-4.7 (m, CH,*CH=) 和 6.9-7.2 (m, CH,.CO*O*CH=)、vnmx+ 1760 (GO) 和 1 680 cm-l (C=C)。在 178-180 “C 和 750 mmHg 处收集的馏分对应于 1,l-二乙酰氧基丙烷(lit.,lS184-185”,在 760 mmHg)(发现:C,52.5;H,7.5。计算值 C,HI2O4: C, 52.5;H, 7.5), 6 (60 MHz;CDC1,) 0.95 (t,CH,CH,, J 7 Hz), 1.35-2.25 (m, CH,*CH,CH), 2.05 (s,Ac) 和 6.70 (t, CH,*CH, J 5 Hz), vnlax.1 745 cm-l (GO).2-(2-甲氧羰基Z- l-甲基ZethyZthio)乙酸 ( 8 ) .-新鲜蒸馏的乙酸丙烯酯[(6)+(7)](2.4 g,0.03mol)在0“C下搅拌,缓慢加入巯基乙酸(2.2 g,0.03mol)。15分钟后,将混合物置于室温,并在连续搅拌下放置过夜。如制备(4)时,得到酸(8)(1.6g)作为油,b.p.146-148“,0.1 mmHg(发现:C,43.8;H,6.3;S,16.75。C7H,,S04 要求 C, 43.75;H, 6.25;S, 16.65%), 6 (60 MHz;CDCl,) 1.3 (d,CH,CH, J 7 Hz), 2.06 (s, OAc), 2.9-3.8 (m, CH,CH),3.35 (s, S.CH,.CO), 4.15 (d, O-CH,.CH, J 7 Hz) 和 11.3(CO,H), vmax.3 600-3 000 (OH), 1 735 (GO) 和 1 710cm-l (GO).2-( 2-羟基-1-甲基ZethyZthio)乙酸 (9) .-通过水解 (5) 的程序,酯 ( 8 ) (9.6 g) 得到羟基酸 (9) (7.2 g) 为粘稠液体,迅速变浑浊并沉积白色聚合物材料,但从其光谱数据中可识别:+l4 W. S. Johnson, V. J. Bauer, J .L. Margrave、MA Frisch、LH Dreger 和 WN Hubbard, J .Amer. Chem. Soc., 1961,83, 606.15 K. Jankowski and R. Coulombe, Tetrahedron Letters, 1971,991.8 160 MHz;(CL),),SOJ 1.25 (d, CH,-CH, J 7 Hz), 2.3-3.75(m, CH,*CH), 3.25 (s, S*CH,*CO), 4.25 (d, O*CH,*CH, J7 Hz), and 7.0 (OH, CO,H), v,.3 600-3 000 (OH) 和 1 710 cm-l (GO).5-甲基-1,4-氧硫杂硫-2-酮 (2) .-通过 (4) 的环脱水程序,羟基酯 (9) ( 1 g) 得到 5-甲基Z-1,4-氧硫杂硫杂-2-酮 (2) (0.72 g) 作为粘稠液体,b.p.75“ 在 0.1 mmHg,nD25 1.514 0(发现:C,45.4;H,6.5。C5H,S0,需要C,45.45;H, 6.05%),6 (60 MHz;CDCl,) 1.30 (d, CH,*CH, J 7 Hz), 3.0-3.6 (m,CH,*CH), 3.32 (s, S*CH,-CO) 和 3.9-4.55 (m, O*CH,*CH,), vnlax.1 740 cm-l (GO), m/e 132 (49%, M+), 88 [12%,CH,CHSCH,&O 或 CH,CH(CH,)kH,], 85 (34%), 74(34%, CH,CHkH, or SCH,d=O), 73 (31%), 60 (loo%),55 (58%), 46 (1000,/,, CH,&), 43 (46%, CH,&OH) 和 42(49%, CH,d=O).2-( 3-ChZoro~ro~yZthio)乙酸 (10) .-巯基乙二酸混合物(1.8 g, 0.029 mol)和烯丙基氯(2.5 g,0.032 mol)在氮气下在密封管中加热6 h,冷却后打开管子,多余的烯丙基氯蒸发掉。粗品的蒸馏得到酸(10)(1.9克)作为油,b.p.130“,0.45 mmHg(发现:C,35.4;H, 5.9;C1,20.95;S,18.9。C5H,C10,S需要C,35.4;H,5.9;C1,20.95;S, 18.8%), 6 (60 MHz;CDCl,) 1.8-2.3 (m,CH2-CH,*CH2), 2.83 (t, CH,*CH,*CH,*S, J 7 Hz), 3.27(s, S*CH,*CO), 3.65 (t, ClCH,*CH,.CH,,J 7 Hz)和11.87(s,CO,H),vnlar 1 710 cm-l(G O).1,4-氧杂环庚烷-2-酮(3).-将酸(10)(1.5g,0.008 9mol)加入无水冰醋酸(18g,0.03mol)中的无水冰醋酸(18g,0.03mol)热溶液中。将混合物煮沸30小时,然后冷却,用水(50ml)稀释,并立即用乙醚(3×50无)萃取。将合并的提取物浓缩至75ml,然后用水(5 x 75ml)快速洗涤并干燥(Na,SO,)。蒸发留下 1,4-氧杂环氧杂环庚-2-酮 (3) ( 1.1 g) 作为粘稠液体,b.p. 86“ ,0.06 mmHg,nDZ5 1.486 0(发现:C,45.45;H,6.3。C5H,S0,需要C,45.45;H, 6.050/,),6 (60 MHz;CDCl,) 1.7-2.3 (m, CH,*CH,*CH,), 2.75 (t,CH,*CH,*S, J 6 Hz), 3.25 (s, S*CH,*CO), 和 4.23 (t, O*CH,*CH,, J 6 Hz), v,,,,~ 1725 cm-l (GO), m/e 132 (16%, M+),88 (20%, CH,SCH,&O), 74 (14%, CH,kH,CH, or SCH,&0), 73 (58%, CH,!kH=CH,), 61 (31%), 47 (41%,GCH,),46 (30% k H ,) ,43 (100% CH,&OH) 和 42 (18%,CH,C=O).19 : 1 2-(3-羟基丙~yZ硫代)-(1 1)和2-(2-羟基-l-甲基乙硫基)-乙酸(9).-巯基乙酸(4.6 g,0.05 mol)的混合物,搅拌下滴加甲苯丙基醇(3 g,0.052 mol)。几分钟后,发生放热反应,将混合物冷却,使温度保持在50“C以下。18小时后,将混合物溶解在乙醚(100ml)中,并用饱和碳酸氢钠水溶液(5×20ml)萃取。提取物用浓盐酸酸化,并用乙醚连续提取过夜。将空灵提取物(MgSO,)干燥,过滤,蒸发,得到19:1的羟基-t.l8 P.2混合物(6.6g)。Bedoukian, Org. Synth., 1949, 29, 14.l7 H. 0.众议院和 V. Kramar, J .Org. Chem., 1963, 28, 3362.R.Wegscheider and E. Spath, Monatsh., 1910, SO.8461977 2479酸(11)和(9)为粘性液体,迅速变浑浊并沉积聚合物白色固体,但可从其光谱数据中识别:6 [60 MHz;(CD,),SOJ 1.25 [d,CH,.CH in (9), J 7 Hz], 1.5-2.2 [m, O*CH,-CH,.CH2*Sof ( l l ) ] , 2.75 [t, CH2*CH,*CH2*S of ( I l ) , J 7 Hz], 3.25 (s,SCH,*CO), 2.65 [t, O-CH2.CH,。CH2*S 为 ( l l ) , J 6 Hz] 和 6.35 (OH, CO,H) [由于 OCH,.S 3.6和3.2区(9)的CH和CH,CHof(9)被其他峰]vrnkLx掩盖。3 700-2 600 (OH)、2 950 (CH) 和 1 720 cm-I1 9 : 1 1,4-氧杂环庚烷-2-酮 (3) 和 5-甲基-1,4-氧杂环硫杂环戊烷-2-酮 (2) 的混合物 .-通过 (4) 的环脱水程序,得到 (11) 和 (9) 的 19 : 1 混合物 (1 g) 得到 1,4-氧杂环庚烷-2-酮 (3) 和 5-甲基-1,4-氧硫杂环庚烷-2-酮 (2) 的混合物 (0.75 g), 6 (60(C=O) .兆赫;ClX1,) 1.2s Ld, CH3CH ol' (2), J ti HzJ, 1.6-2.15[m, CH,-CH,.(S)的CH2],2.65 [(3)的t,CH,*CH,CH,*S,JTI Hz],3.15 [(2)和(3)的s,S*CH,-CO],和4.15 Lt,0-CH,。CH,*CH, of (3), J 6 Hz] [(2) 的其他峰被 (3) 的峰所掩盖].对于两个组分,如 132.G.1.c.质谱法表明 MWe tlianlc S.R.C. 获得 CASE 奖(授予 I,. H.) 和财政支持(授予 Y. L>. V.)。我们感谢 Ilrs。1'. lioffeyand 新泽西州 .A. Gutteridge,Lilly 研究中心,Windlesharn,感谢他们对这项工作的帮助和兴趣。礼来研究中心的财政支持也得到了感谢。[7/940 收稿日期,1977年1月




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