首页> 外文期刊>Cell motility and the cytoskeleton >Cytochalasin B‐induced redistribution of cytokeratin filaments in PtK1cells

Cytochalasin B‐induced redistribution of cytokeratin filaments in PtK1cells

机译:细胞松弛素 B 诱导的 PtK1 细胞中细胞角蛋白丝的再分布



AbstractIndirect immunofluorescence demonstrated a dramatic reorganization of cytokeratin filaments produced by cytochalasin B (CB) treatment of PtK1cells. Much of the normal cytokeratin network became arranged into a latticework consisting of bundles of cytokeratin filaments that radiated from, and interconnected, distinct foci, Electron microscopy showed foci to be dense granular regions through which bundles of cytokeratin filaments looped. Composition of the foci included actin, myosin, and alpha‐actinin, as shown by labeling with rhodamine phalloidin or specific antisera. Simultaneous treatment with CB and colchicine was not required for lattice formation, but did produce more extensive development than did CB alone. In cells treated only with CB, the microtubule network remained intact, even in regions of extensive lattice formation. These results contrast sharply with those of Knapp et al (J. Cell Biol. 97:1788 1983b), who found lattice formation dependent upon simultaneous CB and colchicine treatment. Time‐course and dose‐response studies of CB treatment showed lattice formation to follow disruption of stress fibers and the concentration of actin into distinct patches that marked the location of lattice foci. Overall results suggest a structural association between microfilaments and cytokeratin filaments that produces the lattice pattern upon CB‐induced disruption of stress fibers. Lattice formation was not limited to a specific cell‐cycle stage, since G1, G2, and M cells displayed the lattice. Treatment of cells with dihydro‐CB and experiments with enucleated cells showed that lattice formation was dependent upon neither the inhibition of sugar transport nor the nuclear extrusion ef
机译:摘要间接免疫荧光对PtK1细胞进行细胞松弛素B(CB)处理产生的细胞角蛋白丝发生显著重组。大部分正常的细胞角蛋白网络被排列成一个格子,由细胞角蛋白丝束组成,这些细胞角蛋白丝束从不同的病灶辐射并相互连接,电子显微镜显示病灶是致密的颗粒区域,细胞角蛋白丝束通过这些颗粒状区域环状。病灶的组成包括肌动蛋白、肌球蛋白和 α-肌动蛋白,如用罗丹明鬼笔环肽或特异性抗血清标记所示。晶格形成不需要同时处理CB和秋水仙碱,但确实比单独使用CB产生了更广泛的发育。在仅用CB处理的细胞中,微管网络保持完整,即使在广泛晶格形成的区域也是如此。这些结果与Knapp等人(J. Cell Biol. 97:1788 [1983b])的结果形成鲜明对比,后者发现晶格的形成取决于同时CB和秋水仙碱处理。CB治疗的时程和剂量反应研究表明,晶格的形成遵循应力纤维的破坏和肌动蛋白的浓度,形成不同的斑块,这些斑块标志着晶格病灶的位置。总体结果表明,微丝和细胞角蛋白丝之间存在结构关联,在CB诱导的应力纤维破坏时产生晶格图案。晶格的形成并不局限于特定的细胞周期阶段,因为 G1、G2 和 M 细胞显示晶格。用二氢-CB处理细胞和去核细胞实验表明,晶格的形成既不依赖于糖转运的抑制,也不依赖于核挤出




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