首页> 外文期刊>international endodontic journal >Effect of various zinc oxide materials as root‐end fillings on healing after replantation

Effect of various zinc oxide materials as root‐end fillings on healing after replantation

机译:Effect of various zinc oxide materials as root‐end fillings on healing after replantation



SummaryThis study examined the effect of various zinc oxide materials as root‐end fillings of teeth in a replantation model. A total of 35 molar teeth were used from 19 monkeys. After extraction, root ends were resected, the canals contaminated with oral bacteria, root‐end cavities prepared and fillings placed prior to replantation. After 8 weeks the teeth and surrounding jaw were removed and prepared for histological examination. Twelve roots were filled with IRM plus dentine chips, and six with Cavit; the tissue response around root ends filled with these materials as assessed by inflammation was similar to that previously reported to IRM and Super EBA cement and was characterized by little or no inflammation of limited extent. In contrast, more severe inflammation was observed around root ends filled with plain zinc oxide–eugenol or Kalzinol; however, the reaction was neither as severe nor as extensive as that to amalgam root–end fillings. Giant cells were observed most often on the surface of fillings with Cavit and zinc oxide–1eugenol. It is concluded that the tissue response to IRM with or without added dentine, Super EBA and Cavit was similar and mild; it was less severe than that to zinc oxide‐eugenol and Kalzinol. All these materials had a much more favourable response t




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