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Pregnancy and Guillain-Barré Syndrome: A Nationwide Register Cohort Study

机译:Pregnancy and Guillain-Barré Syndrome: A Nationwide Register Cohort Study



In this study, we determined the relationship between Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) and pregnancy. By taking advantage of several nationwide registers and the availability of personal identification numbers, we calculated person-years for Swedish females aged 15–49 years in the following categories: (1) neither pregnant nor postpartum; (2) pregnant; (3) in the first month postpartum, or (4) in the first 3 months postpartum during 1973–1983. For these women, we determined the corresponding exposure status of hospital-registered GBS cases. Medical records were examined for GBS cases hospitalized during the 2-week period postpartum and 1-month period after the last menstruation. Poisson regression analysis yielded age-adjusted relative risks (RRs) of 0.86 (95 CI 0.40–1.84) for pregnant women, and 1.47 (0.54–3.99) and 2.21 (0.55–8.94) for females during the 3-month and the 30-day period after delivery. The risk for GBS seems to be lower during pregnancy and increases afte




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