
Bringing Patient-Centered Outcomes Research to Life


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A substantial gap exists between medical evidence that is known and medical evidence that is put into practice. Although the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has a long history of developing the content of evidence, the agency now pivots to close that gap by focusing on evidence dissemination and implementation. Achieving better health outcomes requires both the generation of new patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) knowledge and the appropriate and timely implementation of that knowledge into practice. The Affordable Care Act provided funds to support both types of PCOR efforts, with AHRQ building on years of experience to advance research dissemination and implementation. This article describes the work the AHRQ has done, is doing, and will do in the future. To communicate PCOR evidence findings, AHRQ is currently synthesizing research findings into convincing collections of evidence that can be best taken up by clinicians, patients and caregivers, and policymakers. The future direction for AHRQ is to improve the context for evidence and practice improvement, thereby creating an environment receptive to PCOR. Toward this goal, AHRQ is actively engaging partners, such as professional societies and insurers, to make evidence central to decision making. In addition, AHRQ recently launched two programs that seek to both understand and encourage the use of evidence in clinical practice. Throughout these efforts, AHRQ will continually assess needs and adapt initiatives to ensure that PCOR translates into improved patient-centered health outcomes.
机译:已知的医学证据与付诸实践的医学证据之间存在巨大差距。尽管医疗保健研究与质量局 (AHRQ) 在开发证据内容方面有着悠久的历史,但该机构现在通过专注于证据传播和实施来缩小这一差距。实现更好的健康结果既需要产生新的以患者为中心的结果研究 (PCOR) 知识,也需要将这些知识适当和及时地付诸实践。《平价医疗法案》提供了资金来支持这两种类型的PCOR工作,AHRQ以多年的经验为基础,推进研究传播和实施。本文介绍了AHRQ已经完成、正在做和将来将要做的工作。为了传达PCOR证据结果,AHRQ目前正在将研究结果综合成令人信服的证据集合,这些证据可以最好地被临床医生、患者和护理人员以及政策制定者所接受。AHRQ的未来方向是改善证据和实践改进的背景,从而创造一个接受PCOR的环境。为了实现这一目标,AHRQ正在积极与专业协会和保险公司等合作伙伴合作,使证据成为决策的核心。此外,AHRQ最近启动了两个项目,旨在理解和鼓励在临床实践中使用证据。在这些努力中,AHRQ将不断评估需求并调整举措,以确保PCOR转化为改善的以患者为中心的健康结果。




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