首页> 外文期刊>Pacific Science: A Quarterly Devoted to the Biological and Physical Sciences of the Pacific Region >Reptiles of Uman District Islands (Southeastern Chuuk Lagoon and Kuop Atoll), Federated States of Micronesia

Reptiles of Uman District Islands (Southeastern Chuuk Lagoon and Kuop Atoll), Federated States of Micronesia


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Thirteen species of reptiles are recorded from among 23 islands in the southeastern sector of Chuuk Lagoon and on adjacent Kuop Atoll (= Uman District islands), Federated States of Micronesia (FSM). They include two sea turtles, five geckos, five skinks, and one monitor lizard. None is endemic to Chuuk, and most are found widely throughout the western Pacific. Perochirus ateles was the most frequently encountered species, followed closely by Emoia boettgeri. Sea turtles are scarce due in large measure to indiscriminant harvesting of adults and eggs. The common house gecko, Hemidactyus frenatus, probably was introduced to Chuuk during post-World War II human-assisted transport to many Pacific islands, and Chuuk Islanders claim the Pacific monitor, Varanus indicus, was brought to Chuuk during the Japanese administration. The monitor lizard has apparently since been extirpated on the two Uman District islands where it was previously recorded. To what extent the other species colonized Chuuk islands by natural dispersal or human-assisted dispersal or a combination of the two is uncertain.
机译:密克罗尼西亚联邦 (FSM) 楚克泻湖东南部和邻近的库普环礁(= 乌曼区岛屿)的 23 个岛屿中记录了 13 种爬行动物。它们包括两只海龟、五只壁虎、五只石龙和一只巨蜥。没有一种是楚克特有的,大多数在整个西太平洋广泛分布。Perochirus ateles是最常遇到的物种,紧随其后的是Emoia boettgeri。海龟的稀缺很大程度上是由于不分青红皂白地捕捞成海龟和海龟卵。普通的家壁虎Hemidactyus frenatus可能是在二战后人类协助运输到许多太平洋岛屿时被引入楚克的,楚克岛民声称太平洋监测器Varanus indicus是在日本政府期间被带到楚克的。这只巨蜥显然已经在之前记录的乌曼区的两个岛屿上灭绝了。其他物种在多大程度上通过自然扩散或人类辅助扩散或两者的结合在楚克群岛定居尚不确定。




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