首页> 外文期刊>european archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience >Inner connections within domain of dementia praecox: Role of supervisory mental processes in schizophrenia

Inner connections within domain of dementia praecox: Role of supervisory mental processes in schizophrenia




Kraepelin's conclusion that there were underlying common features justifying the amalgamation of catatonia, hebephrenia and paranoia hallucinatoria to form a single illness is confirmed by factor analytic studies delineating the various dimensions of schizophrenic psychopathlogy. Neuropsychological studies reveal that the three cardinal demensions reflect disorder of the supervisory mental processes responsible for initiation, selection and monitoring of self-generated mental activity. Brain-imaging studies indicate that the underlying neuropathology entails disordered functional connectivity within the neural networks in multimodal association cortex that are the substrate of the supervisory mental processes, consistent with Kraepelin's own speculation about the essential nature of the condition.
机译:Kraepelin 的结论是,存在潜在的共同特征,证明紧张症、肝炎和幻觉偏执症合并形成单一疾病是合理的,这被描述精神分裂症精神病理学各个维度的因素分析研究所证实。神经心理学研究表明,这三个主要特征反映了负责启动、选择和监测自我产生的心理活动的监督心理过程的紊乱。脑成像研究表明,潜在的神经病理学导致多模态关联皮层神经网络内的功能连接紊乱,这些神经网络是监督心理过程的基质,这与Kraepelin自己对该病症本质的推测一致。




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