首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >Action of acids and alkylating agents on 1,4-di-(2-pyridyl)tetraz-2-enes

Action of acids and alkylating agents on 1,4-di-(2-pyridyl)tetraz-2-enes




1232 J.C.S. Perkin IAction of Acids and Alkylating Agents on 1,4-Di-(2-pyridyl)tetraz-2-enesBy Stephen Anderson, Edward E. Glover,' and Kenneth D. Vaughan, Department of Chemistry, TeessideThe synthesis of the title compounds and their conversion by acids or alkylating agents into 1 -substituted tetrazolo-1,5-apyridinium salts is reported.Polytechnic, Middlesbrough, Cleveland TS1 3BAIN view of the current interest in diquaternary tetrazenesas short-acting non-depolarizing neuromuscular blockingagents,lW2 the synthesis of the diquaternary derivatives(11) and (12) of the 1,4-di-(2-pyridyl)tetraz-2-enes (3) and(4) was undertaken. The tetrazenes (3) and (4) wereobtained during the oxidation of (1). Treatment of thetetrazene (3) or (4) with methyl iodide or methyl fluoro-sulphate, however, did not yield the diquaternary tetra-zene (11) or (12)J but gave instead the respective 1-methyl- and l-phenyl-tetrazolo 1,5-apyridinium saltsReactants ProductPhenyl-2-pyridyl- (2)nitrosamine 4 (4-0 g) inMeOH (60 ml) and HOAc(10 g) + Zn powder (18 g)in H,O (20 ml) 0Ac,O (0.46 g) in Et,O(5 ml) a(2) (0-86 g) in bkOH (6 ml) + Bra (0.8 g) in MeOH(2) (0-8 g) in Eta0 (10 ml) + (9)N-(fi-Bromophenyl)-2-pyridylaminehydrobromideN-(p-Bromophenyl) -2-pyridylamine 0N-(p-Bromophenyl) -2-pyridylamine picrate(6 ml) 'TABLE 1Pyridine bases() M.p. ("C) Cryst.solvent C H N C H N26.5 c 70.9 6.2 22.4 71.3 6.0 22.7Found (yo) Rqd. ()Yield --68-3 5.9 18.66 68.7 6.8 18.6 77 163 8 MeNOo41 220-222 EtOH-Eta0 40.0 3.2 8.3 40.0 3.06 8.6128-130 MeOH-H,O 52.6 3.0 11.2 53.0 3-6 11-28234-238 MeNO, 42-6 2.8 14.76 42.7 2.6 14.6The solution of the nitroso-compound was added dropwise to the ice-cold aqueous suspension of zinc powder and the mixturestirred for a further hour.Water (60 ml) was thenadded to the combined filtrate and washings and the solution extracted with ether, each extract being washed with a little water.The combined aqueous Iayer was the^ basified to pH 11 with 26 sodium hydroxide and re-extracted with ether (2 x 200 ml), eachextract being in turn washed with water (15 ml) . The combined ether extracts were evaporated and the residue was again extractedwith ether. Lit.,6 b.p. 140' a t 0.2mmHg. 6 The melt re-solidified to form needles which remelted at 186".Etherwas then added and the precipitated Eydrobromide filtered off. The position of the bromine atom followed from the 1H n.m.r.spectrum in deuteriochloroform containing 0.3 mol. equiv. of theshift reagent tris-(2,2,6,6-tetramethylheptane-3,6-dionato)europium-(1x1). The signals due to the heteroaromatic and benzene ring protons were well separated and the signal of the latter showed thecharacteristic AA'XX' pattern.The solution was then filtered and the residue washed with methanol (10 ml).The dried eytract was ;then evaporated and the residual hydrazine purified by disillation.C B.p. 123' a t 0-6 mmHg. The acetyl derivative which separated was filtered off and recrystallized.f The solution was stirred and the bromine solution added dropwise.TABLE 2Oxidations with bromineFound (yo) Rqd- ()Yield Cryst.r- 7-Reactants Product (yo) M.p. ("C) solvent C H N C H N(1) (2.0 g) in MeOH (3 ml) + sat. aq. Br, (30 ml) (3) 22 137-138 MeOH 69.2 6-9 34-4 69.5 6-8 34.7(2) (1.3 g) in MeOH (3 ml) + sat. aq. Br, (30 ml) (4) 19 146O MeCN 71-8 5.0 23.0 72.1 4-96 22-9(10) (0-3 g) (sat. aq. soln.) + sat. aq. Br, (36 ml) (16) 19 293-294 EtOM 42.1 4-0 7.96 41.9 3.6 8.1(16) 163-166 MeCN 44.0 3.3 14.1 43.9 2-9 14.2picratea The saturated aqueous bromine was added in bulk to the stirred solution. The mixture was then basified and triturated givingthe tetrazene which was atered off. Recrystallization fromchloroform gave a compound, m.p. 243', analytical data for which were consistent with structure (6) (Found: C, 36.0; H, 3.1;N, 21.6.ClaHl,Br,N, requires C, 36-0; H, 3.0; N, 21.0). Decomp. Added in bulk. The solution was then triturated givinga dark oil which was separated and boiled with acetone. Addition of ether t o the acetone solution gave a yellow oil which wasseparated and triturated with ethanol, giving the bromide which was iiltered off. eAlso obtained in 78 yield by treating amethanolic solution of (14) with methanolic bromine and boiling the precipitated perbromide salt with acetone.A small amount of methanol-insoluble material was obtained.obtained in moderate yield bp oxidation of the corres-ponding 2-pyridylhydrazines (1) and (2) with bromine,a small amount of the brominated tetrazene (5) being1 C.E. Blogg, T. M. Savage, J. C. Simpson, L. A. Ross, andB. R. Simpson, Pvoc. Roy. Soc. Med., 1973, 66, 1023.a D. Jack and E. E. Glover, B.P. 1,342,713/1974.A. E. Tschitschibabin and I. L. Knunjanz, Bey., 1928 61,2216. 936.(6) and (7); the methyl compound (6) was identical witha sample obtained by quaternization of tetrazolol,li-a-pyridine (8) with methyl iodide. Cyclization of thetetrazenes (3) and (4) to the tetrazolopyridinium brom-G. Palazzo and L. Baiocchi, Ann. Clzkm. (Italy), 1966, 56,4 0. Fischer. Ber., 1899, 82, 12971975 1233(12) Phi(131Reactants(9) (0.2 g ) + MeOS0,F(13) (0.4g) + 48 HBr (6ml)(9) (0-6 g) + Me1 (3 ml) and MeOH2-Anilinopyridine (0.86 g) in CHCl,(10 ml) + MeOS0,F (0.67 g )(4) (0.24 g ) + Me1 (3 ml) and MeCN(4) (0.08 g) in EtOH (20 ml) and 48(3) (0.3 g) + Me1 (3 ml) and MeOH(8) a (0.2 g ) + Me1 (2 ml)(3) (0.1 g) in EtOH (20 ml) and 48(3(3 ml)HBr (0-2 ml) f(3 ml) 6HBr (0.07 ml) mOSOzF'(15)SCHEMEe1TABLE 3Quaternary saltsx (I M.P. ("C)Yield80 14328 172-17426 172-17482 166-166I 38 216-217C10,P 31 243-244Br 234I J 3 9 k 199I j 60 200Br 84 234Cryst.solventMeOH-Et,OE tOH-E t,OE tOH-Et a 0EtOHMeNO,MeN0,-Et,OMeN0,-Et,OMeOH-E t,OMeOH-Et,OMeNOa-E tgOFound () Rqd. ()r------i 7-C H N C H N49.5 4.8 12.2 49.3 4.7 12.340.1 4-3 11.8 39.9 4.2 11.650.9 4.96 9.8 60.7 4.6 9-940.8 2-5 17-4 40.8 2.8 17.344.0 3.3 18.7 44.6 3.1 18.946.2 3.5 19.6 46.6 3.8 19*7b27.6 2.95 21.2 27.5 2.7 21.427.6 3.7 21.4 27.5 2.7 21-433.5 3.3 26.05 33.3 3.1 25.8The reaction mixture was maintained at 0 "C until all the solid had dissolved.Trituration then gave the fluorosulphate whichThe residue wasThe residueAdded drop-The solution was boiled under reflux overnight andI The solution was boiled under reflux for 2.6 h and then evaporated to dryness underAttempts to recrystallize the residue from nitromethane-ether gave a gum which was dissolved in chloroformThe chloroform was then evaporated off and the residue recrystallized GrstAlso obtained from the iodide by treatment with 70 .perchloric acid.Addition of ether precipitated the crudeEvaporation of the fitrate and recrystallization of the residue from aqueous methanol gave theBefore recrystallization and based onThe solution was then evapor-The solution was then cooled andThe bromide which separated on cooling was filtered off and the filtrate evaporated toEvaporation of the dried extract and treatment of the residue withwas filtered off.then recrystallized.was then boiled with 16 HBr (6 ml) for 6 min and again evaporated to dryness.wise to the stirred solution.then cooled, and the product was filtered off.reduced pressure.(16 ml) and treated with 70 perchloric acid (3 drops).from ethanol-ether and then from nitromethaneether.product which was filtered off.starting tetrazene (0.16 g).starting material consumed.ated and the residue recrystallized.ether added to incipient precipitation.dryness.alcoholic picric acid gave 2-methylaminopyridine picrate, m.p. 189-190", identical with an authentic sample.The solution was boiled under reflux for 1 h and evaporated to dryness under reduced pressure.e The solution was boiled under reflux overnight and evaporated to dryness underreducedpressure.The residue was then recrystallized.The product separated arid was filtered off.For the hemihydrate.6 The solution was boiled under reflux for 17 h and then cooled.The two samples were identical (ix. spectraand mixed m.p.).The reaction mixture was heated in a sealed tube a t 100 "C for 20 h.m The reaction mixture was boiled under reflux for 2 h.The residue was basified and extracted with ether.' R. G. Fargher and R. Furness, J . Ckem. SOL, 1916, 6881234 J.C.S.Perkin Iides (6) and (7) respectively was also effected by boilingethanolic hydrobroniic acid, and the isolation of 2-methylaminopyridine from such a cyclization of thedimethyltetrazene (3) confirmed the mechanism to be asshown in Scheme 2. In addition to establishing theR RSCHEME 3position of alkylation of tetrazolo 1,5-apyridine thereaction also provides a route to the otherwise inacces-sible 1 -aryltetrazolo 1,5-apyridinium salts.We also considered an alternative route to the di-quaternary tetrazene (12) via oxidation of the quatern-ized pyridylhydrazine (10) with bromine. However, thisgave instead the quaternary bromo-compound (15),identical with samples prepared by direct bromination ofthe anilinopyridinium salt (14) and by quaternization ofN - (4-bromophenyl) -2-pyridylamine with methyl fluoro-sulphate followed by exchange with bromide ion onAmberlite IRA 400 (Br-) resin.EXPERIMENTALM.p.s were determined on a Kofler hot-stage apparatus andn.m.r. spectra on a Perkin-Elmer model R12A spectrometer.We thank Allen and Hanburys for a maintenance grant(to K. D. Vaughan).4/2366 Received, 12th November, 1974
机译:1232 J.C.S. Perkin IAction of Acids and Alkylating Agents on 1,4-Di-(2-pyridyl)tetraz-2-enes作者:Stephen Anderson, Edward E. Glover,' and Kenneth D. Vaughan, Department of Chemistry, Teesside报道了标题化合物的合成及其通过酸或烷基化剂转化为 1 -取代的四唑并[1,5-a]吡啶盐。理工学院,米德尔斯堡,克利夫兰 TS1 3BAIN 鉴于目前对二季四苯作为短效非去极化神经肌肉阻滞剂的兴趣,lW2 合成了 1,4-二(2-吡啶基)四氮-2-烯 (3) 和 (4) 的二季衍生物 (11) 和 (12)。四氮(3)和(4)是在(1)的氧化过程中获得的。然而,用碘甲烷或氟硫酸甲酯处理四氮(3)或(4)并没有产生二季四氮[(11)或(12)J,而是分别得到1-甲基和L-苯基四唑并[1,5-a]吡啶鎓盐反应物产物苯基-2-吡啶-(2)亚硝胺4(4-0g)inMeOH(60ml)和HOAc(10g)+锌粉(18g)在H,O(20ml)0Ac中,Ω(0.46g)在Et中,O(5毫升) a(2)(0-86 g)在 bkOH (6 ml) + 胸罩 (0.8 g) 在 MeOH (2) (0-8 g) 中 在 Eta0 (10 ml) + (9)N-(fi-溴苯基)-2-吡啶胺氢溴酸盐N-(对溴苯基)-2-吡啶胺 0N-(对溴苯基)-2-吡啶胺苦味酸盐(6毫升) '表1吡啶碱(%) M.p. (“C) Cryst.solvent C H N C H N26.5 c 70.9 6.2 22.4 71.3 6.0 22.7发现 (yo) Rqd. (%)收率 --68-3 5.9 18.66 68.7 6.8 18.6 77 163 8 甲氧磷41220-222 乙醇-乙醚0 40.0 3.2 8.3 40.0 3.06 8.6128-130 MeOH-H,O 52.6 3.0 11.2 53.0 3-6 11-28234-238 MeNO, 42-6 2.8 14.76 42.7 2.6 14.6将亚硝基化合物的溶液滴加到冰冷的锌粉水悬浮液中,将混合物再搅拌一小时。然后将水(60ml)加入合并的滤液中,洗涤液和用乙醚提取的溶液,每个提取物用少许水洗涤。将合并的Iayer水溶液用26%氢氧化钠碱化至pH 11,并用乙醚(2×200ml)重新提取,每个提取物依次用水(15ml)洗涤。蒸发合并的乙醚提取物,残留物再次用乙醚萃取。Lit.,6 b.p. 140' a t 0.2mmHg.6 熔体重新凝固形成针状,在 186 英寸处重熔。然后加入乙醚,过滤掉沉淀的艾德罗溴酸盐。溴原子的位置来自含有0.3摩尔当量的移位试剂三-(2,2,6,6-四甲基庚烷-3,6-二酮酸)铕-(1x1)的氘代氯仿中的1H n.m.r.光谱。杂芳族质子和苯环质子产生的信号分离良好,后者的信号表现出典型的AA'XX'模式。然后过滤溶液,并用甲醇(10ml)洗涤残留物。干燥的eytract是;然后蒸发,残余的肼通过失灵净化。C B.p. 123' a t 0-6 mmHg.分离出的乙酰基衍生物被过滤掉并重结晶。f 搅拌溶液,滴加溴溶液。表2溴氧化发现 (yo) Rqd- (%)收率 Cryst.r- 7-反应物 产物 (yo) M.p. (“C) 溶剂 C H N C H N(1) (2.0 g) 在 MeOH (3 ml) + 饱和水溶液中。Br,(30毫升)(3)22 137-138 MeOH 69.2 6-9 34-4 69.5 6-8 34.7(2)(1.3g)在MeOH(3毫升)+饱和水溶液中。Br, (30 ml) (4) 19 146O MeCN 71-8 5.0 23.0 72.1 4-96 22-9(10) (0-3 g) (sat. aq. soln.) + sat. aq.Br, (36 ml) (16) 19 293-294 EtOM 42.1 4-0 7.96 41.9 3.6 8.1(16) 163-166 MeCN 44.0 3.3 14.1 43.9 2-9 14.2苦黄胺 将饱和溴水溶液大量加入到搅拌溶液中。然后将混合物碱化并研磨,得到被吃掉的四氮。氯仿重结晶得到化合物,熔点243',其分析数据与结构(6)一致(发现:C,36.0;H,3.1;N, 21.6.ClaHl,Br,N, 需要 C, 36-0;H,3.0;N,21.0%)。分解。批量添加。然后将溶液研磨,得到深色油,将其分离并用丙酮煮沸。在丙酮溶液中加入乙醚,得到黄色油,分离并用乙醇研磨,得到溴化物,溴化物被析出。 e用甲醇溴处理(14)的甲醇溶液,用丙酮煮沸沉淀的过溴酸盐,收率为78%。得到少量甲醇不溶性物质。在中等收率BP中氧化得到相应的2-吡啶基肼(1)和(2)与溴,少量的溴化四氮(5)为1 C.E. Blogg, T. M. Savage, J. C. Simpson, L. A. Ross, andB.R.辛普森,Pvoc。罗伊。Soc. Med., 1973, 66, 1023.a D. Jack and E. E. Glover, B.P. 1,342,713/1974.A. E. Tschitschibabin and I. L. Knunjanz, Bey., 1928 61,2216.936.(6)和(7);甲基化合物(6)与四唑并[L,Li-A]-吡啶(8)与甲基碘进行季铵化反应得到的样品相同。四氮杂环(3)和(4)环化为溴化四唑吡啶-G。Palazzo and L. Baiocchi, Ann. Clzkm. (意大利), 1966, 56,4 0.费舍尔。Ber., 1899, 82, 12971975 1233(12) Phi(131反应物(9) (0.2 g ) + MeOS0,F(13) (0.4g) + 48% HBr (6ml)(9) (0-6 g) + Me1 (3 ml) 和 MeOH2-苯胺基吡啶 (0.86 g) 在 CHCl,(10 ml) + MeOS0,F (0.67 g)(0.24 g ) + Me1 (3 ml) 和 MeCN(4) (0.08 g) 在 EtOH (20 ml) 和 48%(3) (0.3 g) + Me1 (3) (0.2 g ) + Me1 (2) (3) (0.1 g) 在 EtOH (20 ml) 中和 48%(3(3 ml)HBr (0-2 ml) f(3 ml) 6HBr (0.07 ml) mOSOzF'(15)SCHEMEe1表 3季盐x (%I M.P. (“C)产量80 14328 172-17426 172-17482 166-166I 38 216-217C10,P 31 243-244Br 234I J 3 9 k 199I j 60 200Br 84 234Cryst.solventMeOH-Et,OE tOH-E t,OE tOH-Et a 0EtOHMeNO,MeN0,-Et,OMeN0,-Et,OMeOH-E t,OMeOH-Et,OMeNOa-E tgOFound (%) Rqd. (%)r------i 7-C H N C H N49.5 4.8 12.2 49.3 4.7 12.340.1 4-3 11.8 39.9 4.2 11.650.9 4.96 9.8 60.7 4.6 9-940.8 2-5 17-4 40.8 2.8 17.344.0 3.3 18.7 44.6 3.1 18.946.2 3.5 19.6 46.6 3.8 19*7b27.6 2.95 21.2 27.5 2.7 21.427.6 3.7 21.4 27.5 2.7 21-433.5 3.3 26.05 33.3 3.1 25.8将反应混合物保持在0“C,直到所有固体溶解。然后研磨得到氟硫酸盐,其中残留物是残留物加入滴-溶液在回流下煮沸过夜,I溶液在回流下煮沸2.6小时,然后在下蒸发至干尝试使硝基甲烷-醚中的残留物重结晶,得到一种胶,将其溶解在氯仿中然后蒸发掉氯仿,残留物重结晶Grst也通过用70%高氯酸处理从碘化物中得到。加入乙醚析出粗品,蒸发甲醇水溶液后,再蒸发,然后蒸发,冷却后滤去冷却分离的溴化物,滤液蒸发至蒸发后的干燥提取物蒸发,滤去处理残渣,然后重结晶,然后用16%HBr(6ml)煮沸6分钟,再次蒸发至干。搅拌溶液后冷却,减压滤出产物。(16毫升),并用70%高氯酸(3滴)处理,从乙醇醚中,然后从硝基甲醚中过滤掉产物,起始四氮(0.16克),消耗的起始材料,残留物重结晶。在初期沉淀中加入乙醚,干燥,得到2-甲氨基吡啶苦味酸酯,熔点189-190“,与真实样品相同。将溶液在回流下煮沸1 h,并在减压下蒸发至干。然后对残留物进行重结晶。将分离出的干旱产品过滤掉。6将溶液在回流下煮沸17小时,然后冷却。两个样品是相同的(ix.光谱和混合m.p.)。将反应混合物在密封管中加热 a t 100“C 20 hm 反应混合物在回流下煮沸 2 h,残渣碱化并用乙醚萃取。 R. G. Fargher 和 R. Furness, J .哎呀。SOL, 1916, 6881234 J.C.S.Perkin Iides (6) 和 (7) 也分别受到沸腾乙醇氢溴联酸的影响,并且从二甲基四氮 (3) 的这种环化中分离出 2-甲氨基吡啶证实了方案 2 中所示的机制。除了建立四唑并[1,5-a]吡啶烷基化的R RSCHEME 3位置外,还为1-芳基四唑并[1,5-a]吡啶鎓盐提供了一条途径。我们还考虑了通过用溴氧化季铠基吡啶肼 (10) 来替代二季四氮 (12)。然而,这反而得到了季溴化合物(15),与苯胺吡啶盐(14)直接溴化和N-(4-溴苯基)-2-吡啶胺与氟硫酸甲酯四溴化后在Amberlite IRA 400(Br-)树脂上与溴离子交换制备的样品相同。EXPERIMENTALM.p.s是在Kofler热阶段仪器和n.m.r.上测定的。Perkin-Elmer R12A 型光谱仪上的光谱。我们感谢 Allen 和 Hanburys 的维护补助金(给 KD Vaughan)。[4/2366 收稿日期: 1974-11-12




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