
Portable Power


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Without batteries, more than 500,000 Americans would not have woken up on time this morning. Nearly 150 million would be stuck in traffic with dead engines. And 400 million would be talking to themselves on their dead cell phones. From pacemakers to wristwatches, the human dependency on a battery-powered life has never been greater. Consumer electronics products are predicted to reach a record $99.5 billion in sales this year, an increase of 3.5 percent from 2002, according to the Consumer Electronics Association. While the number of portable electronic devices is on the rise, it is often the more environmentally harmful batteries that provide the power. A major problem with batteries is not so much the batteries themselves, but inefficient use and disposal by confused consumers.
机译:如果没有电池,超过50万美国人今天早上就不会准时醒来。近 1.5 亿人将因发动机没电而堵车。4亿人会用他们没电的手机自言自语。从心脏起搏器到手表,人类对电池供电生活的依赖从未如此之大。根据美国消费电子协会(Consumer Electronics Association)的数据,预计今年消费电子产品的销售额将达到创纪录的995亿美元,比2002年增长3.5%。虽然便携式电子设备的数量正在增加,但提供电力的往往是对环境危害更大的电池。电池的一个主要问题不是电池本身,而是困惑的消费者的低效使用和处置。




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