首页> 外文期刊>European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience >Neural processing of the own child's facial emotions in mothers with a history of early life maltreatment

Neural processing of the own child's facial emotions in mothers with a history of early life maltreatment


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Early life maltreatment (ELM) has long-lasting effects on social interaction. When interacting with their own child, women with ELM often report difficulties in parenting and show reduced maternal sensitivity. Sensitive maternal behavior requires the recognition of the child's emotional state depicted in its facial emotions. Based on previous studies, it can be expected that ELM affects the neural processing of facial emotions by altering activation patterns in parts of the brain's empathy and mentalizing networks. However, so far studies have focused on the processing of standardized, adult facial emotions. Therefore, the current study investigated the impact of ELM on the processing of one's own child's facial emotions using functional magnetic resonance imaging. To achieve this, 27 mothers with and 26 mothers without a history of ELM (all without current mental disorders and psychopharmacological treatment) took part in an emotional face recognition paradigm with happy, sad, and neutral faces of their own and an unknown primary school-aged child of the same age and sex. We found elevated activations in regions of the mentalizing (superior temporal sulcus, precuneus) and mirror neuron (inferior parietal lobule) networks as well as in the visual face processing network (cuneus, middle temporal gyrus) in mothers with ELM compared to the non-maltreated mothers in response to happy faces of their own child. This suggests a more effortful processing and cognitive empathic mentalizing of the own child's facial happiness in mothers with ELM. Future research should address whether this might indicate a compensatory recruitment of mentalizing capacities to maintain maternal sensitivity.
机译:早期生活虐待 (ELM) 对社会互动有长期影响。在与自己的孩子互动时,患有ELM的妇女经常报告在养育子女方面有困难,并表现出对母亲的敏感性降低。敏感的母亲行为需要识别孩子的面部情绪所描绘的情绪状态。根据先前的研究,可以预期ELM通过改变大脑部分移情和心理网络的激活模式来影响面部情绪的神经处理。然而,到目前为止,研究主要集中在标准化的成人面部情绪的处理上。因此,本研究利用功能性磁共振成像研究了ELM对自己孩子面部情绪处理的影响。为了实现这一目标,27 名有 ELM 病史的母亲和 26 名没有 ELM 病史的母亲(均未接受过当前精神障碍和精神药物治疗)参与了情绪人脸识别范式,这些人具有自己的快乐、悲伤和中性面孔,以及一个未知的同龄和性别的小学适龄儿童。我们发现,与未受虐待的母亲相比,患有ELM的母亲在心理化(颞上沟,楔前叶)和镜像神经元(顶叶下)网络以及视觉面部处理网络(楔内,颞中回)区域的激活升高,以应对自己孩子的快乐面孔。这表明,在患有ELM的母亲中,对自己孩子的面部幸福感进行了更努力的处理和认知移情心理化。未来的研究应该解决这是否可能表明心理能力的补偿性招募,以保持母亲的敏感性。




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