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Preliminary experiments on the development of extensive culture methods for juvenile sole,Solea solea(L.)

机译:幼年鳎鱼粗养方法发展的初步试验,Solea solea(L.)



Abstract.The effect of different levels of organic enrichment on benthic productivity was studied over a 16‐week period in trays of sediment placed in a fertilized seawater pond. Primary and secondary planktonic production were also monitored. The exploitation of these sources of food by juvenile sole and their growth and survival over an 8‐week period were assessed.The colonization of the sediments showed a marked succession. Nematodes were numerically the most abundant group and reached a peak after about 8 weeks. This was followed by a peak in the abundance of epibenthic copepods after 11 weeks. The maximum numbers of poiychaetes and larger Crustacea (mainly amphipods) occurred at the end of the trial (15 weeks). The high‐organic sediment supported fewer polychaetes and copepods than either the low‐ or medium‐organic sediments. The species composition of the benthos varied both with the level of organic enrichment and with time. Peaks of zooplankton concentrations of 23 to 25 organisms/l occurred during the spring and late summer. There was some evidence of an inverse relationship between zooplankton abundance and standing crop of algae, as indicated by chlorophyll a concentrations.Harpacticoid copepods were the dominant food item consumed by small (21‐50mm total length) sole. Polychaetes, amphipods and Crangon spp. were exploited by large (61‐90mm total length) sole to a much greater extent, though harpacticoid copepods were also commonly taken.The percentage increase in length of the juvenile sole at low‐, medium‐ and high‐organic levels was 108, 146 and 152 respectively. Survival, however, was highest (100) on the untreated sediment and lowest (57) at the m
机译:摘要:在施肥海水池中放置的沉积物盘中研究了不同有机富集水平对底栖生产力的影响,历时16周。还监测了初级和次级浮游生物的生产。评估了幼年鳎鱼对这些食物来源的利用及其在 8 周内的生长和存活情况。沉积物的定植显示出明显的演替。线虫数量最多,约8周后达到峰值。随后在11周后,底栖桡足类的丰度达到顶峰。poiychaetes 和较大的甲壳类动物(主要是两栖动物)的最大数量发生在试验结束时(15 周)。与低有机或中等有机沉积物相比,高有机沉积物支持的多毛类和桡足类动物更少。底栖生物的物种组成随有机富集程度和时间而变化。浮游动物浓度达到23至25个/升的高峰期,发生在春季和夏末。有证据表明,浮游动物的丰度与藻类的现存作物之间存在反比关系,如叶绿素a浓度所示。Harpacticoid桡足类是小型(总长度为21-50mm)鳎鱼的主要食物。多毛类动物、两栖类动物和Crangon spp.被大型(总长度为61-90毫米)的鳎鱼在更大程度上利用,尽管harpacticoid桡足类动物也经常被捕获。在低、中、高有机水平下,幼年鞋底长度增加的百分比分别为108、146和152。然而,未经处理的沉积物的存活率最高(100%),而m的存活率最低(57%)




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