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Pile driving models for the evaluation of soil penetration resistance measurements from planetary subsurface probes


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Several planetary lander missions conducted in the past and planned for the near future have instruments on board, which are dedicated to the determination of various material properties, among them mechanical properties of the surface like material strength and penetration resistance. In this paper two instruments are considered in more detail: (i) the MUPUS penetrator, a device aboard the Lander Philae of ESA's Rosetta mission, and (ii) the Mole HP3, which is part of the payload of NASA's next Discovery mission InSight, due for landing on Mars in 2016. Both devices are driven by hammering mechanisms designed to work under low or micro-gravity conditions and blaze themselves a trail into the subsurface of their respective target bodies. Naturally the speed with which this process takes place and if penetration is possible at all depends on the mechanical properties of the soil. However, a quantitative evaluation of soil mechanical parameters from measured depth-versus-time data is not a straightforward task. In this paper we apply an old technique, originally developed for modelling the driving of a pile into the ground, to describe the performance of penetrators and Moles developed for planetary applications. The numerical pile driving model of Smith (1962) is scaled and adapted for this purpose and used to predict the penetration behaviour of these instruments in dependence of their internal construction and the properties of the soil they are driven in. The model computes the permanent set of the surrounding soil in response to one hammer blow cycle as well as the oscillations and waves excited inside the devices and in the surrounding soil. Both the penetration resistance of the tip and the resistance caused by friction of the penetrator along the cylindrical side wall are calculated. By comparing the modelling results with previous laboratory measurements it is demonstrated that the models produce realistic results and can be used both as tools for proper design of future penetration devices and for the evaluation of soil-mechanical properties from measured penetration data. The most sensitive soil parameter controlling penetration progress per stroke is the ultimate static beating capacity of the ground. Although the method used for our calculations is essentially the same as that applied by Smith (1962) for describing the behaviour of long and heavy piles in geotechnical engineering, it is found that the penetration process for such small and light weight systems takes place in a quite different way. While for the former secondary oscillations are irrelevant for the determination of the permanent set caused by one stroke, in the latter the penetration in response to one hammer stroke takes place in many small increments, until a stable depth is reached. Our model describes the full dynamic behaviour of the system over an arbitrary time span and has the potential to be adapted to systems with other geometrical dimensions and masses, as long as the diameter/length ratio of the probe remains reasonably small. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:过去进行并计划在不久的将来进行的几次行星着陆器任务都有仪器,专门用于确定各种材料特性,其中包括表面的机械性能,如材料强度和抗穿透性。在本文中,更详细地考虑了两种仪器:(i)MUPUS穿透器,欧空局罗塞塔任务的Lander Philae上的装置,以及(ii)Mole HP3,这是NASA下一次发现任务InSight的有效载荷的一部分,将于2016年登陆火星。这两种装置都由锤击机构驱动,这些机构设计用于在低重力或微重力条件下工作,并在各自目标物体的地下开辟出一条小径。当然,这个过程发生的速度以及是否可能渗透取决于土壤的机械性能。然而,根据测量的深度与时间数据对土壤力学参数进行定量评估并不是一项简单的任务。在本文中,我们应用了一种旧技术,该技术最初是为模拟将桩打入地下而开发的,以描述为行星应用开发的穿透器和鼹鼠的性能。Smith (1962) 的数值打桩模型为此进行了缩放和调整,并用于预测这些仪器的穿透行为,具体取决于其内部结构和它们所打入的土壤的性质。该模型计算了响应一个锤击循环的周围土壤的永久集合,以及设备内部和周围土壤中激发的振荡和波浪。计算了针尖的穿透阻力和穿刺器沿圆柱侧壁摩擦引起的阻力。通过将建模结果与以前的实验室测量结果进行比较,证明这些模型产生了真实的结果,并且既可以用作正确设计未来渗透装置的工具,也可以用作从测量的渗透数据中评估土壤力学特性的工具。控制每冲程掘进进度的最敏感土体参数是地表的极限静态跳动能力。尽管我们用于计算的方法与Smith(1962)用于描述岩土工程中长而重桩行为的方法基本相同,但发现这种小型和轻量级系统的贯入过程以完全不同的方式进行。对于前者,次级振荡与确定由一次击程引起的永久定型无关,而在后者中,响应于一次锤击的穿透以许多小增量发生,直到达到稳定的深度。我们的模型描述了系统在任意时间跨度内的完整动态行为,并且只要探头的直径/长度比保持相当小,就有可能适应具有其他几何尺寸和质量的系统。(C) 2015 爱思唯尔有限公司保留所有权利。




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