首页> 外文期刊>IEICE transactions on information and systems >Partial Derivative Guidance for Weak Classifier Mining in Pedestrian Detection

Partial Derivative Guidance for Weak Classifier Mining in Pedestrian Detection

机译:Partial Derivative Guidance for Weak Classifier Mining in Pedestrian Detection

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Boosting over weak classifiers is widely used in pedestrian detection. As the number of weak classifiers is large, researchers always use a sampling method over weak classifiers before training. The sampling makes the boosting process harder to reach the fixed target. In this paper, we propose a partial derivative guidance for weak classifier mining method which can be used in conjunction with a boosting algorithm. Using weak classifier mining method makes the sampling less degraded in the performance. It has the same effect as testing more weak classifiers while using acceptable time. Experiments demonstrate that our algorithm can process quicker than 1 algorithm in both training and testing, without any performance decrease. The proposed algorithms is easily extending to any other boosting algorithms using a window-scanning style and HOG-like features.




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