首页> 外文期刊>Transportation research, Part A. Policy and practice >The impact of a congestion pricing exemption on the demand for new energy efficient vehicles in Stockholm

The impact of a congestion pricing exemption on the demand for new energy efficient vehicles in Stockholm


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As governments seek to transition to more efficient vehicle fleets, one strategy has been to incentivize 'green' vehicle choice by exempting some of these vehicles from road user charges. As an example, to stimulate sales of energy efficient vehicles (EEVs) in Sweden, some of these automobiles were exempted from Stockholm's congestion tax. In this paper the effect this policy had on the demand for new, privately-owned, exempt EEVs is assessed by first estimating a model of vehicle choice and then by applying this model to simulate vehicle alternative market shares under different policy scenarios. The database used to calibrate the model includes owner-specific demographics merged with vehicle registry data for all new private vehicles registered in Stockholm County during 2008. Characteristics of individuals with a higher propensity to purchase an exempt EEV were identified. The most significant factors included intra-cordon residency (positive), distance from home to the CBD (negative), and commuting across the cordon (positive). By calculating vehicle shares from the vehicle choice model and then comparing these estimates to a simulated scenario where the congestion tax exemption was inactive, the exemption was estimated to have substantially increased the share of newly purchased, private, exempt EEVs in Stockholm by 1.8 (±0.3; 95 C.I.) to a total share of 18.8. This amounts to an estimated 10.7 increase in private, exempt EEV purchases during 2008, i.e., 519 privately owned, exempt EEVs.
机译:随着政府寻求向更高效的车队过渡,其中一项策略是通过免除其中一些车辆的道路使用费来激励“绿色”车辆的选择。例如,为了刺激瑞典节能汽车 (EEV) 的销售,其中一些汽车免征了斯德哥尔摩的拥堵税。本文首先通过估计车辆选择模型,然后应用该模型模拟不同政策情景下的车辆替代市场份额,评估了该政策对新的、私人拥有的、豁免的EEV的需求的影响。用于校准该模型的数据库包括特定于车主的人口统计数据,这些人口统计数据与2008年在斯德哥尔摩县注册的所有新私家车的车辆登记数据合并。确定了具有较高购买豁免 EEV 倾向的个人的特征。最重要的因素包括警戒线内的居住率(阳性)、从家到CBD的距离(阴性)和跨越警戒线的通勤(阳性)。通过从车辆选择模型中计算车辆份额,然后将这些估计值与拥堵税豁免无效的模拟场景进行比较,据估计,该豁免使斯德哥尔摩新购买的私人免税EEV的份额大幅增加了1.8%(±0.3%;95%的CI),总份额为18.8%。这相当于2008年私人豁免EEV购买量估计增加了10.7%,即,519 个私人拥有的豁免 EEV。




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