首页> 外文期刊>Journal of mental health research in intellectual disabilities >A Critical Review of Screening and Diagnostic Instruments for Autism Spectrum Disorders in People with Sensory Impairments in Addition to Intellectual Disabilities

A Critical Review of Screening and Diagnostic Instruments for Autism Spectrum Disorders in People with Sensory Impairments in Addition to Intellectual Disabilities


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Instruments that are used for diagnosing of, or screening for, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may not be applicable to people with sensory disabilities in addition to intellectual disabilities. First, because they do not account for equifinality, the possibility that different conditions may lead to the same outcome. Second, because they do not have appropriate norms for this target population. The current study reviewed 20 instruments commonly used in the assessment of screening for and diagnosing ASD. Reviewed were: purpose, number of items, psychometric properties (norms, reliability, and validity), test availability, and item applicability for people with sensory and intellectual disabilities. Most instruments did not have norms for the target population and all instruments consisted of a quarter or more of invalid items. When using current instruments, caution is required in interpreting test results. For proper assessment of ASD in people with sensory and intellectual disabilities, more instruments are needed that are adapted to the sensory and intellectual disabilities of this population.
机译:用于诊断或筛查自闭症谱系障碍 (ASD) 的工具可能不适用于除智力障碍外的感觉障碍患者。首先,由于它们没有考虑等效性,因此不同条件可能导致相同结果的可能性。其次,因为他们没有针对这一目标人群的适当规范。目前的研究回顾了 20 种常用用于评估 ASD 筛查和诊断的工具。审查的内容是:目的、项目数量、心理测量特性(规范、信度和效度)、测试可用性以及项目对感官和智力障碍人士的适用性。大多数文书没有针对目标人群的规范,所有文书都由四分之一或更多的无效项目组成。使用当前仪器时,在解释测试结果时需要谨慎。为了正确评估感觉和智力障碍患者的 ASD,需要更多的工具来适应该人群的感觉和智力障碍。




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